1. How to attain wealth when stinginess is the people's wisdom?
Slaying the misers has become tradition.
١. كيفَ السبيلُ إلى الغِنى
والبُخْلُ عندَ النّاسِ فِطْنَهْ
2. Take from your time whatever brings you no harm,
Snatching with blows and ravaging all its shields.
٢. إن لم تدعْ سبباً إليْ
هِ القتلُ في البخَلاءِ سُنّهْ
3. We thought truth would benefit us and take away all distress,
Until we were mocked for being hopeful and they believed our suspicions.
٣. خذْ من زَمانكَ كلَّ شيْ
ءٍ لا يجرُّ عليكَ منّهْ
4. They said you fled humiliation and disgrace. I said: it indeed
Sprouted with us in the land of Iraq but we did not experience its affliction.
٤. بالضّربِ يَخْتَطِفُ الذّرى
والطّعْنِ يهتِكُ كلَّ جُنّهْ
5. Except for departing, the country had enough of transporting nobles forcibly exiled.
If I stay, I will afflict it with tranquil souls.
٥. كُنّا نظنُّ الصِّدقَ ين
فَعنا ويذهب كل إحْنَهْ
6. Clench your hand on my tomorrow, for I am the expectation of suspicions.
I am from the chiefs of ‘Utaik and the devils are my neighbors.
٦. حتّى سخِرْنا بالرِّجا
لِ فصدّقونا بالمَظَنّهْ
7. If you do not become rebellious Babylon in the morning,
You will leave all the non-Arabs while their hearts are enveloped in deaf tongues.
٧. قالوا هَرَبْتَ من المذَل
لَةِ والهَوانِ فقلتُ إنّهْ
٨. ونَبَتْ بِنا أرضُ العِرا
قِ فما مَحَنّاها بمِحْنَهْ
٩. غيرَ الرّحيلِ كفى البلا
دَ بنُقلةِ النُجَباءِ هُجْنَهْ
١٠. ولَئِنْ بَقِيْتُ لأدعَرنَّ
بِها نفوساً مطمئنّه
١١. أشدُدْ يديْكَ بيَ الغَدا
ةَ فإنّني عِلقُ المظِنّهْ
١٢. أنا من مهالِيَة العَتيْ
كِ وبي من الشيْطانِ جِنّهْ
١٣. إنْ لم تُصَبِّحْ بابِلاً
جُرْدٌ تَبارى في الأعِنّهْ
١٤. تَذَرُ الأعاجمَ كُلَّهُمْ
وقلوبُهم غُلفُ الأسِنّهْ