
If the swords of turmoil could speak

إن أسياف الوغى لو نطقت

1. If the swords of turmoil could speak
They would complain of missing my people's lament

١. إنّ أسيافَ الوَغى لو نَطَقَتْ
لشكتْ من فقْدِ قَومي مُشتَكى

2. O sons of Saad son of Ghaith son of Rada'
Death has drunk you like spilled blood

٢. يا بني سعدِ بنِ غيثِ بنِ رَدَى
شَرِبَ الموتُ بكم ما سَفَكا

3. And after you the morn is mortgaged
To fruits that do not ripen on branches

٣. وغَدا بعدَكم مُرتَهَناً
بثمادٍ لا يَبُلُّ الحَنَكا

4. What people in the soil whose honor
The sun exposed and crossed the orbit

٤. أيُّ قومٍ في الثّرى عِزُّهُمُ
هَتَكَ الشّمْسَ وجازَ الفَلَكا

5. Time looked upon them with a look
That made it happy then made it cry

٥. نَظَرَ الدّهْرُ عليهِم نظرةً
جُنَّ مِنْها فَرِحاً ثمَّ بَكى