
With my own self from the youths, every submissive weakling

بنفسى من الفتيان كل سميدع

1. With my own self from the youths, every submissive weakling
Who is stricken but does not complain or fret

١. بنَفسى من الفتيانِ كلَّ سَميَدَعٍ
يُصابُ فلا يشكو ولا يَتَضَعْضَعُ

2. And disgusted with what he called amidst his group
Yet no long arms or hands protected him

٢. وممتَعِضٌ لما دعا وسطَ رهطهِ
فلم تحمه أَيدٍ طوالٌ وأَذرعُ

3. He saw his sword more loyal to him than his bosom friend
So he took refuge in it, for the dear one is forbidden

٣. رأَى سيفَه أوَفى له من حَمِيمِهِ
فعاذَ به أنَّ العَزِيزَ مُمَنَّعُ

4. When reputations clash and the distance is jumped
And the tremendous matters are frightening

٤. إذا اصْطكتِ الاحسابُ وابتدر المدى
وهابَ جَسيماتِ الأمورِ المُروَّعُ

5. None is like the Indian sword of the Caliphate, sharp
With it the limit of tribulations is turned back and cut off

٥. فما مثلُ صَمْصَامِ الخِلافةِ صَارمٌ
يُفَلُّ به حَدُّ الخُطُوبِ ويُقطَعُ

6. Firm of the sheaths of the heart, not made little of him
By the flashing of foreheads and the tottering commotion

٦. شديدُ نياطِ القلبِ لا يستخِفَّهُ
وميضُ المواضي والوشيجُ المزَعْزِعُ

7. You see him when you come seeking his help
Beautiful of smile, while in commotion, most comely

٧. تَراهُ إذا ما جئتَ تطلُبُ رِفَدَهُ
جميلَ المحيا وهو في الرَّوِعِ أَروعُ

8. Rbcc, the perfume merchant, his clothes
When he walks proudly dressed and the intermingled

٨. رعابيلُ وشي العبقريِّ ثيابُهُ
إذا ما تمطى والدِّلاصُ المُضَلَّعُ

9. In you for whoever opposed you and took you as a confidant
Are traits in which good and evil are all gathered

٩. وفيكَ لمن عاديتَه واصطفيتَهُ
خلائقُ فيها الخيرُ والشر أَجمَعُ

10. Close to whoever draws near you with his heart
Even if he is one whose two wrapper garments are raveled

١٠. دُنُوٌّ لمن يَدنو إليكَ بقلْبهِ
ولو أَنَّهُ ذو اللبدتين المُشَيَّعُ

11. And remote from the misguided one, though his mouth appeals to you
And his smile amid the breasts bites sharply

١١. ونأيٌ عن المُهدى لعينكَ ثَغرَهُ
ومبسمُه بينَ الجَوانحِ يَلْذَعُ

12. Your father contends with the king on a night of slaughter
And a day of deluge while holding to the saddle strap

١٢. أَبوكَ يُلافى الملكَ ليلةَ جَازِرٍ
ويومَ دُجيلٍ وهو بالرِّدفِ يَظلَعُ

13. And said to the whites of India, every contender
Without you in conflicts is betrayed and severed

١٣. وقالَ لبيضِ الهندِ كلُّ مناجزٍ
بغيرِكَ في الجُلى يُخَانُ ويُجْدَعُ

14. Grudges, if the sword did not cure their illness,
Would have harmed, and what thing other than the sword avails?

١٤. ضَغَائنُ لو لم يُحْسِنِ السيفُ داءَها
لضرَّتْ وهلْ شيءٌ سِوى السيفِ يَنْفَعُ

15. When forbearance does not turn to you, so treat it
By slashing it, for evil is dispelled with evil

١٥. إذا الحِلْمُ لم يَعْطِف عليكَ فَدَاوِهِ
بخُرقكَ أنَّ الشرَّ بالشرِّ يُدْفَعُ

16. And be like the pillar of the state, the sweet, and act
As the crown of the faith, the bitter, was wont to act

١٦. وكن مثلَ ركنٍ الدولةِ الحلوِ واصطنعْ
كما كان تاجُ الملَّةِ المرُّ يصنعُ

17. They both bequeathed the glory of life and exalted
To the ultimate height above which is no ascent

١٧. هما أَوْرَثا عِزَّ الحَيَاةِ ورفَّعا
إلى غايةِ ما فوقَها مُتَرفَّعُ

18. And they died but no man died who has virtues
That discourse revives, transmitted and rehearsed

١٨. وماتا وما ماتَ امرؤٌ خَلَدَتْ له
مناقبُ يُحْييها الحَدِيثُ المُرَجَّعُ