
His efforts avail him naught but want and need remain,

وأطلس ما في سعيه غير أنه

1. His efforts avail him naught but want and need remain,
While food and raiment bounteous doth his brother gain.

١. وأطلسَ ما في سَعْيهِ غيرَ أنّهُ
يَضيقُ عليهِ الرزقُ والخرقُ واسِعُ

2. From his own soul on lone hill-top he asks relief;
His heart replies, "Renounce delusions, which deceive."

٢. يخافُ أخوهُ حِرصَهُ وهو طاعِمٌ
وتَهرُبُ منه عِرسُه وهو جائعُ

3. He hears the wind blow tidings of a crumbling heap,
A straw at mercy of the wind high piles to sweep.

٣. علا شرفَ البيداءِ يسألُ أنفَهُ
بياناً وقد أكْدَتْ عليه المَسامِعُ

4. Down from his tear-wrung eyes he draws a veil, and shrinks
From fraud and guile, which only harm to those who use.

٤. فنمّتْ إليه الريحُ أنّ شَظيّةً
وبهماً بأكنافِ السّماوةِ ضائعُ

5. Through lack and less from greater grows the greater greed,
When men with fortune's favours are of fortune freed.

٥. فزعزعَ من قُطريهِ يَدْألُ ظالِعاً
وما هو إلاّ للخَديعةِ ظالعُ

6. The coward in the storm clouds of adversity
Seeks for himself their sheltering wings' security.

٦. على كل حالٍ من يَسار وَفاقَةٍ
يَسيرُ بما أهدتْ إليهِ المَطامِعُ

7. His streaming tears and flooding sobs pass unchecked,
Except by walls which echo back his cries unchecked.

٧. إذا غَمرةٌ هابَ الجَبانُ خِياضَها
تَوَرّدَها ماضٍ على الهولِ طالعُ

8. But when the clouds dissolve, and shows the sun more bright,
He scans the heavens, with tears and sobs he takes his flight.

٨. سَرى ماله تحتَ الظّلامِ وسيْلَةٌ
إلى الحيّ إلاّ خَطْمُهُ والأكارِعُ

9. Contempt, when she saw his woe, past bearing longer, drew
The fragment of his cloak, and bade him speed anew.

٩. وأبصرها فوضى فَسارعَ تاركاً
رَويَّتَهُ أنّ الحَريصَ مُسارعُ

10. Woe to the man, who when the clouds their burden rain
Seeks not fresh courage, and high resolve again.

١٠. رأتْ قَدْرَهُ فانضمّ يسرقُ شَطْرَهُ
أزل كصدرِ الرمحِ بالخيلِ بارِعُ

11. To stand 'gainst triumph, and his spirits to renew.

١١. فوَيْلُمِّهِ لو كان يومَ غَوارِهِ
عن المجدِ يَحمي أو عليهِ يُقارِعُ