
Let a phantom remain between my clothes and pillow

دع بين أثوابي وبين وسادي

1. Let a phantom remain between my clothes and pillow
It repels my horsemen and steeds

١. دَعْ بينَ أثوابي وبينَ وِسادي
شَبَحاً يَصُدُّ فوارسي وجِيادي

2. I fear for you if you let them out
One day like the day of Al-Harith ibn 'Ubad

٢. إنّي أخافُ عليكَ إنْ أخرجتَهُم
يوماً كيومِ الحارثِ بنِ عُبَادِ

3. I still fear returning to love
Until my body was hidden from visitors

٣. ما زلتُ أخشى أن أعادَ من الهَوى
حتى خَفِيَ جسَدي عن العُوّادِ

4. Do you allow the passionate his dear leadership
While you do not allow me my humble leadership?

٤. أَمُمَلِّكَ الحادي عزيزَ قِيادِهِ
لمَ لا تُملِّكُني ذَليلَ قِيادي

5. The caller called for departure, so I left him
Calling for departure between my wings

٥. نادَى المُنادي بالرّحيلِ فخِلْتُهُ
بينَ الجوانحِ بالرحيلِ يُنادي

6. And they penetrated the valley, so what did it harm them
That rain does not generously flow in the valley's interior?

٦. واستبطنوا الوادي وماذا ضرَّهُمْ
ألاّ يجودَ الغيثُ بطنَ الوادي

7. Leave them and my heart does not want
To ever return, for my heart was the origin of my misery

٧. دَعهم وقلبي ما أريدُ رُجوعَهُ
أبَداً فقلبي كانَ أصلَ فَسادي

8. If they knew my good state with them
They would not separate me from my heart

٨. لو يَعلمونَ صلاحَ حالي عندهم
ما فرّقوا بيني وبينَ فُؤادي

9. I have removed from time its cloak
Lack of money is the bane of generosity

٩. مَثَلٌ خلَعْتُ على الزّمانِ رِداءَهُ
عَوَزُ الدّراهِمِ آفَةُ الأجْوادِ

10. O Sa'd, felicity of Bani Tamim, their Shaikh
Whose back cannot bear him in the club

١٠. يا سعدُ سعدَ بني تميم شيخكم
لا يستقلُّ بظهرهِ في النّادي

11. The days have toyed with his bodily health
And passion has toyed with the sincerity of livers

١١. ولِعَتْ بصحةِ جِسمهِ أيامُهُ
ولعَ الهَوى بصحائِحِ الأكبادِ

12. So end your foolishness, for I have warned her
As the days do not warn of my return

١٢. فانهوا سفيهتكم فقد حذرتُها
ما تحذرُ الأيامُ من إيعادي

13. I made the earth's seas like my fingers
And had it been fair, they would not have been my peers

١٣. جعلتْ بحارَ الأرضِ مثلَ أناملي
ولو انصفتْ ما كنَّ من أنْدادي

14. It saw the stars in their orbits
And imagined them to be sparks of my fire-sticks

١٤. ورأَتْ نجومَ الليلِ في أفْلاكِها
فتوَهّمَتْها من شِرارِ زِنادي

15. I am a slave, if He told the sun to set
It would set even after rising in the horizons

١٥. أنا عبدُ من لو قال للشّمْسِ اغرُبي
غَرَبَتْ وقد طَلَعَتْ على الأشْهادِ

16. The independent in station from ministry
Its shining above the caliphate has waned

١٦. المُستَقِلُّ من الوَزارةِ رُتْبَةً
إشراقُها فوق الخلافةِ بادِ

17. Do not think anyone praises his deed
And the Azd are, in the world, of glories

١٧. لا تَحسِبي أحَداً يمُجّدُ فِعلَهُ
والأزد في الدّنيا من الأمجادِ

18. A people, if clouds poured on a land
Their palms poured on every country

١٨. قومٌ إذا هطَلَ السحابُ ببلدةٍ
هطَلَتْ أكفُّهم بكلِّ بِلادِ

19. If the days were told, "Bring a gallant!"
And the minister was called, it would not bring noble ones

١٩. لو قيل للأيامِ هاتي جائداً
ودعي الوزيرَ لما أتَتْ بجَوادِ

20. The giver of manners is, in his gifts, not
Wealth and pension for the penniless

٢٠. الواهبُ الآدابِ مثلَ هِباتِهِ ال
أموالَ والرّفادَ للرفَادِ

21. And the young man of favors and hands when
His reason became, to minds, hands

٢١. وفتى المكارمِ والأيادي مَنْ غدتْ
من عقلهِ عندَ العقولِ أيَادِ

22. Do not trust his opinions and suspicions
For the unseen has supplies for it

٢٢. لا تأمَنوا آراءَهُ وظُنونَه
إنّ الغُيوبَ لها من الأمدادِ

23. And seek refuge in Allah from his pens
For the swords have some enviers

٢٣. وتعَوّذوا باللهِ من أقلامِهِ
إنّ السّيوفَ لها منَ الحُسّادِ

24. Minds do not habituate the sphere of his concern
Except as lightning habituates meadows

٢٤. لا تألفُ الأفكارُ ساحةَ همِّه
إلاّ كإلْفِ البرقِ للأرعادِ

25. All kings are his slaves in his land
No pride in ancestors and forefathers

٢٥. كلُّ الملوكِ عبيدُه في أرضِهِ
لا فخرَ بالآباءِ والأجْدادِ

26. Is it not enough for you that he is your patron
Is there any increase for the newly born lad?

٢٦. أوَ مَا كَفاكُمْ أنه مولاكُم
هلْ من مَزيدٍ للفَتى المزدادِ

27. The rulers limited their madness fearing his madness
And they are obedient children to it

٢٧. عقَّ الكُماةُ لخوفِه هيجاءَهُم
وهُمُ لطاعتِها منَ الأوْلادِ

28. They sufficed with the trifle from their days
Until we thought them among the ascetics

٢٨. وتقنّعُوا بالنّزْرِ من أيامِهِمْ
حتى ظنناهُم من الزُّهادِ

29. Their roaring and his roaring
Is that which smashes canes and steeds

٢٩. ومن الترابِ عَجاجُهُمْ وعَجاجُهُ
ممّا يُحَطّمُ من قَنا وجِيادِ

30. The bare-knuckled receiver, their rulers
A lion whose claws are the breasts of mountains

٣٠. القابلُ الجردِ العِتاقِ كُماتُها
أُسْدٌ مخالِبُها صدورُ صِعادِ

31. A people, if they stabbed the horsemen in battle
Their spears sank to the shoulders

٣١. قومٌ إذا طعَنوا الفوارِسَ في الوَغى
غرِقَتْ رِماحُهُم إلى الأعضادِ

32. He robbed the stars of their light as if
They were a people above the stars hunting

٣٢. سلبَ الكواكبَ نورَها وكأنّهُ
قومٌ بها فوقَ الكواكبِ صادِ

33. Tell me, then, where do you want to go when you have spanned the distance
And ascended until you became lying in wait?

٣٣. قلْ لي فأينَ تُريدُ قد حُزْتَ المدى
وعلوتَ حتى صِرتَ بالمِرصادِ

34. The sword is your glance, the mountains are taxes
The spear is your fright, and the stars are your times

٣٤. السّيفُ لحظُكَ والجبالُ ضَرائبٌ
والرمحُ خوفُكَ والنجومُ أعَادِ

35. Your eyes have not glimpsed a crowned head
Except it slid down before the guide struck

٣٥. ما اسْتشرفتْ عيناكَ رأسَ مُدَجَّجٍ
إلا تحدَّرَ قبلَ ضَربِ الهادِي

36. Why do the sects prevent you from obeying
When the course of time gave it to you out of custom?

٣٦. ما للطّوائِفِ يَمنعونَكَ طاعَةً
أعْطاكَها صرفُ الزّمانِ العادي

37. By you, ruin will greet their lands in the morning
In a flood that comes without appointment

٣٧. لتُصَبِّحَنّ بك المَنايا أرضَهُمْ
في جحْفَلٍ يأتي بِلا ميعادِ

38. The sun complains to you of the heat of its core
When it sighs from rancor

٣٨. تشكو إليكَ الشّمسُ حَرَّ صدورِه
فَرَقاً إذا زَفَرَتْ منَ الأحْقادِ

39. Until it is said, when its swords rise in the morning
They strike down the peak of its birds with provision

٣٩. حتى يُقالَ إذا غدَتْ أسيافُهُ
تَرمي أعالي طيرِهِ بالزّادِ

40. Are they the shoulders of birds whose necks creaked
Or are their shoulders on which necks flew from the bodies?

٤٠. أَجثوم طيرٍ طرنَ عن هاماتِهِم
أمْ هامُهم طارتْ عن الأجْسادِ

41. The storyteller has lied about courage and bounty
From Khandaf, Rabi'ah, and Iyad

٤١. كذَبَ المحدثُ بالشّجاعةِ والنّدى
عن خِنْدِفٍ وربيعةٍ وإيادِ

42. If your eyes saw the family of Muhallab
And the horses with dripping necks hunting

٤٢. لو أبصرتْ عيناكَ آل مهلّبٍ
والخيلُ راويةُ النحورِ صَوادِ

43. Coming out of the din of the roaring as if
Their swords came out from the scabbards

٤٣. يخْرُجْنَ من رَهَجِ العَجاجِ كأنّها
أسْيافُهُمْ خرَجَتْ من الأغْمادِ

44. And their striking the summits of the rulers, and in battle
A palace wherein the blood of jars was not shed

٤٤. وضِرابَهم قُلَلَ الكُماةِ وفي القَنا
قِصَرٌ ولم يُسْفَكْ نَجيعُ قُرادِ

45. Or if you saw their side flowing
Expanding to narrow the visitors

٤٥. أو لَوْ رأيتَ جَنابَهم متدفقاً
متوسّعاً لتضايُقِ الرُّوّادِ

46. And their faces illuminating generosity
Have sufficed the sun of morning with blackness

٤٦. ووُجوهَهُمْ للبذلِ من إشراقِها
قد قنّعَتْ شمسَ الضُحى بسَوادِ

47. You would have seen, or swallowed your eyelids from seeing
The deeps of seas and the sides of dunes

٤٧. لرأيتَ أو كلتَ جفونكَ أنْ تَرى
لُجَجَ البحارِ وآنفَ الأطْوادِ

48. And known that despite the animosity
They took all dew and every skin

٤٨. وعلِمتَ أنّهم على رغمِ العِدى
ذهبوا بكلِّ نَدى وكلِّ جِلادِ

49. O you we belittle when we say to him
King of kings and glorifier of glories

٤٩. يا من نُصغِرُهُ إذا قلنا لهُ
ملِكَ الملوكِ وماجِدَ الأمجادِ

50. My will exceeds orbiting constellations
And I see his gifts exceeding my wishes

٥٠. وتُجاوِزُ الفُلكَ المُدارَ إرادتي
وأرى عطاياه تَجوزُ مُرادي

51. The buzzing of your sword, it is the division of battle
And death in a coat of ambush

٥١. وذبابُ سيفكِ أنّهُ قَسَمُ الوَغى
والموتُ في ثوبٍ من الفِرْصادِ

52. I will embroider the age with praises of you
That strut between chanting and singing

٥٢. لأُطرِّزَنّ بكَ الزّمانَ مَدائِحاً
تَختالُ بينَ الشدوِ والإنشادِ

53. Their beauty will leave hearing and hearts
Held by narrators in chains

٥٣. تَدَعُ المَسامِعَ والقُلوبَ لحُسْنِها
عِندَ الرُّواةِ تُشدُّ بالأصْفادِ