
You remained, while time itself expired and ended;

بقيت ولا كان الزمان ولا بقى

1. You remained, while time itself expired and ended;
Its beginning faded, while yours will never cease.

١. بقيتَ ولا كانَ الزمانُ ولا بقى
فنائِلُهُ بَدْءٌ ونَيْلُكَ مُنتَهى

2. You destroyed my hopes with your generosity, my wishes-
Made me rich, until I was free of all needs.

٢. قد أفنيتَ آمالي بجودِكَ والمُنى
وجودتني حتى غنيتُ عن الغِنى

3. You made me, after having stood still, say-
Whenever time comes here-depart! Begone!

٣. وصيرتَني من بعدِ ما كنتُ واقفاً
أقولُ لدهري كلّما جاءَ ههنا

4. Nizar was keen to please Rabia
That you have made the destitute rich through God;

٤. فودَّ نزارٌ لو يَسُرُّ ربيعةً
بأنّكَ أضجرتَ الأفاقِرَ باللُّها

5. That you never leave a tent, rent
With swords through which Al-Musharrafiah was severed.

٥. وأنكَ لا تنفكُ تحت عَجاجَةٍ
تُقطَّعُ فيها المشرفيةَ بالطُلى

6. Its folds curved from the rocks, so it rose high
Repelling the horsemen, accustomed to running wildly.

٦. ثَنَتْها من الصخرِ السنابكُ فاغتدتْ
تَردُّ عن الفرسانِ عاديةَ الظُبى

7. When their hooves lost hope of the foals-
You raised the armored warriors up toward it on the spear points.

٧. إذا يئستْ عُقبانُها من خَصيلة
رفعتَ إليها الدارعينَ على القَنا

8. Your swords more deadly to souls than perdition,
Your fear more fatal than your sword points to the foe.

٨. سيوفُكَ أمضى في النّفوسِ من الرّدى
وخوفُكَ أمضى من سيوفِكَ في العِدَى

9. Your night a morning that does not get obscured by the dust cloud,
Your dawn a night that gleams not for all the hills.

٩. وليلُكَ صُبْحٌ ما يَحولُ من الظُبى
وصُبحكَ ليلٌ ما يضيءُ من الثّرى

10. You, without whom honor was not known
Nor the world was, nor the creation made.

١٠. وأنتَ الذي لوْلاهُ ما عُرِفَ النّدى
ولا كانتِ الدُنْيا ولا خُلِقَ الوَرى

11. A prince whose eyelids eschew the pleasure of sleep,
As though the sweetness of sleep in his lids were irritation.

١١. فتىً يتجافى لذةَ النومِ جفنُه
كأنّ لذيذَ النومِ في جَفنهِ قَذَى

12. Does your sentry frown, or does your pillow incline
Jealously at your eyes because of the decrepitude of old age?

١٢. أطرفُكَ شاكٍ أمْ سهادُكَ عاشِقٌ
يَغار على عينيكَ من سِنَةِ الكَرَى

13. He whose eyes were deprived of sleep for glorious deeds
His gaze shepherded among the stars in its expanse.

١٣. ومن سهَرت في المكرُماتِ جُفونُهُ
رعَى طرْفُهُ في جوِّها أنجُمَ العُلا

14. The heart cannot sleep while the eye is awake
Nor sheathe the eyes while the heart is roused.

١٤. وليس ينامُ القلبُ والجفْنُ ساهرٌ
ولا تغمُدُ العينانِ والقلبُ منتضى

15. Indeed the eye of a man reveals his heart
Reporting its secrets whether he wishes or not.

١٥. ألا إنّ عينَ المرءِ عُنوانُ قَلبهِ
تُخبِّرُ عنْ أسْرارِهِ شاءَ أمْ أبى

16. I saw a generous man whom people ate his provisions-
If they wearied of their own provisions they wearied of (going on) living.

١٦. رأيتُ كريماً يأكلُ الناسُ زادَهُ
إذا سَئِموا أزوادَهُ سَئِمَ الطّوَى

17. He sees what their eyes see while he remains silent,
And what their eyes do not see his eye does see.

١٧. يَرى ما تَرى أبصارُهُمْ وهو مُطْرِقٌ
وما لا تَرى أبصارُهُم عينُه تَرى

18. So I said a cloud from whose shade I take shelter-
Neither refusing affection and love nor bartering them.

١٨. فقلتُ سحابٌ أسْتَظِلُّ بظِلّه
ولا امترى غيرَ المودةِ والهَوى

19. Before him I saw no hermit life of asceticism,
Nor did I see, before myself, anyone flee from life.

١٩. فلم أرَ عيشاً قبلَهُ متزهِّداً
ولا صادِياً قبلي يَفِرُّ منَ الحَيا

20. To your view, Saif al-Dawla, care is inferior.
Only determination and the promise inferior to care.

٢٠. لرأيكَ سيفَ الدولةِ الهمُ دونَه ال
عزيمةُ والوعدُ الذي دونَهُ النّدى

21. You continue to don the garment of time persisting,
And to wear the raiment of life endlessly.

٢١. فلا زلتَ تُبلى جِدّةَ الدّهْرِ باقياً
وتلبس أثْوابَ الحياةِ بِلا مَدَى