
Do the Bani Hamdan fear my inclination towards them,

أتخشى بنو حمدان ميلي عليهم

1. Do the Bani Hamdan fear my inclination towards them,
When their dreams have faded on the day they were estranged?

١. أتَخشى بنو حمدانَ مَيلي عليهِمُ
وقد صَفِرَتْ أحلامُهُم يومَ غُرَّبِ

2. Not everyone who wrongs me fears me,
So do not, O fear, make them go every path.

٢. وما كلُّ من يَجْني عليَّ يَخافُني
فيا خوفُ لا تذهب بهم كلَّ مَذْهَبِ

3. And I pardon many sins,
If I chose what the hand of the sinner extended to.

٣. وإنّي لأعفو عن ذُنوبٍ كثيرةٍ
لو اخْترتُ ما طالتْ بها يدُ مُذْنِبِ

4. The Bani Hamdan committed every crime,
Against me, yet I was neither angry nor complained.

٤. تجنتْ بنو حمدانَ كلَّ جِنايةٍ
عليّ فلم أغضَبْ ولم أتعَتَّبِ

5. And my serenity almost uttered my thoughts,
Whenever my honor was, before it, to the blamer.

٥. وكادت من التأنيبِ تطْلِقُ خبْوَتي
متى كانَ عِرضي قبلَها لمؤنِّبِ

6. Meeting and visiting became doubtful to it,
So I treated my love with remoteness and avoidance.

٦. وصارَ التّلاقي والمزارُ يريبُها
فداويتُ وجدي بالقِلى والتّجَنُّبِ

7. And I gave it hope for the passage of time and its harm,
And my patience with its events and fluctuations.

٧. وأطمعَها مسُّ الزّمانِ وعضُّهُ
وصبري على أحداثِه والتقَلُّبِ

8. They waged war and fate bared its claws,
But grey hairs were not defeated by undefeated.

٨. هم فتكوا والدّهرُ ينشِبُ ظُفرَهُ
فلا غلَبَتْ شَيبانُ غيرَ مُغلَّبِ