
O son of Umayr, you are the first glorious one

أيا ابن عمير أنت أول ماجد

1. O son of Umayr, you are the first glorious one
Whose love I sought, and he is most generous

١. أَيا ابنَ عُميرٍ أَنتَ أَول ماجِدٍ
خَطَبْتُ اليه وُدَّهُ وهو بَاذِلُ

2. And I appealed to him when I saw him
Praised by people with the finest praise

٢. وخضتُ اليه الجمع لما رأَيتُه
تُشِيرُ اليه بالثناءِ الأَنامِلُ

3. Help me against a time whose calamities
Seem endless, ceaseless in their onslaught

٣. أَعِنّى على دَهْرٍ كأَنَّ صُروفَهُ
لها دِمنٌ ما تَنْقَضِي وَطَوائِلُ

4. I am the target, though he remains obscure
So none can guide me, but misfortunes find their mark

٤. أَنا الغرضُ المَرميُّ دونَ شُخُوصِهِ
فما تَهتَدي الاَّ اِليَّ الغَوائِلُ

5. Melancholy's whim has struck me, and its advocate assails me
Its cure is not life, nor is it fatal

٥. وَهَمٌّ بَراني شَجْوُهُ وَدَخِيلُهُ
فلا دَاؤُهُ محيٍ ولا هو قاتِل

6. I called on you, hoping for none but you, while between us
Are men of great honor, exalted and attaining their goal

٦. دعوتكَ لا أَرجو سِواكَ وبيننا
رجالٌ لهم عِزٌّ عزيز ونائِلُ

7. They wish you'd take on their heavy burdens
Yet no people can bear what you have borne

٧. يَوَدُّونَ لو حَمَّلْتَهُمْ ثِقلَ حَاجَةٍ
ولا يَحْمِلُ الأَقوامُ ما أَنتَ حَامِلُ

8. If nothing but generosity is the spoils of war
Then be a generous neighbor whose pact endures

٨. اذا لم يكن اِلاَّ الجوارُ غنيمةً
فجاور كريماً حَبْلهُ لكَ واصِلُ

9. If beneath pressing woes you heed his call
He comes to you, undistracted by other cares

٩. اذا أَنتَ تحتَ المُرْهفاتِ دَعَوتَهُ
أَتاكَ ولم تَشْغَلهُ عنكَ الشَّواغِلُ

10. He shields you from the suspicious glance, but only
You are protected if you scorn contempt

١٠. يَقيكَ من اللحظِ المريبِ وانما
تُصانُ اذا لك تَبْتَذِلْكَ المَبَاذِلُ

11. Far different is a lord whose aid is not withheld
From one whose aid is hoped for while he fails you

١١. وشتانُ مولىً لا يُغِبُّكَ نصره
ومولىً يُمنى نَصْرَهُ وهو خَاذِلُ

12. Abu Talib, burden them with it, let the people believe
The agony of a guardian who does not falter

١٢. أَبا طالبٍ كاثِرْ بها القومَ واعتقدْ
مَضَنّةَ مشفوقٍ بها لا يُبَادِلُ

13. For if you oblige, you oblige bounties
To requite you - the finest words I can utter

١٣. فَانَّكَ انْ أوجبتَ شُكْرَكَ أَوجَبَتْ
لكَ المكرماتُ خيرَ ما أنا قائِلُ

14. And poems will journey like the sun in praising you
Their memories renewed at dawn and dusk

١٤. وسارتْ مسيرَ الشَّمسِ فيكَ قَصَائِدٌ
يُجَدِّدُ ذِكراهَا الضُّحَى والأَصائِلُ