1. My beloved, do not hurry me, let me be
And settle in the abode of wisdom and wait for me
١. خليليَّ لا تستعجِلا وَدَعَاني
وحلاّ بدارِ الحزمِ وانتظِراني
2. This religion has not been for one year
Yet today it is what you see
٢. لَم يكُ هَذا الدّينُ سنةَ واحدٍ
وأصبحَ منهُ اليومَ ما تريانِ
3. The flames burn the sand dunes of the two valleys
And a man's zeal is gathered after confusion
٣. تُحرقُ دوحَ الواديينِ شرارةٌ
ويجمعُ جَدَّ المرءِ بعدَ حِرانِ
4. It is as if you both did not know the war of Wa'il
And what it seized from Sa'dah and horses
٤. كأنّكما لم تعلَما حربَ وائلٍ
وما استلبتْ من صَعدَةٍ وحِصانِ
5. And the killing of Kalib over the she-camel of Jirrirah
When he did not fear the crime of demons
٥. وقتلَ كليبٍ في جريرةِ ناقةٍ
وقد كانَ لا يَخشى جِنايةَ جانِ
6. And 'Abs spread their swords in the wager
So they perished by them while they were transient
٦. وعبسٌ أذاعُوا في الرّهانِ سيوفَهُم
فافنوا بها الإعمارَ وهي فَوانِ
7. And the necks inclined poetry toward their throats
To the heat of a true and piercing strike
٧. وأسندتِ الشَّعرَ الرقابُ نحورُها
إلى حَرِّ ضربٍ صادقٍ وطِعانِ
8. Oh a man who humbles me from passion
Which in its depths my glory is destroyed
٨. ألا رَجُلٌ يستلُّني من هَويّةٍ
تهدَّمَ بي في قعرِها الرَّجَوانِ
9. And a master like the master of a wolf who smelled his howl
He saw time throwing my cheeks spears
٩. ومولىً كمولى الذئبِ شمَ نجيعَهُ
رأى الدهرَ يَرمي صفحتي فرَماني
10. He called me while the sands were between us
So why did he call me while the spears were close?
١٠. دعاني وعَرضُ الرملِ بين وبينَه
فألاّ دَعاني والرماحُ دوانِ
11. If my spear does not reach his heart
Then my teeth in the hearts are my tongue
١١. فإنْ كانَ رمحي ليس يبلُغُ قلبَه
فإنّ سِناني في القُلوبِ لساني
12. And he carried the travelers of the road his threats
So he knew the far off laughter when I came to him
١٢. وحمّلَ ركبانَ الطريقِ وعيده
فعلم سنى الضّحكَ حين أتاني
13. And I said to the one who delivered the message, tell him
I will deny these words when I see him
١٣. وقلتُ لمن أدى الرّسالةَ قل لهُ
ستُنكِرُ هَذا القولَ حين تَراني
14. So he fell slain to the threat as if I
Bent the slim-waisted spear for him
١٤. فخرّ صَريعاً للوعيد كأنّني
ثَنيتُ له بالسّمهريِّ بَناني
15. What! Did Sa'd conquer all the glory?
You conquered hatred and malice
١٥. أأنْ غلبتْ سعدٌ على المجدِ كلِّه
غلبتَ على البغضاءِ والشنآنِ
16. Indeed, their bones have worn out under the dust
While your hatred does not wear out over time
١٦. فقد بَليتْ تحت الترابِ عِظامُهُمْ
وغيظُك لا يَبلى على الحَدثانِ
17. They toss and turn in its folds and coldness
The clan of Wa'il miserably in the evil of times
١٧. تُلفَّتُ في أعطافِها وبُرودِها
بني وائلٍ تعساً لشرِّ زَمانِ
18. Does the beauty of their bodies benefit the youth
When morals are not good?
١٨. وهل ينفعُ الفتيانَ حسنُ جسومِهِمْ
إذا كانت الأعراضُ غيرَ حِسانِ
19. So do not take beauty as evidence of the young man
Not every polished iron is Yemani
١٩. فلا تجعل الحسنَ الدليلَ على الفتى
فما كلُّ مصقولِ الحديدِ يمانِ
20. By my life, misguidance surely led our riding beasts
To the worst of creatures from animals
٢٠. لعَمري لقد قادَ الضلالُ ركابَنا
إلى شرِّ مخلوقٍ من الحَيوانِ
21. They refused to temper our necks with estrangement
While their eyes weep from affection
٢١. أبَوا أنْ يبلوا في الهَجيرِ حلوقنا
وأعينُها تَدمى من الهَمَلانِ
22. Had they neighbored Wahb, he would have cut their ropes
And removed their burdens from the shoulder and cloak
٢٢. ولو جاورتْ وهباً لقصَّ حِبالَها
وأثقالَها عن منكبٍ وجِرانِ
23. He would have pressed their knees to his bosom
And said, "Return before the courtyards, my heavens!"
٢٣. لضمّ على أحشائِها رُكباتِها
وقال رِدي قبلَ الحياضِ جِناني
24. Yet after estrangement, I visited a young man
Who is more generous than one whose feet lead him
٢٤. وإنّ فتىً بعدَ القطيعةِ زرتُه
لأكرمُ من تمشي بهِ قدمانِ
25. He welcomed me in a cup of joy, saying
"Welcome!" He honored without humiliation
٢٥. سَقانيَ في كأسِ البشاشةِ مرحباً
ألا مرحبا أكرمتَ غيرَ مُهانِ
26. So say to the Tall Ones, Ka'b bin 'Aamir
And especially the horsemen of Hayy from Ghatafan,
٢٦. فقلْ للطّوالِ الشُّمِّ كعبِ بنِ عامرٍ
وخُصَّ سَراةَ الحيِّ من غَطَفانِ
27. And Bakr and those who carried spears from Tayy'
And those who gathered its branches, the two mountains
٢٧. وبكراً ومن حلّ القَنانَ وطيئاً
ومن ضَمَّ من أشياعِها الجَبَلانِ
28. Return and descend to the expanse of the country, for I
Have descended to the most honorable place in the world
٢٨. رِدوا وانزلوا عَرضَ البلادِ فأنّى
نزلتْ من الدُنْيا أعزَّ مكانِ
29. I hung on the weakness of ropes and their disgrace
With the strongest rope my hands tied
٢٩. علِقتُ على ضعفِ الحِبالِ وذلِّها
بأمنعِ حبلٍ علقته يدانِ
30. So fate became afraid of my arrows
And the events of time took my wishes
٣٠. فأصبحتِ الأقدارُ ترهبُ أسهمي
وتأخذُ أحداثُ الزّمانِ أماني
31. Verily, betrayal and treachery are traits in people
May God protect me from their evil and suffice me
٣١. وإنّ الخَنا والغدرَ في الناسِ شيمةٌ
كَفى اللهُ وهبا شرَّها وكفاني
32. He protected me from false suspicions and said
"Your worries are my worries and your affair is my affair"
٣٢. حماني من الظّنِّ الكذوبِ وقال لي
همومُك من همي وشانُك شاني
33. My ribs did not settle from pounding
Nor did my heart calm from palpitations
٣٣. وكانتْ ضُلوعي لا يقرُّ قرارُها
وقلبي لا يهدأ من الخَفَقانِ
34. I called upon Him for elevation, so He answered me
And I avoided asking Him, yet He initiated with me
٣٤. دعوتُ سواهُ للعُلا فأجابَني
وأجللتُه عن مَطلَبي فَبداني
35. And brought it as a generous Hatemian gift
Austere, with the two sharpened blades roaring
٣٥. وجاءَ بها كعبيةً حاتِميّةً
سجيّةَ ماضي الشفرتين هِجانِ
36. An honored gift in this time, strange
Taken care of, running without restraint
٣٦. ومكرمةً في ذا الزمانِ غريبةً
تَدارَكها تجري بغيرِ عِنانِ
37. And I have a need that, were it not for you, its seeker
Would be difficult for every settler in the lands
٣٧. ولي حاجةٌ لولاكَ عزَّ طِلابُها
على كلِّ قاصٍ في البِلادِ ودانِ
38. Those seeking it hastened to obtain it
But by your life, it is an effort in vain
٣٨. سعى نحوَها الساعونَ يبتدرونَها
ولكنّه سَعيٌ لعمرُكَ وانِ
39. They disliked equals when the hearts of the Qan split
And the two parties inclined
٣٩. هم كرِهوا الأقرانَ حينَ تزعزعَتْ
صدورُ القَنا والتفتِ الفئتانِ
40. To where are you heading while the neighbor of your homes
Pulls my pact of protection and guarantee?
٤٠. إلى أينَ وليتُم وجارُ بيوتكُم
يجاذبُ حبلي ذِمّةً وضَمانِ
41. And stays up on the walls eyeing their food
Like the wing of a crow that intended to fly
٤١. وباتَ على الجُدرانِ يَرمُقُ قوتَها
جناحا غرابٍ هَمَّ بالطّيرانِ
42. If God does not permit what you seek
No helper aids you in needs other than Him
٤٢. إذا اللهُ لم يأذنْ لِما أنتَ طالبٌ
أعانكَ في الحاجاتِ غيرُ معانِ
43. It missed the right of manliness and watched over it
For the steeds cannot do everything at all times
٤٣. تلافَ بها حقَّ المروءةِ وارعَها
فَما يُمكن الأحصانُ كلَّ أوانِ
44. And how many honored ones have I passed over their support
To you, while the rest are not paradises
٤٤. وكم من عزيزٍ قد تخطيتُ نصرَهُ
إليكَ وباقي الريقِ غيرُ جَنانِ
45. You give refuge against enemies while the piercing spears are raging
And the hyenas and wild cows are thrashing about
٤٥. تُجيرُ على الأعداءِ والطعنُ فائرُ
وبيضُ الظُّبا والهامُ يَعْتَلِجانِ
46. I used to, if an obstacle hindered a need
For a day and night that do not apologize
٤٦. وكنتُ إذا ما حاجةٌ حالَ دونَها
نهارٌ وليلٌ ليسَ يَعتذرانِ
47. I blamed its bad fate
And did not obligate the brothers for the sin of my time
٤٧. حَملتُ على سوءِ القضاءِ ملامَها
ولم أُلزمِ الإخوانَ ذنبَ زَماني
48. I wonder at this life, how it wrongs us
For the humiliation and lowliness in it
٤٨. عجِبتُ لِهذا الدهرِ كيفَ يَضيمُنا
على ما بهِ من ذِلّةٍ وهَوانِ
49. And misfortunes strike us in it after
The stars of night and the two moons saw you
٤٩. وتَطرُقُنا فيه المناحِسُ بعدَما
رأتكَ نجومُ الليلِ والقمرانِ
50. Had there been a creation above it, you would be above it
For this world is nothing, nor are the two burdens
٥٠. ولو كان خَلقٌ فوقَها كنتَ فوقَه
فما هذه الدنيا وما الثَّقلانِ
51. I saw my tongue envying my conscience about you
And my lips envying it in praising you
٥١. رأيتُ لساني فيكَ يحسِدُ خاطري
وتحسُدُه في مدحِكَ الشّفتانِ
52. So oh God, grant me the companionship of Wahb and his nearness
And rupture after bringing close whom You will
٥٢. فيا ربِّ هَبْ لي وصلَ وهبٍ وقربَهُ
وصدعْ هَوى من شئتَ بعد تَدانِ
53. For I swear had it not been for his generosity and loyalty
I would have greeted my sword and embraced my spear
٥٣. فأقْسِمُ لوْلا بذلُه ووفاؤهُ
لصافحتُ سيفي واعتنقتُ سِناني