1. The abode of the living, my friend, is not apparent
When will calamities and sorrows be repelled?
١. مَحَلَّ الحَيِّ مالك لا تَبِينُ
متى دُفع الظعائنُ والقَطِينُ
2. I whimpered with a sigh that uttered a groan
And the grieving may whimper with their sigh
٢. شَجيتُ بغصَّةٍ كمنتْ زفيراً
وقد يَشجى بغصَّتهِ الحَزِينُ
3. My tears left nothing on my cheeks
Except traces that eyelids blot out
٣. وما أبقى المنُازكُ من دموعي
سوى عَلَقٍ تُبرضُهُ الجفونُ
4. On the day of departure, ring-necked doves sang to me in a creek
With branches swaying under them
٤. ويوم الشرج غَنَّتني بفلجٍ
حماماتٌ ترنحها الغُصونُ
5. The cheeks of the doves gleam with the legs of the wild cows
And neither are the birds of the creek nor the wild cows
٥. لهجن من اللحونِ بساقِ حُرٍ
وما أطيارُ فلجٍ واللحونُ
6. And when in the thickets I took a deep draught
Of oblivion, the resolutions were abandoned by the drunk
٦. وفي الاحداجِ اذْ جرعت رسيساً
مهاً خذلت مآكمها المتونُ
7. She has, from the Rqm (wine) of Rome, tattoos
And from the seeds of oceans she has kohl in her eyes
٧. لها من رقْمِ رُوْميةٍ خِلالٌ
ومن ذَرّ البحارِ لها عُهونُ
8. She did not wear fine clothes until
Crisis and injustice became indistinguishable
٨. فما لبستْ ثيابَ الآلِ حتى
تشابهتْ الأزمةُ والبُرينُ
9. With her the jesters inclined towards certain camels
Too narrow were their eyes to behold her
٩. ومالَ بها الحداةُ الى أَتَانُ
فضاقتْ عن تناولِها العُيونُ
10. She watered the travelers with a filled cistern
Though not pollinated, she had a fetus
١٠. سقى الرحلاءَ مضمَرةً حِداجاً
لها من غير لقحتِها جَنِينُ
11. A right-handed one, as if lightning in her
Were Indian swords, stirred by the spears
١١. يمانيةٌ كأن البرقَ فيها
سيوفُ الهندِ هَزَّتها القُيونُ
12. I wondered at one who wastes his effort on her
With neither fat nor flesh within him
١٢. عجبتُ لمن يضيعُ لصنع فيه
فلا غَثٌّ لديهِ ولا سَمينُ
13. And one who walks with conceit while incapacitated
To honor or disdain the youth
١٣. ومن يمشي العِرَضْنَةَ وهو كَلٌّ
على الفتيانِ يُكرمُ أَو يَهونُ
14. If he does not set out seeking glory
His movements are but stillness
١٤. اذا لم يَسْعَ في طَلَبِ المعالي
فما حركاتُه اِلاَّ سُكونُ
15. And your honor, if you degrade but do not protect it
Then which singing slavegirl will protect it?
١٥. وعِرضَكَ انْ أَذَلْتَ فلم تَصُنْهُ
فأَيُّ حِجَالِ غانيةٍ تَصُونُ
16. For every young man there is a match when he excels
And the pride of a king has no match
١٦. لكل فَتى قرينٌ حينَ يَسْمُو
وفخرُ الملكِ ليسَ له قَرِينُ
17. Descend into his courtyard nobly
Regarding the edict of fate, and I am the sympathizer
١٧. أَنخْ بفنائِه وانزلْ حميداً
على حكم المُنى وأنا الضَّمِينُ
18. And do not expose yourself to her intoxication if
The routes and ships have brought her together
١٨. ولا تعرض لِلُجَّتِهِ اذا ما
تحامتْها المعابرُ والسَّفِينُ
19. You ride the easy paths of his disposition
Downcast within its roadways
١٩. فانَّكَ راكبٌ من شيمتيهِ
سُهولاً في مسالِكها حُزُونُ
20. Its pebbles increase suppleness with touch
And it bites with its molars yet does not stiffen
٢٠. تَزيدُ حَصَاتُه في المس ليناً
وتغمزُ بالضروسِ فَلا تَلِينُ
21. He rode from his white abode freely
The fortresses and citadels bow to him
٢١. سَرى من دارِه البيضاءِ سارٍ
تُناخُ له المَعَاقِلُ والحُصُونُ
22. He leads deadly white swords to the thrust
Whose sheaths have no bellies
٢٢. يقودُ الى الطعانِ مسوماتٍ
ضوامرَ ما لأَظْهُرِهَا بطونُ
23. She took off the dress of finery and donned weapons
While the soft hair adorned her
٢٣. نضت ثوبَ النضارة واسلهمتْ
وكان يزينها الشعرُ الدَّهِينُ
24. With plaited braids upon her veil
Branches are woven into her tresses
٢٤. معقدة السبيبِ على قطاها
دِلاصٌ في مطاويها غُصونُ
25. The tongues of spears evade her
Concealed are the lithe and trusted blades
٢٥. يَفُلُّ أسنةَ المُران عنها
خفِي السَّكِ والسردِ الأَمينُ
26. To the swift she-camels flowed a tribe
Moving camps and the An-Nawā’s fires
٢٦. الى الماهينَ يَحْفِدُ من حُويمٍ
مزارٌ نازحٌ ونوى شَطُونُ
27. The crescent accompanied her run at dusk
Yearning over the pastures and bleating for her
٢٧. تداركَ ركضهَا الأدنى هِلالا
على الروعاءِ وهو بها ضَنينُ
28. And the lines of poetry took from him
Spear thrusts, while the eternal death was his shield
٢٨. وقد أخذتْ رماحُ الخطّ منه
فطاعن دونه الأجلُ الحصينُ
29. And he began restraining the palm of his generosity
The spears of manners and sound nature subdued him
٢٩. وباتَ يكفُّ بسْطَتَهْ اِليه
مِراسُ القِدِّ والخُلقُ الرَّزِينُ
30. He groans when the iron weapons hurt him
And no moaning relieves the pain
٣٠. يئنُ اذا الحدائدُ أَوجعتْهُ
ولا يَشفي من الوجعِ الأنينُ
31. And he said to Iraq, “Take me and yearn for me”
For yearning is the mark of ardent love
٣١. وقال الى العراق خذي وحُنِّي
فانَّ علامةَ الشَّوقِ الحَنينُ
32. He seeks the abode of Kaʿb wherever it was
While the land of Būtīn was beneath it
٣٢. يُريدُ طِلاَبَ كعبٍ حيث كانت
وكعب دونها البلد البطينُ
33. And I do not indulge in blaming Kaʿb
But talk of it has passions
٣٣. وما أَنا مولعٌ بملام كعبٍ
ولكن الحديثَ له شُجونُ
34. She pastured the breast-spots from his wrath
To which the saltlands were illuminated
٣٤. رعت من غَيضهِ الطَّرفاءَ مَرعى
تَشعُ له الممالحةُ اللبونُ
35. When a viewpoint shone brilliantly for her
Suspicion, gloomy and dark, followed its crime
٣٥. اذا رأيٌّ أَضاءَ لها صريحٌ
تَعقبَ جُرمَهُ شكٌّ هَجينُ
36. Thus they are like the delirious toward her coolness
Shunning the water while crazed with it
٣٦. فهم مثل القماحِ على صداها
تعافُ الماءَ وهو بها جُنُونُ
37. You have a shrewd guardian over your conscience
Lying in wait within the breast
٣٧. قَلاكم عن ضَمائركم لبيبٌ
على ذاتِ الصُّدورِ له كمينُ
38. Who masked their eyes with its eyeliner
And hidden disease may look
٣٨. فنمَّ على عيونكم قذاها
وقد يتطلعُ الداءُ الدَّفِينُ
39. He has, from the secret you were created with
A companion, neither betraying nor betraying
٣٩. له من سِرِّ ما طبعت عريبٌ
رفيقٌ لا يُخانُ ولا يَخُونُ
40. And the taster, when he sweetened
Your secret, was harsh yet gentle to it
٤٠. وعَسَّالُ المذاقَةِ حينَ سَلّى
بسِرِّكَ قسوةٌ فيه وَلِينُ
41. To a lofty one, above the hillocks of a protector
Hills and dunes submit and yield to him
٤١. الى سامٍ على ألأطوادِ طامٍ
تذل له الهضابُ وتَستكِينُ
42. As if the feathers of standards in him
Were hawks of the desert, having no necks
٤٢. كأنَّ خوافقَ الراياتِ فيه
عتاقُ الطيرِ ليس لها وُكونُ
43. May the cutting through of meadows, when distant,
And the hills’ racing clouds and darkness
٤٣. عسى قطعُ الرياضِ اذا تناهتْ
وَربَّتْها السحائبُ والدُّجُونُ
44. Rain down swords upon your heads
With which separation and misfortune are routed
٤٤. تصب على رؤوسكمُ سُيوفاً
بها تُفلي المَفَارقُ والشُّؤونُ
45. And if conviction resides with you, then think
Beware, certainty begins with assumption
٤٥. فان قَعَدَ اليقينُ بكم فظنوا
ألا بالظنِّ يفتتحُ اليَقينُ
46. For the walking of Kahīl to Dijāl
Allowed the lion passage in its sanctuary
٤٦. فانَّ قفا الكَحِيلِ الى دُجَيلٍ
أحَلَّ حريمهُ الأسدُ الحَرُونُ
47. His fangs are sufficient in their solitude
And a grip never enfeebled so as to seek aid
٤٧. له نابٌ بوحدتِهِ غنى
وظفرٌ ما يُفَلُ فيستعِينُ
48. They circled around the lair to expose him
Not knowing what the lair concealed
٤٨. أَطافوا بالعرينِ ليظهروه
وما يَدرونَ ما كَتَمَ العَرينُ
49. And how can beholding him be endured if
Death peered through his terrifying eyes?
٤٩. وكيف تطاقُ رؤيته اذا ما
تراءتْ في لواحظهِ المُنونُ
50. Before you are the plains and resting places
And behind you are the skulls and cairns
٥٠. أمامكمُ الأَسنةُ والمواضي
وخلفكُم المَهَامِهُ والصُّحُونُ
51. Dogs, howling in the strongholds
And in the wasteland, a roaming wolf
٥١. كِلابٌ بالعَواصمِ عاويات
وبالخابورِ رامحةٌ زَبُونُ
52. An heir, yet all of them the sons of dogs
The left unsupported by the right
٥٢. ورِيثٌ كلها وبنو كلابٍ
شِمالٌ ما تساندُها يَمينُ
53. Ready them like the striking of flints
The helper aided you in their prevention
٥٣. أَعِدها كالقِداحِ مُقَلْقَلاتٍ
أَعان على اعاذَتِكَ المُعينُ