1. Injustice from a friend is no surprise,
And every weakling is now treacherous.
١. صَارَ ظلمُ الصَّديقِ غيرَ عَجيب
وَتَزَيَّا بالغَدْرِ كلُّ عزيبِ
2. So I have parted from wicked neighbors
Whose ilk is rarely seen among the virtuous.
٢. فتبدلتُ من جِوَارِ عَدِيٍّ
مَعْشَرٌ ليس جارُهم بغَريبِ
3. They confused me with their kinsfolk and protected me
From the vicissitudes of time and changing fortunes,
٣. خَلَطُوني بأَهلهم وحَموني
من صُروفِ الزمانِ والتلقيبِ
4. Grasping the ropes of Abu al-Husayn
Which guaranteed my youthful sins when I grew old.
٤. آخذاً من أَبى الحسينِ حِبَالاً
ضَمِنَتْ للشَّبابِ ذَنْبَ المَشِيبِ
5. In generous company and noble character,
I am the choicest of their companions.
٥. في نَدىً غامرٍ وخُلقٍ رفيعٍ
أَنا مِنهُ في أَكرمِ المصحُوبِ
6. I sold all that I owned to acquire
A wise and loyal friend.
٦. بعتُ حظّي من كل ما يُتَمَنَّى
غير حَظّى من الصديقِ اللبيبِ
7. Whether I am present or absent from him
He is my glory whether I am seen or concealed.
٧. الذي انْ حَضَرتُ أَو غبتُ عَنْهُ
كانَ زَينى في مَحضرى ومَغيبي
8. He holds sincere advice among those close to him
And he takes the place of one who finds fault with me.
٨. يُضْمِرُ النصحَ في اختصَاصِ أَعاد
يَ وقد قام لي مَقامَ المريبِ
9. The son of the Chief Justice, without any exaggeration,
Is more free of blemish than heavy rains are free of sins.
٩. كابنِ قاضى القُضاةِ وهو عن التَّع
ريفِ أَغنى من وابلٍ عن ذَنُوبِ
10. His pride warns against attributing his deeds
To his lineage however glorious it may be.
١٠. مَنْبهِ فَخْرُهُ ومن جَلَّ أَنْ تُنْ
سبَ أَفعالَهَ الى مَنْسوبِ
11. His awe and beauty dazzled people
So that he is their hearts as he is in their eyes.
١١. بَهَرَ الناسَ هيبةً وجَمَالاً
فَهوَ في العينِ مِثلهُ في القُيُوبِ
12. We are content with him, though the days
Have judged between us and misfortune.
١٢. قد رَضينا به وان جَلَّ دهرٌ
حاكماً بيننا وبين الخُطوبِ
13. We thanked his father
And invoked blessings on him from nearby.
١٣. وشكرنا صَنيعةً لابيهِ
فدعوناه مِنْ مكانٍ قَريبِ
14. A breath that relieved an anxious heart
And an illness which I described to the physician.
١٤. نَفْثَةً نَفّسَتْ عن الصدرِ كرباً
وسَقاماً وصفتُهُ للطبيبِ
15. He did not abandon me to the deceit of hopes
Or disappoint me with false promises,
١٥. لم يكِلنى الى خِداعِ الأَمانيْ
ي ولم يَعْتَلِلْ بوعدٍ كَذوبِ
16. And cured me of rage and wrath
For nothing soothes wrath like forgiveness.
١٦. وشَفاني من الضَّغِينَةِ غضبا
نٌ وما ذَاْدَ مثلُ الغَضُوبِ
17. An aspiration diminishing the stars by comparison,
And an intellect independent of testing.
١٧. هِمَّةٌ تقصُرُ الكواكبُ عنها
وذكاءٌ يُغنى عن التَّجريبِ
18. A brilliance as if he possessed
Knowledge of the unseen by the light of reason.
١٨. أَلمَعِىٌ كأَنَّه يَتعاطى
بصَوابِ الظنونِ عِلْمَ الغُيوبِ
19. A man of letters who gained no knowledge
Through schooling or teaching.
١٩. وأَديبٌ لم يَعْلِم العلمَ بالتع
ليم من دَهْرهِ ولا التأدِيبِ
20. Eulogy falls short of reaching his merits
So we counted that among the greatest sins.
٢٠. قَصَّرَ المدحُ عن بُلوغِ مَدَاهُ
فَعَدَدْنَاهُ من كبارِ الذنُوبِ
21. He fulfilled my needs through you, removing
Any doubts held by the suspicious.
٢١. قامَ يا حَاجَتي بحَقِّكِ وافٍ
وَنَفى عنكِ ريبةَ المُستريبِ
22. He examined thoroughly, keeping aloof,
Seeking the point of agreement and awarding shots to the successful archer.
٢٢. كانَ منه ذاكَ التأملُ للحُرْ
رِ وذاكَ البِعَادُ للتْقريبِ
23. A guidance which set affection right
Both in its principles and details.
٢٣. طالباً موضعَ الاصابةِ منها
والرميات حظُّها للمُصيِبِ
24. Without those principles the branches
Would change the nature of construction.
٢٤. صَعْدَةٌ قَوَّمَ التأودَ بالتص
عيدِ في متنهَا وبالتَّصويبِ
25. If al-Rudayni had relied on anything but the rules of prosody
His pipes would have had different joints.
٢٥. وأُصُولٌ لولا الفروعُ عليها
لاستحالتْ طبيعةُ التَّركيبِ
26. He mounted difficulty - indeed meaning rides
Easily on the vehicle of meter.
٢٦. ولما استَمسَكَ الرُدينيّ لو كا
نت أَنابيبُهُ بغيرِ كُعُوبِ
27. The portion of his enemies when they mention him
Is a breath that kindles the fire of anguish.
٢٧. لم يحاسبْ بها مِطالَ القَوافى
ليس رِفْدُ الكريم بالمَحسُوبِ
28. They are content to slander his actions
And intimate the quickness of his impulse.
٢٨. ركبَ الصَّعبَ انَّما يركبُ السَّهْ
لَ المُعَنَّى بلذةِ المركُوبِ
29. They have done no harm but like the harm
Of a slave, vainly beating one who is invulnerable.
٢٩. حظُّ أَعدَائِهِ اذا ذَكَرُوه
نَفَسٌ يسْتثيرُ نارَ الكُروبِ
30. Men have not seen one more forgiving before us,
One who invites like an inviter who summons.
٣٠. قَنعوا من فعالِهِ بالأَقاوِيْ
لِ وَمِنْ وشْكِ وَثْبِهِ بالدَّبِيبِ
31. One day he grants me audience and another I silence
Those seeking favor who have none to grant it.
٣١. لم يضرُّوا الاَّ كاضرارِ عبد ال
لهِ لغواً بزيدهِ المضرُوبِ
32. Knowing that the generosity of the nights
Is a gift that does not last for the gifted.
٣٢. ما رأَى الناسُ قبلَنا مُسْتثيباً
كمثيبٍ وداعياً لمجِيبِ
33. What will make me covetous after people
Whose glory the breeze of youth has scattered?
٣٣. أَتقاضى يوماً وأَسكتُ حَولاً
كلُّ ذا رغبة عن المَرغُوبِ
34. They pitched camp on the plain of the dust and stayed
After long wandering and long labor.
٣٤. ولعِلمي بأَنَّ جُودَ الليالي
هِبَةٌ ما تدوم للموهُوبِ
35. Would that I had never been, but if I were,
I would not have sought food or drink,
٣٥. فبماذا أُغّرُّ بعدَ أُنَاسِ
نَسَفَتْهُمُ ريحُ الصَّبا والجَنُوبِ
36. Tormenting myself or indulging myself,
So the flea rejoiced in the kindling flame.
٣٦. نَزلوا عَرْصَةَ الثَّرى فأَقاموا
بعدَ طُولِ السُّرى وطُولِ الدَّؤوُبِ
37. We are in an abode of exile, stripped
Of its beloved reins by none.
٣٧. ليتني لم أكنْ وانْ كنتُ لم أَحْ
وَجْ الى مَطْعَمٍ ولا مَشْرُوبِ
38. One youth sold his fortune for other than it
And another said "I obtained no share."
٣٨. أَتَعَنَّى بهِ ولا أَتَهَنَّى
فَرَحَ البقِّ باضطِرَامِ اللهيبِ
39. Every striver in it has, with perseverance,
An ambition he hopes will be fulfilled.
٣٩. نحنُ في دَارِ غُربَةٍ لا يُعرَّى
أَحدٌ من عِنانِها المحبوبِ
٤٠. فَفَتىً باعَ حَظهُ بِسِواها
وفتى قالَ ما أَخذتُ نَصيبي
٤١. كلُّ سَاعٍ له على الجَهدِ فيها
طَلَبٌ صَابِرٌ الى مَطْلُوبِ