1. I yearn for the exalted in seeking praise,
The yearning of uncouth nomads for Najd.
١. أَحِنُّ الى العلياءِ في طلبِ الحمدِ
حنينَ الأَعاريبِ الجُفَاةِ الى نَجْدِ
2. Every love but love of her union
Is futile, though persistent to the extent.
٢. وكل هوىً الاَّ هَواىَ وصالها
يكون وانْ طالَ اللجاجُ الى حَدِّ
3. Aloof from joy is my hue and my nature,
Adversity cannot reach the depths within.
٣. غَبيٌّ عن السَّراءِ لوني وناجزى
ولا تبلغُ الضَّراءُ آخرَ ما عندي
4. I spurned the debts of singing girls and stilled
The messages that remedy the fervor.
٤. لَويتُ ديونَ الغَانياتِ وعُطِّلَتْ
رسائلُ يُستَشفى بِهَنَّ من الوَجْدِ
5. And they said, after disowning me as a youth,
You turned away, what led you to avoidance?
٥. وقلنَ وقد أَنكرننى بعدَ صَبْوَةٍ
صَددْتَ وشيءٌ ما دعاكَ الى الصَّدِّ
6. When I saw gifts were few,
I became ascetic, hoping fate would spurn my asceticism.
٦. ولما رأَيتُ الأُعطياتِ قَلِيْلَةً
زَهِدْتُ لعلَّ الدَّهْرَ يأنفُ من زُهْدِي
7. I harbored despair without greed thereafter,
Until I am buried in the grave.
٧. وأَزمعْتُ يأساً لا طَماعةَ بَعْدَهُ
ولا رغبةً حتى أُغَيَّب في اللَّحْدِ
8. I have not forgotten living in al-Jazirah and the bliss
When life makes me forget its goodness from old.
٨. ولم أَنْسَ عَيِشاً بالجَزيرِ وَلَذَّةً
اذا العيشُ أَنسى طِيبَهُ قِدَمُ العَهْدِ
9. He fulfilled the need of the visitor as if
He visits when darkness falls upon a promise.
٩. قَضى حَاجَةَ الزوراءِ سارٍ كأَنَّهُ
يزورُ اذا جَنَّ الظلامُ على وَعْدِ
10. Those desolate places and ruins have not ceased
To smile at thunder over the roar.
١٠. ولا بَرحَتْ تلكَ الأَباطحُ والرُّبى
يُضاحِكها البرقُ النَّمومُ على الرَّعْدِ
11. The violent winds pass through them sickly
As if they contain what hearts contain of fervor.
١١. تَمرُّ بها هُوجُ الرياحِ مريضةً
كأَنَّ بها ما بالقلوبِ من الوَجْدِ
12. When they wrap their murmur in their places
The musk is squeezed and the roses shattered.
١٢. اذا هى لَفَّتْ رَندها بِعَرَارِهَا
فَتَقْنَ فتيتَ المِسْكِ بالعَنْبرِ الوَرْدِ
13. Ask the caravan about me, shall I meet their party
And return like the deaf from the murk?
١٣. سَلي الركبَ عنّي هل أَجُمُّ نِطافَهم
وأَطوى كما يُطوى الاصمُّ من الرُبْدِ
14. They tested me at the supplies and the surplus provisions
And when the fifths attacked the flowers.
١٤. بَلوني غَداةَ الزادِ والزادُ فاضِلٌ
وعندَ هُجُوم الخَامِسَاتِ على الوِرْدِ
15. By God, I have a day in which I did not obey
A desire, though it reached the jugular in exertion.
١٥. ولله يوم لم أُطعْ فيهِ رَغبةً
وقد بَلَغَتْ حبلَ الوريدِ من الجَهْدِ
16. I flee as if I am an offender of the unlawful
Who shed blood of a relative intentionally.
١٦. أَفِرُّ كأَنّي رهبةَ الضيمِ جارمٌ
أَصاب دماً في الاقربينَ على عَمْدِ
17. And I was certain that partisanship would shame my obtainer
And that is a touch too coarse for my skin.
١٧. وثقتُ بأَنَّ العَصْبَ يُحرجُ نائِلى
وذلكَ مسٌّ لا يلينُ له جِلْدِيِّ
18. I am determined and it is enough that the sword knows
Me in fear, as if I am a captive in irons and shackles.
١٨. أُسامُ وكفى تَعْرِفُ السيفَ ريبةً
كأنى أَسيرٌ في الحديدِ وفي القِيدِّ
19. The wilderness was not too narrow for the wanderer
Crossing its distance and purposefully.
١٩. وما ضَاقَتِ البيداءُ عن مُتَغَلْغِلٍ
على الجورِ يَطوى بُعْدَها وعلى القَصدِ
20. I saw Abu Nasr and his cheek had not blackened -
His merit sufficed him over old age for leadership.
٢٠. رأَيتُ أَبا نَصْرٍ وما اسوَدَّ خَدُّهُ
قَضَى فَضْلُه على الكُهولة للمُرْدِ
21. So I did not don my ropes with weak resolve
Rather, I strove with the resolute and hardy.
٢١. فما بضَعيفِ العزم لَبَّستُ أَحبُلى
ولكننى صَاولتُ بالحَازم الجَلْدِ
22. And most frightening, worries do not divert him
From fate, fulfilling its affairs, or from fortune.
٢٢. وأَروعَ لا تَثْنى البوارحُ هَمَّهُ
على النَّحسِ يَقْضي أَمرَهُ وعلى السَّعْدِ
23. Rival of the edges of the sharp tongues, glorified,
He sees wisdom more befitting men than excess.
٢٣. مُناوشِ أَطرافِ الأَسنَّةِ ماجدٍ
يَرى الحَزْمَ أَولى بالرِّجَالِ من الجَدِ
24. When one day you fear it and aspire to it
You will meet your end or be free of toil.
٢٤. اذا أَنتَ يوماً خِفتَهُ ورجوتَهُ
لَقِيتَ المنايا أو غنيتَ عن الكَدِّ
25. The penetrating glance at mankind is a trait,
As is approaching from afar and jest in earnest.
٢٥. له النظرةُ الشَّوسَاءُ في البشْرِ شيمةٌ
وقُربُ المدى في البعدِ والهَزلُ في الجِدِّ
26. The whiteness of his eyes makes his complexion
Act like the rays of sun on sleepy eyes.
٢٦. وأَبيضَ بالابصارِ يفعلُ لونُهُ
فِعالَ شُعَاعِ الشَّمْسِ بالأعينِ الرمْدِ
27. He gestured with the eye of a falcon, saw his prey,
And lowered his gaze like the shy lion.
٢٧. أَشارَ بعينِ الصقرِ عاينَ صَيدَهُ
وأَطرقَ اطراقَ الحيى من الأُسْدِ
28. How can I repay the glance of an eye that inclined
To me from afar, without visit or pact?
٢٨. وكيفَ أُؤدى شكرَ طرفٍ ثَنَيتَه
الىَّ على بُعدٍ الزيارةِ والعَهْدِ
29. And your saying to me, you have not come but for a need,
Is not my need for your remaining glorious?
٢٩. وقولك لى ما جئتَ الاَّ لحاجةٍ
وهل حاجتى الاَّ بقاؤك للمَجْدِ
30. You have restored and initiated what you deserve
And you were worthy to repeat as you display.
٣٠. أَعدتَ وأَبديتَ الذي أَنتَ أَهلُه
وكنتَ جديراً أَنْ تُعيدَ كما تُبدِي
31. I contemplated testing the people's bounty, who
Would help turn away ill fortunes or bring them?
٣١. تأَملتُ أَبلو مَّنةً النَّاسِ أَيُّهُمْ
يُعينُ على صَرفِ النوائبِ أو يُعْدِي
32. Among them was none to undertake a feat
Except you, no guardian more rational and praised.
٣٢. فما كان فيهم ناهضٌ لصنيعَةٍ
سِواكَ ولا والٍ يَهشُّ الى الحَمدِ
33. And others, the good words deluded,
The good places do not prove ability and limit.
٣٣. وغيرُكَ غَرَّ الظنَّ حُسْنُ مقالهِ
وَحُسْنُ المواضي لا يدكُ على الحَدِّ
34. It warded off the striking of worry when it shook me
With my palms, as if I was striking with a sheath.
٣٤. نبا عن مَقيلِ الهَامِ حينَ هَزَتُهُ
بكفي كأَني كنتُ أضرِبُ بالغِمْدِ
35. And it protected you from adversities, every rival
Who sees fancy as more guided in matters to propriety.
٣٥. وقاكَ من الأَسواءِ كلُّ منافسٍ
يَرى الغِيَّ أَهدى في الأمُور الى الرشْدِ
36. It tossed at you but when it did not find a defect in you
It exceeded the rancor of enviers into hatred.
٣٦. رماكَ فلما لم يَجِدْ لكَ عَورةً
تجاوزَ غيظَ الحَاسدينَ الى الحِقْدِ
37. If you are a king among many kings
You are among them uniquely wise and empowered.
٣٧. فان تكُ مَلْكاً من مُلوكٍ كثيرةٍ
فانكَ فيهم أَوحدُ الحَلِ والعَقْدِ
38. There are stars in the horizons of the sky, rising,
But among them there is no single one except the unique planet.
٣٨. نجومٌ بآفاقِ السَّماءِ طَوالعٌ
وليسَ بها فردٌ سِوى الكوكبِ الفَرْدِ
39. Your father called me and al-Jazirah was between us,
A noble call that cannot be rejected.
٣٩. أَبوك دَعانى والجَيزةُ بَيْنَنَا
دُعاءَ كريمٍ لا يُعَرضُ للردِّ
40. I, when he searched people longing
To bestow desires and aid with my soul,
٤٠. وانّيَ لمَّا فَتَّشَ النَّاسَ راغباً
بنفسي عن بذلِ الرغائبِ والرِفْدِ
41. It did not harm me that I was the last to arrive
And that I was not on the day of pilgrimage among the delegation.
٤١. وما ضرَّنى انْ كنتُ آخرَ واردٍ
وأَنْ لم أكن يومَ الوفادةِ في الوَفْدِ
42. I have not deviated from forbearance, despair, and dew
When the tribes arrive, missing an absence.
٤٢. وما زلتُ عند الحلمِ واليأسِ والنَّدى
اذا حَضَرَ الاقوامُ مفتقدَ الفَقْدِ
43. The rain quenched the grave of the crown of the faith and leveled
The torrents of gullies and valleys.
٤٣. سَقَى قبرَ تاجِ الملةِ الغيثُ واستوى
بِعَقْوَتَةٍ سيلُ المَخَارمِ والوَهدِ
44. For he was a pillar of virtues and ascension
While you are the white hand from that shoulder.
٤٤. فقد كانَ عضداً للمكارمِ والعُلا
وأنتَ اليدُ البَيْضاءُ من ذلكَ العَضْدِ