1. Everyone claims, "To glory I ascend!"
While glory is my glory, and success my prize,
١. كلٌّ يقولُ إلى العُلا أنا صابِ
والمَجْدُ مَجدي والنِّصابُ نِصابي
2. He craves to grasp it with no travail or pain,
And reach its summit with no steps to rise.
٢. يَهْوى تناولَها بغيرِ مَشقّةٍ
ويُريدُ غايتَها بغيرِ طِلابِ
3. To the noble soul my heart is liberal,
While to it the sword is niggard of its blow.
٣. ويجودُ للبيضِ الحِسانِ بقلبِهِ
والسّيفُ لا يَسخو له بإهابِ
4. The coward never seeks to attain it -
For fate ne'er grants it to the servile low.
٤. لا يطمعُ الجبناءُ في إدراكِها
فالدّهْرُ ليس يحوزُها فيُحابي
5. Had the vile possessed it, its purity
Would still be free of their pollution's stain,
٥. لو كانَ يملِكُها لخُصَّ بصفوِها
أهلَ السّفاهةِ منهِمُ والعابِ
6. More would I mourn him who, falling, lost his sword
Than weep o'er ten that fell by spearheads slain.
٦. أرثي لمُفني سَيفِهِ بفنائِها
أضعافَ ما أرثيهِ للقرضابِ
7. My streaming tears I check, their wonted course forgetting,
While to my gate accustomed throngs their safety get.
٧. وأذودُ وفدَ الدّمعِ يَركَبُ شأنَهُ
ووفودُ بابي يأمنونَ حِجابي
8. Before this body's dwellers, and before my heart,
And ere the end, and long before the start.
٨. سُكّانَ هذا الجسمِ قبلَ فؤادِهِ
والقلبُ قبلَ نُهاهُ والآرابِ
9. Remember ye the time when your abode was the saddle,
And aloofness from the fair your habit and your rule?
٩. هلْ تذكرونَ إذِ الترحلُ دأْبكمْ
والصَّدُّ عمّا في الهَوادِجِ دابِي
10. Ye questioned then the lightning glance of a fawn, and won
No answer from those tear-drops beautiful.
١٠. وسُؤالكم بالبينِ طَرْفاً سِرْتُمُ
لم تَظفَروا من دَمعِهِ بجَوابِ
11. The winds recite the story of your swift-foot camels,
As though the tale still echoed in their ears,
١١. أيامَ تحكي الريحُ سرعةَ إبلِكُم
فكأنّها قُطِرَتْ إلى الأذْنابِ
12. I hid my love's dear secret, and my soul supposed
My very limbs and vitals were its confidants;
١٢. أخْفَيْتُ آيَةَ حُبِّكم فتوَهّمَتْ
رُوحي بأنّ جَوارِحي أحْبابي
13. And thus my frame supposed that ye were my spirit,
While neither knows what in my heart remains.
١٣. وكذا توهمت الجوارح أنّكم
روحي وكل ليس يعلم ما بِي
14. So love can find no rest within my bosom,
And sickness knows not what my raiment screens.
١٤. فالوجدُ لا تجِدُ الجوانحُ حَرَّهُ
والسُقْمُ لا تَدري بهِ أثوابي
15. Why does my heart seek refuge in my loved ones,
Then chide at me when I forsake my friends?
١٥. ما بالُ قَلبي يَستجيرُ ركائِبي
ويلومُني في فُرقةِ الأصحابِ
16. Its cares estranged me from their intimacy,
Its gleams then wrapped my footsteps' very steps in gloom,
١٦. وهُمومُهُ أوحدنني من صُحْبَتي
وضياؤُهُ أغشى عليّ رِكابي
17. Darkness like itself I don when it is o'er me,
As though the sun itself was but my vesture's hue.
١٧. ألقى الظلامَ بحَلَّةٍ من مِثْلِهِ
وكأنّ لونَ الشّمسِ لونُ ثِيابي
18. Could I but companied awhile then departed,
None would suspect the fawn her vesture left behind,
١٨. فلَو اطّلعتُ وغبتُ ما شَكّ امرؤٌ
أنّ الغَزالَةَ فيهِم جِلبابي
19. Journey, my lords, the long, long road of hope, and whiten
The cheek of effort with the brush of hard essay,
١٩. سيروا بَني الأملِ البَعيدِ وبيّضوا
وجهَ المَطالِبِ بالعَجاجِ الكابِي
20. Till in your lifespan there remains no moment
Wherein the sword licks not the blood of mighty heroes.
٢٠. قد باتَ يُطوى الدّهرُ من أعمارِكم
ما ليس تُطوى البيدُ بالأنيابِ
21. Follow the footsteps of my father, and gainsay
His lifelong rectitude with slander's voice profane!
٢١. لا نومَ حتّى يكتَحِلنَ بماجِدٍ
يَضَعُ اللحاظَ مواضعَ الإسهابِ
22. By his close-fisted generosity, had he not been open-handed,
Dust for the throngs of suppliants had been but rare.
٢٢. شيموا يمينَ أبي العَلاءِ وكذِّبوا
بحَياهُ بَرقَ العارضِ الكَذّابِ
23. Wide are his doorways for petitioners, but his largesse
From doors still wider overflows in streams.
٢٣. بمُبَخّلِ الأنواءِ لولا جُودُهُ
عزَّ الترابُ لكثرةِ الطُّلابِ
24. Those who await his bounty deem he grants their wishes,
So eager he to give, and hospitable of mien,
٢٤. رَحبُ المداخِلِ غيرَ أنّ عَطاءَهُ
أفضَى من الأبوابِ في الأبوابِ
25. Yet almost he'll refuse the food he grants the needy,
Lest accepting it detract from their reward.
٢٥. وتظنُّهُ لمؤمِليهِ مُؤَمِّلاً
من شدةِ التّأهيلِ والترْحابِ
26. Suspicion of his bounty would restore the raven hair
Of vanished youth to nights of joy and pleasure.
٢٦. ويكادُ يبخَلُ باللها من ظنهِ
أنّ القبولَ لها أجَلُّ ثَوابِ
27. And hoary eld, because he lavished bounty's store,
Deemed that he thus regained his youthful years once more.
٢٧. قَلِقُ الظَنونِ بجودِهِ لو سُمتَهُ
رَدّ الشّبابِ لياليَ الأطْرابِ
28. No fault in him but generosity alone,
Which makes the hand of Allah to be poor.
٢٨. لتوَهّمَ الشّيْبُ الذي تَمضى بهِ
عوض النّوالِ فلم يَجدْ بشَبابِ
29. He courts fame though she be a stranger, yet views not
A father's honor as the height of fortunes proud.
٢٩. لا عيبَ يُعرَفُ فيهِ إلاّ أنّهُ
يُقلي خَلاقَ الآخِذِ الوهّابِ
30. By his own hands he's wrought youth's noblest achievements,
And claims his fathers' glories, and ancestral days.
٣٠. يَستأنسُ المجدَ الغريبَ ولا يَرى
شَرَفَ الأبُوّةِ أشْرَفَ الأحْسابِ
31. In raiment dyed with life-blood from his breast,
That o'er his steps flows like a crimson-tainted shroud.
٣١. أهدى الفتى من سَعيِهِ نَوْبَ العِدى
ومَناقِبَ الآباءِ والأعْقابِ
32. Naught treasures he for his posterity
Save praise; for praise the heritage of noble sons.
٣٢. في حُلّةٍ صُبِغَتْ لهُ من نَحْرِهِ
تَهمي على عَقبَيْهِ كالهُدّابِ
33. Prepare your garb for action! Events heed not
Your noble rank, your line of highborn fathers gone!
٣٣. لم يَدّخِرْ غيرَ الثّناءِ لعَقْبِهِ
إنّ الثّناءَ موارثُ الأنْجابِ
34. Who mingles with the steeds of heroes, loftily disdains
The venom spit by worms of soul malign.
٣٤. شَمِّرْ ثِيابَكَ للخطوبِ فإنّهُ
ما تحفَلُ الأحداثُ بالأنسابِ
35. As though he sacks the goblets of his foes, and draws
Wine from their skulls, not chalices or cups ornate.
٣٥. ومُعاقِرٍ بدَم الفَوارِسِ هَمَّهُ
تعضيدُ كلِّ مُثقفٍ هَبْهابِ
36. Eloquence, though you seek her, still his hand will grasp,
And answer well her questions, well her doubts resolve.
٣٦. فكأنّهُ يَبْرى أنابيبَ القَنا
بَدَلاً من الأقْداحِ والأكْوابِ
37. Despite the dark he's brighter yet than suns,
And guides aright the ignorant through ways involved,
٣٧. تِيهُ البلاغَةِ لا تزالُ يمينُهُ
تَخدى بخَواضٍ لها جَوّابِ
38. Out from his pen's cleft fountain flows a tide
Like the exposed fangs of serpents swift to strike.
٣٨. أعْمى من الظّلماءِ إلا أنّهُ
أهْدى البريةِ كلِّها لِصوابِ
39. He soars to the ideas, heedless of the paper,
Addressing it, though it reply to him is slack.
٣٩. يَفْتَرُّ من بَطْنِ الدّواةِ بكفّهِ
عن مثلِ نابِ الحيّةِ المُنْسابِ
40. He teaches men the ways of grace, while in his heart
No grace abides, nor any noble trait held back.
٤٠. يَرنو إلى الأفكارِ غيرَ مُلاحظٍ
ويُخاطِبُ القِرطاسَ غيرَ مُجابِ
41. Small difference 'twixt him and the Sammauri in merit,
Which subtle minds can readily perceive intact.
٤١. ويُعَلِّمُ الآدابَ أفْهامَ الوَرى
وفؤادُهُ صَفِرٌ من الآدابِ
42. One reconciles each rift which discord made,
The other splits the rope which joins each separate pact.
٤٢. الفرقُ بينَ السّمهريِّ وبينَهُ
في الفَضلِ لا يَخفى على الألْبابِ
43. This one's tongue flatters not, though he travel far and wide, While that one's tongue despoils and ruins every land.
In generosity and kindliness distinguished,
٤٣. هذا يُوصِّلُ كلَّ ما قَطَعَ الرّدى
عفواً وذاكَ مُقَطِّعُ الأسْبابِ
44. In sport of youth and pleasures light, they're matched alike.
If his pre-eminence is revealed by your grace,
٤٤. ولسانُ هذا لا يُغاوِلُ مُهْجَةً
ولسانُ ذلكَ أخربُ الخُرّابِ
45. A lofty Peak unveiled, Obscurity's dark veil ripped back,
A flood of skill like Heaven's downpour from its clouds,
٤٥. يَتبايَنانِ لَدى السّماحةِ والنّدى
كَرماً ويشتركانِ في الأعْطابِ
46. Has clothed the robe of honor in a brocade new.
A stalwart band, whose hooves have trampled the heights of many a land Leaving their depths upturned, and toppled to the ground.
٤٦. إنْ كانَ بانَ لنا بفضلِكَ فضلُهُ
يا فارِسَ الأُدباءِ والكتّابِ
47. Against them the vain arrows fall back shattered,
As prey caught fast in the claws of swooping kites.
٤٧. فَعَجاجَةٌ مثلُ السّماءِ سَمَتْ بِها
تُسْدى رِداءَ القَسْطَلِ المُنْجابِ
48. A towering tree, the sandgrouse wagers on its strength,
And would its boughs as feathered shafts try.
٤٨. خيلٌ إذا وطِئَتْ أعالي بلدةٍ
تركتْ أسافِلَها بغيرِ تُرابِ
49. The archer shrouds himself while taking aim, and yet
About you he entwines as bindweed weak entwined.
٤٩. تَرِدُ السِّهامُ بها العَوامِلَ شُرَّعاً
فيصيدها شركٌ من الأنْدابِ
50. Though, did you tread his breast, you'd pierce it through
Without a joint, as piercing reed unfurled.
٥٠. شَجَرٌ بَراهُنّ الحِمامُ لكَفِّهِ
حُلّينَ أغصاناً من النُشّابِ
51. When then will mighty monarchs test your mettle?
For you count days of might, and days of combat.
٥١. يتَلَفّفُ الخَطّي وهو مُسَدّدٌ
فيها عليكَ تلفُّفَ اللّبلابِ
52. While they, assenting, weigh your words, your silence
Concludes the converse, seals th' appeal at end.
٥٢. علماً بأنّكَ لو سلكتَ صُدورَهُ
لنَثَلتَهُ قَصَباً بغيرِ كَعابِ
53. Yet when for them the swords' keen points suffice,
Your hand excels, in its sharp harvests reaped.
٥٣. فمَتى تُساجلُكَ الملوكُ وإنّما
يوماكَ يومُ نَدىً ويومُ ضِرابِ
54. Against their foes when they ride forth, their breasts
Are armor for their kinsmen's charges at their rear.
٥٤. وهُمُ إذا وزَنوا الكلامَ بمجمعٍ
وصمَتَّ كانَ الصّمْتُ فصلَ خِطابِ
55. You entertained the steeds with wine, and leapt
The leap of heroes who press on toward their spear.
٥٥. وإذا هُمُ جعَلوا الصّوارِمَ غايةً
فضَلَتْ يمينُكَ بالكَهامِ النّابي
56. The virtues of your sires you have inherited,
Those noble lords' estates, from your forefathers gaining.
٥٦. وهُمُ إذا ركبوا إلى أعدائِهم
قُبَّ البُطونِ لَواحِقَ الأقْرابِ
57. A folk who, when they share the spoils of fate and time,
Find glory but a residue of what is gained.
٥٧. أمتَعتَ أطرافَ الأسنّةِ بالقَنا
ووثبتَ وثبةَ ماجدٍ ركّابِ
58. And if to end their eulogy's your wish,
Then brand them with disgrace, and titles foul.
٥٨. شِيَمٌ ورِثْتَ حُظوظَها وجُدودَها
في المجدِ عن آبائِكَ الأرْبابِ
59. When I approached you, joy about to overcome me,
You turned it back, bleeding, upon its heels.
٥٩. قومٌ إذا اقتسموا مغانمَ دهرِهم
وجدوا المَعالي فضلةَ الأسْلابِ
60. The realm of time was checked by your command and ended,
While I submitted to your words so sweet.
٦٠. فإذا أردتَ بها نَهايةَ مَدحِهِمْ
لقّبتَهم بقَبائِحِ الألْقابِ
61. Abashed is time, whose ways familiarized me,
And to me turns, uncertain, hesitatingly.
٦١. لمّا أتيتُكَ والُطوبُ تنوشني
فرددتَها تدمى على الأعْقابِ
62. While youthful throngs, whom apathy made dull,
Now praise me in their songs, their rhymed eulogies.
٦٢. ونهيتَ صرفَ الدّهرِ عنّي فانتهى
وكرَعْتُ ودَّكَ في ألذِّ خِطابِ
63. They said, "You've dwelt upon our land," and I replied,
"Great souls expect my leaving, and my swift return."
٦٣. خجِلَ الزّمانُ فعُرْفُهُ يَعْتادُني
ولهُ إليَّ تَلَفُّتُ المُرْتابِ
64. If the she-camels long-necked, freed, have perished
After the pulling of their reins made them leave all behind,
٦٤. وعصابةٍ يفحيي الجاءُ خُمولَها
خَطَبَتْ إليّ المدحَ في الخُطّابِ
65. And they bestowed on me their young, with sharp cries,
I freely granted health and life unto the unsound.
٦٥. قالوا أقَمتَ بأرضِنا فأجبتُهم
إنّ المكارمَ ينتظرنَ إيابي
66. My frequent roaming the land complains of, while I complain
Of lack of change, and paucity of movement.
٦٦. إنْ تطلح الإبلُ العِتاقُ فبَعْدَما
أفنَى الكَلالُ جِذابَها وجِذابي
67. The freshest draughts I pour for a friend in praise,
And from a foe's honor veil abuse and slights.
٦٧. ووهبن لي أخفافَهُنّ مع الذُرى
فوهبتُ صِحَّتَهُنّ للأوصابِ
٦٨. تشكو تنقليَ البلدُ وأشتكي
عدَمَ الشُّكول وقلّةَ الأضرابِ
٦٩. طَيّانَ أبذُلُ للصّديقِ مَدائِحي
وأصونُ عن عِرضِ العدوِّ سِبابي