1. Why is there no shepherd at the pasture today
Except for the deafness of the bell, a deafness that deafens?
١. مالها اليومَ بالمَضِيعَةِ راعٍ
غيرُ صُمِّ القَنا مَنَاعَ مَنَاعِ
2. Sa'd and the Ghuttarif have been absent from aiding it
The tribes of Qa'qa' have attacked and subdued it
٢. غابَ عن نصرها الهجيمُ وسعد
والغطاريفُ من بنى القَعْقَاعِ
3. It did not deter them with mightiness so that
The traces of its stabs do not echo at the pasture
٣. لجموها بالسَّمْهَرِيَّةِ ما تُر
قع آثارُ طعنها بالقَاعِ
4. No lowing at the watering places, nor grazing
In a chain from among the forearms
٤. لا يُنَهْنِهْنَ في المناهلِ أَو يك
رعنَ في سَلْسَلٍ من الأَدراعِ
5. And the swords that were sheathed to protect
And death in their concealed inner thoughts
٥. والسيوفُ التي كتمنَ حِفاظاً
والمنايا في سِرهنَّ المُذَاعِ
6. Every weak, defeated person is counted as a rebel
Due to his changing of color and radiance
٦. كلُّ واني المَهَزِّ يُحسَب مرتا
عاً لِتلْوِينِ لونهِ والشُّعَاعِ
7. And the rough cloaked ones from the Arabian peninsula
Whose palms obey after conflict
٧. والقِسيُّ المعطفات من النب
ع تطيعُ الاكفَ بعدَ نِزَاعِ
8. Like the ribs of pregnant she-camels, they stirred heroes
That are not guaranteed to be faithful to covenants
٨. كضلوع الاوعال حفِز نَبلاً
غيرَ مأمونةٍ على الأَضلاعِ
9. God sought through hatred a people
Who confined us in a rugged, desolate abode
٩. طلب اللهُ بالضغينةِ قوماً
حبسُونا بمنزلٍ جَعْجَاعِ
10. They wronged their neighbor through villainy and impudence
Though they themselves were not hungry
١٠. أَكلوا جارَهم من اللؤم والدقْ
قَةِ خِرصاً وما هم بِجِيَاعِ
11. And they wanted to replace him, so they sold him
For a trifle, while glory cannot be sold
١١. وأَرادوا به البديلَ فباعو
هُ بوكسٍ والمجدُ غيرُ مُبَاعِ
12. Would that they had devoted themselves to asceticism and chastity
As they devoted themselves to greed
١٢. ليتهم خُولوا من الزُّهْدِ والعفْ
فَةِ ما خولوا من الأَطمَاعِ
13. And hopefully the situation will change and they will recompense
With a measure of debt, a measure for a measure
١٣. وعسى الحالُ أنْ تحولَ فيجْزو
نَ بكيل القروضِ صَاعاً بصَاعِ
14. How strange that we feel secure in the world
And are content with its affection through deception
١٤. عجباً كيف نطمئِنُّ الى الدُّنْ
يَا ونرضى من ودها بالخدَاعِ
15. When just yesterday it shook the family of Sasan
And destroyed the followers of Tabuk
١٥. وهي بالامس زلزلتْ آلَ سَاسَا
نَ وأَلوتْ بتبَّع الاتْبَاعِ
16. So they are a lesson for us and a tale
That fills the hearing if the one with understanding perceives
١٦. فهم عِبرةٌ لنا وَحَدِيثٌ
يملأ السمعَ لو وعاهُ الواعِي
17. Passions and repose from hardship
We seek cure through them from pains
١٧. شهواتٌ وراحةٌ من عَنَاءٍ
نَتَدَاوى بها من الأوْجَاعِ
18. As if, when luxury takes control
We will not be denied any of its possessions
١٨. وكأَنَّا اذا النعيمُ تولَّى
لم نُمتَّع من لهوه بِمَتَاعِ
19. It cuts off the ambitious conqueror, the pride
Of the kingdom, with loss and haste
١٩. قَطَعَ النازحَ المطاوحَ فخرُ ال
ملكِ بالريثِ منه والاسْرَاعِ
20. And it aspires to the heights without diminishing
A diminishing even while in need and hastening
٢٠. وتَنَمّى الى العُلا غيرَ وانٍ
ربَّ وانٍ في حَاجَةٍ وهو سَاعِ
21. The people thought him a fertile pasture
If he was among them while he (himself) was a shepherd
٢١. أَريحى تخاله القومُ مَرعيْ
يَاً اذا كان فيهم وهو رَاعِ
22. Conjectures do not go too far with him, nor does he
Restrict himself to less than what souls desire
٢٢. لا تَمَادَى به الظنونُ ولا يق
نعُ دونَ النفوسِ بالاقَناعِ
23. He made the horses gallop like fast sailing ships
And provoked their fires with fanning
٢٣. أَوطأَ الخيلَ كابُلاً وحيا السن
دَ وأَذكى نيرانَه باليفَاعِ
24. He left no gaze from a spy to escape
From his resolute determination and strong arms
٢٤. لم يدعْ مَنقَلاً بِدَالِقَ الا
راعَه من وئيدهِ برَواعِ
25. Then he turned towards Iraq with sails
Of generous heavens, quickly setting out
٢٥. ثم أَنحى على العراقِ بِاروَا
قِ سماءٍ بطيّةِ الاقلاعِ
26. It repaired every stumbling and evaded
Every right from rights that were neglected
٢٦. جبرتْ كلَّ عثرةٍ وتلافت
كلَّ حقٍّ من الحقوقِ مُضَاعِ
27. So it accomplished its purpose, while the illness that pains you
Will not be cured unless you dress it with bandages
٢٧. فقضى همَّه وهمَّكَ داءٌ
لكَ ما لم تداوهِ بالزِّمَاعِ
28. You - on the day of Ahvaz you excelled in battle
And were most excellent in your skill
٢٨. أَنت يومَ الاهواز أَبليتَ في الكي
دِ وأَبدعتَ أَيما ابدَاعِ
29. You prevented sleep to protect a kingdom
Which, were it not for you, would be prey to loss
٢٩. وهجرتَ الرقادَ تمْنعُ ملكاً
كان لولاكَ عُرضَةً للضّيَاعِ
30. With an arm whose might is lofty
And a breadth in noble deeds and exertions
٣٠. بذراعٍ تطولُ عاليةَ الرم
حِ وباعٍ في المكرمَاتِ وَسَاعِ
31. And an ardor like the torrents that flow in the night
Over the peaks of the sand dunes with thundering
٣١. ولهامٍ كالسيلِ يركبُ في اللي
لِ رؤوس الاكامِ ذى دُفَّاعِ
32. From its spoils - when the chief of Thursday is victorious -
Is the entirety for you if you gain the upper hand
٣٢. لك من غُنمِهِ الجميعُ اذا فا
زَ رئيس الخميسِ بالمربَاعِ
33. You pardoned the sins of men who were not
Rewarded for long practice and industry
٣٣. وتجاوزتَ عن ذنوبِ رجالٍ
لم يُجازَوا بالطولِ في الاصطنَاعِ
34. They are skilled at fleeing when the affliction proves true
And unskilled at the harvest of ripe fruits
٣٤. يحسنون الفرارَ انْ صدقَ البا
سُ ولا يُحسِنُونَ صِدقَ المصَاعِ
35. Like ostriches, they rush into adversity wherein is for them
The whistling of the winds and the wastelands
٣٥. كالمحاليج يَنعرون الى الفتْ
نَةِ فيها لهم حَفيفُ اليَرَاعِ
36. You did not reproach them but protected them
From vileness, harmful speech and slander
٣٦. لم تُواخذهم وصُنتَ عن اللو
مِ أَذاهم والمنطقِ اللذَّاعِ
37. When you were wronged you were gentle and compassionate
A dutiful son who does not refuse a fair compromise
٣٧. كنتَ لما عُققتَ أُماً رؤوماً
بَرةً ما تَمُلُّ حُسْنَ الرضَاعِ
38. What you are able to do of noble pardon
When you have power is not your utmost capability
٣٨. ليس ما تستطيعُ من كرمِ العَفْ
و اِذا ما قَدِرتَ بالمستطَاعِ
39. And the heights are not reached by the hands
Of everyone with extensive reach
٣٩. والعلا لا ينالُها بيديهِ
كلُّ ذي بَسْطَةٍ طويلِ البَاعِ
40. None of the mourners are seen hastening to the tombs
Or the mourners, when they are sluggish and late
٤٠. لا يُرى في المشيعين الى الرو
عِ اذا استلأموا ولا الأَشياعِ
41. They are all enamored with it, impassioned
And its sister are those brought close through striving
٤١. كلهم مُغْرمٌ بها مستهامٌ
وأَخوها مَنْ قَدَّمَتْهُ المَسَاعِي
42. They mount in their seeking of it the poverty of lions
And walk on the humps of serpents
٤٢. يَمتطي في طِلابها فِقَرَ الاس
دِ ويمشي على نُيُوبِ الأَفاعِي
43. And massive bodies are of no use to pillars
Unless in a skill or wrestling
٤٣. والجسومُ العِظامُ لا تنفعُ الأَق
وامَ الا في مهنةٍ أو صرَاعِ
44. And when threats are rendered powerless, then in authority
Is a restraining that straightens the bending of nature
٤٤. واذا استضعفَ الوعيدُ ففي الشرَّ
طِ ثقافٌ يقيمُ مَيلَ الطِّباعِ
45. Then if threats deceive you, in the sword
Is a remedy that heals the pain of headaches
٤٥. ثم انْ خانكَ الوعيدُ ففي السَّي
فِ علاجٌ يَشفى عِدَادَ الصُدَاعِ
46. Do not disgrace them with censure and protect it
From the blemish of their rabble and riffraff
٤٦. لا تُهنْهَا في الخاطئينَ وصَنها
عن طِلى الحشوِ منهم والرُّعَاعِ
47. They have hawks in the tribes that when they arrive
And the cries of wild animals disturb them
٤٧. صادياتٌ لهنَّ في قُلَلِ القو
مِ اذا ما وردنَ ولغَ السِّبَاعِ
48. Of what meaning are they if the forehead of warriors
Is not struck by them in brave combat?
٤٨. أَيُّ معنىً لها اذا هي لم يُض
رب بها هامةُ الكمى الشجاعِ
49. We have dispatched from the wombs of poetry
Every well-formed handiwork of artistry
٤٩. قد بعثنا من أُمهاتِ القوافي
كلَّ رقَّامةِ اليدينِ صَنَاعِ
50. It spreads across the land between Tangiers and China
To its people without need for traveling
٥٠. تذرعُ الارضَ بين طنجةَ فالصي
نَ الى أهلها بغير ذرَاعِ
51. Sometimes it is nourished by the foam of its seas
And sometimes by its biting sarcasm
٥١. تارةً تغتذِى بغَضفِ دياجي
ها وطوراً بآلها اللمَّاعِ
52. It observes the love of hearts so it is not burdened
By its generosity and pasture lands
٥٢. وتُراعِى حَبَّ القُلوبِ فما تُح
مى عليها اعطانها والمراعِي
53. And when faces are unveiled before the eyes
It continues to unveil them to the ears
٥٣. واذا الاوجه اجتلينَ على الاع
ين ظلتْ تُجلى على الاسمَاعِ
54. After your arrival we were not tested with distance
Nor was there from you a day of farewell
٥٤. لا ابْتُلينا بعد اقترابكَ بالبُعْ
دِ ولا كان منكَ يومُ الوَدَاعِ
55. So recall the covenant between us in tranquility
That leaves the servant leaning on the pasture
٥٥. فاذكرِ العهدَ بيننا في هَنَاةٍ
تدعِ العبدَ مُسنَداً بالقَاعِ
56. Do not entrust it to expectations, and inspire it
Surely the matter belongs to the obeyed commander
٥٦. لا تكِلها الى المِطالِ وفِلْهَا
انما الامرُ للاميرِ المُطَاعِ