1. May God keep alive those whose swords are unsheathed
Against the allies you see shift from one party to another
١. لحا اللهُ حياً لا تزالُ حِرابُهُ
هَواربَ من حزبٍ تَراها الى حِزْبِ
2. They remain, never to return except with deep passions
In every throat or heart pierced by the bright sword
٢. أَبِقْنَ فما يَرجِعْنَ الاَّ عواطِفاً
على كلِّ نَحْرٍ في السَّنوَّر أو قُلْبِ
3. What can light spears in close combat achieve
Against the heavily armed warrior with his sharp blade?
٣. وما تصنعُ الزغبُ القِصَارُ اذا نَزَتْ
مع الزابلِ الخَطَّارِ والصَّارمِ العَضْبِ
4. When a man's weapon leaves his hand
He loses honor among a people who have none
٤. اذا ما سلاحُ المرءِ فارقَ كفَّهُ
أَضاعَ ولاقى عَزْبَ قومٍ بلا عَزْبِ
5. The slave girls bear their lot
Like the soft moist branch of a banana tree
٥. تحمل كردُ الشَّاذِجانِ أُمورَها
غُلاماً كغصنِ البانةِ الناعمِ الرطْبِ
6. As the howler derives from the goat during battle
By God, how the sword derives from war!
٦. ومشتقُّ عنَّازٍ من العنز في الوَغى
وجَدِّكَ ما اشتقَ الحرابُ من الحَرْبِ
7. But like phantoms of eggs and coffins
They alternate, appearing through separation and veils
٧. ولكنَّ أشباحاً من البيضِ والقَنا
تُعادُ وتُبدي في المفارقِ والحُجْبِ
8. The gazelle says her omens have returned
Like the darkness of night, or did east become west?
٨. يقولُ تباشيرُ الغزالةِ راجَعَتْ
كِناسَ الدُّجى أَم بُدّلَ الشرقُ بالغرْبِ
9. The night saw its beauty in the stars, but truly
Saw riders with the spears of the Bani Ka'b
٩. رأَى الليلَ تَزْهَاهُ النُّجومُ وانما
رأَى قَارِيَات في رِماحِ بني كَعْبِ
10. And scattered like locust swarms as if they were
Serpents slithering out from their holes
١٠. وَمَبثُوثَةً سوم الجَرادِ كأَنَّها
لَوَاحِسُ يا جُوجٍ خَرَجْنَ من النَّقْبِ
11. Riders of excellent pedigree on thoroughbreds
Vying in glory after the herd had settled
١١. روادفُ بالخَطّي أَيمانَ فِتْيَةٍ
تُناجزُ بَعْدَ السَّمْهَريةِ بالقُرْبِ
12. Unheeding the threats and sparks from the clouds
Aiming with death and blows from their drinking place
١٢. فَما راعَهُ غلاَّ وميضُ سَحَائِبٍ
تَصُوْبُ بمنهلٍّ من الطَّعنِ والضَّرْبِ
13. A people who forcibly make up for what was missed
If the path was easy, they took the harder one
١٣. وقوم بهم يُستدركُ الفَوتُ عَنوَةً
اذا كانَ سَهلاً جاوزوهُ الى الصَّعْبِ
14. Why did you not peer closely the day the horsemen
Of the despicable sons of Hurquf the dog approached?
١٤. فهلا شَدَدْتَ الطَّرفَ يومَ تَعَرَّضَتْ
فوارسُ من أولادِ حُرْقُفَةِ الكَلْبِ
15. Nobles grinding the grain of Qais about them
And every millstone that turns, turns upon its pivot
١٥. كِرامٌ رَحى قيسٍ تدورُ عليهمُ
وكل رَحى دارتْ تدورُ على قُطْبِ
16. I thought the piercing insults from a slanderer
Were like the Bani Shayban pursuing loot
١٦. حَسِبتُ طِعَانَ الغُرِّ آلِ مُقَلَّدٍ
طِرادَ بنى شَيْبَانَ في أثَرِ النَّهْبِ
17. And vile error made you stumble blindly
Retreating from it in tumult and alarm
١٧. وأوطَأَكَ البَغيُ المُضَللُ جَمْرَةً
نكَصْتَ لها يوم الهِياج على العَقْبِ
18. Only he who counters it with his schemes
Will meet his fate nearest to fear itself
١٨. وجَوْثَةُ حيٍّ من يُردْها بكَيْدِهِ
يكُنُ حَتْفُهُ أَدنى اليهِ من الرُّعْبِ
19. Say to him - may God not prosper his judgment! -
When did the Persian slaves withstand the Arabs?
١٩. فقولا له لا وَفَّقَ اللهُ رأْيَهُ
متى صَبَرَتْ كردُ الأَعاجمِ للعُرْبِ