
Shall I overcome this life or will it overcome me,

أأغلب هذا الدهر أم هو غالبي

1. Shall I overcome this life or will it overcome me,
While my determination is with me and Al-Mushrifi accompanies me?

١. أَأَغلِبُ هذا الدهرَ أَمْ هو غَالبي
وعزمي مَعي والمَشْرفيُّ مُصاحِبي

2. I protect my ribs from falling in love,
And I leave that to the spears of brave knights.

٢. أَصُونُ ضُلوعي عن مُعَالجةِ الهَوى
وأَتركُهَا نَصبَ الرماحِ النَّواشِبِ

3. Honor is but a part of my nature,
And glory is just one of my goals.

٣. وما العِزُّ الاَّ قطعةٌ من خَلائقي
وما المَجْدُ الاَّ اِربةٌ من مآربِي

4. And you, my heart, claim that you are my companion,
While you are just a grindstone amid thorns and tribulations.

٤. وتَزعمُ يا قلبي بأَنَّكَ صَاحبي
وأَنتَ سِنانٌ في الحَشا والتَّرائِبِ

5. Were it not for the one whose secret dwelling you have become,
I would have poured you amid the falling tears.

٥. فلولا الذي أَمسيتَ مَنزِلَ سِرِّةِ
سكبتُكَ ما بينَ الدموعِ السَّواكِبِ

6. Woe to you! What is this anxiety and sorrow
Over something lost from life and gone?

٦. لكَ الويلُ ما هذا التَمَلمُلُ والأسى
على اِثرِ مفقودٍ من العيشِ ذَاهِبِ

7. What is life but to fill your stomach with wealth
And fill wealth with slaves and maidservants?

٧. وما العَيْشُ الا سَدُّكَ الجوَّ بالثَّري
وَسَدُّ الثَّري بالمقرباتِ السَّلاهِبِ

8. And to make the crowns of emperors into seats
For the children of slave women and singing girls?

٨. وتَصْييرُ تِيجَانِ الجَبابرةِ الذرى
مقاعدَ أولادِ الاماءِ الحواطِبِ

9. I rose at the abode of the beloved with my tears,
While its ruins have risen with calamities.

٩. شَرِقْتُ على دَارِ الحبيبِ بأَدمعي
وقد شَرِقَتْ أَطلالُها بالمَصَائِبِ

10. When the winds play with its soil,
The musk is crushed between playthings.

١٠. اذا لَعِبَتْ أَيدي الرياحِ بتُربِهَا
فَتَقْنَ فتيتَ المِسْكِ بينَ المَلاعِبِ

11. O intimate of the heart without its veil,
Your intimate does not meet your love with a frown.

١١. ألا يا خليلَ القلبِ دونَ حِجَابِهِ
خَليلُكَ لا يَلقى هَواكَ بحَاجِبِ

12. Help me with a sword or an excuse you can make,
Otherwise today you are the helper of tribulations.

١٢. أَعنّي بسيفٍ أَو بعُذرٍ تَقُولهُ
والا فأَنتَ اليومَ عونُ النَّوائِبِ

13. The days tell me, “I have appointed you rich,”
But am I one who takes anything like a giver?

١٣. تقولُ ليَ الأيامُ خَوَّلْتُكَ الغِنَى
وهلْ أَنا آخذْ مِثْلُ واهِبِ

14. I ennoble them by taking from them, for
Every aspirant shines when he takes from them.

١٤. أُشرِّفُها بالأَخذِ منها لأَنَّهُ
يُشَرِقُنِي في أَخْذِهِ كلُّ راغِبِ

15. I count the stars of the night, the sand, and the pebbles,
But I tire counting the wonders.

١٥. أَعُدُّ نُجُومَ الليلِ والرملَ والحَصَى
ولكنني أَعيا بِعَدِّ العَجَائِبِ

16. My time is a time whose turns
Have grown old, but my patience does not seek but my requests.

١٦. زَماني زَمانٌ قَدْ زَمِنَّ صُروفُهُ
بصَبري فما يطلُبنَ غيرَ مَطَالِبي

17. Whenever it dragged me into misfortune,
I faced it with acceptance and calm.

١٧. تَعَوَّدَ منَي كلَّما جَر نكبةً
تلقيتُها من صَرفِه بالمَرَاحِبِ

18. As one who climbs up a ladder accepts what is handed to him,
Or as the squadrons of horsemen accept their fallen.

١٨. كما يتلقَّى صاعدٌ مُسْتَميحهُ
والا كما يلقي صُدورَ الكتائِبِ

19. So O young man of generosity, do not ask him for a pittance, for he
Sees the sea as insufficient to quench the thirst of a drinker.

١٩. فتَى الجُودِ لا تَسْأَلْهُ نَزْراً فانَّهُ
يَرى البَحْرَ لا يكفي عَطاءً لِشَارِبِ

20. He is generous with what gives you all your land,
Yet you reckon he has only given you some clouds.

٢٠. يَجُود بما يُعطيك أَرضكَ كلها
فتحسَبه أَعطاكَ بعضَ السَّحَائِبِ

21. No day has passed when his swords
Did not embrace the necks of the enemies or the necks of fate.

٢١. وما مرَّ يومٌ لم تعانقْ سيوفُهُ
نُحُورَ الأَعادي أَو نُحورَ الركائِبِ

22. I pledge to every envious person in his writings
Who compares my merits to the high calamities of death.

٢٢. أُبايعُ في أَقلامهِ كلَّ حَاسِدٍ
يقيس شَبَاهاً بالمَنايا الشَّواعِبِ

23. For if you are not more decisive than death in the world,
Then I say fortunes are like it in positions.

٢٣. فانْ لم تكن أَمضى من الموتِ في الوَرى
فقلتُ العَوالي مثلُها في المَناصِبِ

24. I remembered you when the sword refused to close its eyelid
And dragged the tail of war over the dust.

٢٤. ذكرتُكَ لما أَنكرَ السيفُ جفنَه
وجرَّرَ ذيلَ الحَربِ فوقَ الغَواَرِبِ

25. Are you not India while I am its defender,
Whose abodes are preoccupied with taxes?

٢٥. وهل أَنتَ الاَّ الهُندُ واني لاتَني
مضَاربُه مَشْغُوفةً بالضَّرائِب

26. A sea of blood, the men are its bubbles,
And their horses are in a surge like ships.

٢٦. وَبَحْر دَمٍ هامُ الرجَالِ حُبَابُهُ
وخيلُهم في لُجةٍ كالمَراكِبِ

27. The sails of death are raised in its sides
Whenever the winds of destruction are raised in it.

٢٧. ترفعُ شُرعُ الموت في جَنَباتِهِ
اذا ارتفعتْ فيه رياحْ القَواضِبِ

28. And every swimmer drowns in its currents -
You established feet there during clashes.

٢٨. وَيَغْرَقُ في تَيَّارهِ كلُّ سَابِحٍ
أَقمتَ به الاقدامَ عندَ التَّضَارُبِ

29. And a day in which words clash against it turbulently
With the turbulence of surging waves colliding.

٢٩. ويوم عليهِ للكلامِ تلاطُمٌ
تلاطمُ موج اللجَّةِ المُتَراكِبِ

30. You stabbed with the phrase amidst it as if
You stabbed the heart of the addressee with the chest of a spear.

٣٠. طعنتَ بفصلِ القولِ فيه كأَنَّما
طعنتَ بصَدْرِ الرمحِ قلبَ المُخَاطِبِ

31. Are you not of the people whose palms
Are sharper than white thin swords in striking?

٣١. أَلستَ من القوم الذينَ أكفهم
أَحدُّ من البيضِ الرقاقِ المَضَارِبِ

32. Mountains bow low at their call
And necks and litters become too short for them.

٣٢. تَخِرُّ الجبالُ الشُّمُ عند ندَائِهم
وتقصُرُ عن أَعناقهم والمناكِبِ

33. So do not make me like those whom you have seen
Who make legs like wandering camels.

٣٣. فلا تَجْعَلَنّي كالذينَ رَأَيتَهم
وَمَنْ يَجْعَلُ الأَقدامَ مثلَ الذَّوائِبِ

34. When they see me, they turn away sullenly as if
Their moustaches are knitted with frowns.

٣٤. اذا أَبصروني نكَّسوا فكأنَّما
شواربُهم مَضْفُورةٌ بالحَواجِبِ

35. I seek refuge from a slow master to kindness
Who is quick to respond when food is served hungrily.

٣٥. أَعيذُكَ مِنْ مولىً بطيءٍ عن النَّدى
سريعٍ الى دَاعي الطعامِ مُكالِبِ

36. Does not an ignorant man desist
From his foolishness if he is not beaten, then he is no penitent?

٣٦. أَما ينتهي من أَول الزَّجرِ جاهِلٌ
اذا هو لم يُضرَبْ فليس بتائِبِ

37. I did not respond if I was not called to pray,
Even if my soul drank from the street gutters.

٣٧. وكنتُ اذا لم أُدْعَ للوِرْدِ لم أَرِدْ
ولو شَرِبَتْ روحي زُقَاقَ المَشَاربِ

38. That was pride, for long it reached highness
And cut wrath in the chests of the envious.

٣٨. أَبى ذاكَ عِزٌّ طالما وصلَ العُلا
وقطَّع غيظاً في صدورِ المعائِبِ

39. If you saw me smiling,
Mocking the days from every side.

٣٩. وانكَ لو أَبصرتَني متبسماً
أكرُّ على الأَيامِ من كل جانِبِ

40. You would have seen a young man whose drink is viper venom
And whose food is the edges of scorpion stings.

٤٠. رأَيتَ فتىً سُمُّ الأَفاعي شَرابُه
ومطعَمُهُ أطرافُ شَوكِ العَقَارِبِ

41. Cool over the betrayals of time and its turns,
Insightful of the remedies for strange tribulations.

٤١. جليداً على ريبِ الزمانِ وصرفهِ
بصيراً بأَدواءِ الخطوبِ الغَرائِبِ

42. I concealed my poetic utterances until it harmed me,
And the enemy guessed - guessed like Chosroes with his frown.

٤٢. كتمتُ مقالَ الشعرِ حتى أضرَّني
وظنَّ المُعادي ظَنَّ كِسرى بحَاجِبِ

43. If it were not but to become famous through his name,
Then this is the time for penetrating stars.

٤٣. فانْ لم يكُنْ الاَّ التشهرُ باسمِهِ
فهذا أَوانُ الطَّالِعَاتِ الثَّواقِبِ

44. I will send forth in the land of Iraq a poem
To whose verses prayers are made during wars.

٤٤. سَأَبعَثُ في أرضِ العِراقِ قصيدةً
يُصَلَّى الى أَبياتِها في المَحَارِبِ

45. Al-'Ulā and Ma'mar will rely on it
With what they compiled in the book of parables.

٤٥. يُعَوّلُ عُلاَّنُ عليها ومَعْمَرٌ
بما جَمَعَاهُ في كتابِ المَثَالِبِ

46. When read aloud to the rulers of dynasties, its impact
Will yoke their zeal with headbands.

٤٦. باسماعِ أَملاكِ الطوائفِ وَقْعُهَا
يَشُدُّ على هاماتهم بالعَصَائِبِ

47. I disobeyed the rhymes though they are obedient,
And I revolted against a limit of truth without lover.

٤٧. عصيتُ القوافي وهي جِدُّ مُطِيْعَةٌ
وَقُمتُ على حَدٍّ من الحَقِّ لاحِبِ

48. I consult a heart in you which, if it willed determination
And I revolted against a limit of truth without lover.

٤٨. أَشاوِرُ قَلباً فيكَ لو شاءَ عزمُهُ
وَقُمتُ على حَدٍّ من الحَقِّ لاحِبِ

49. Before you, Rabīʿah never glanced at me
With the whiteness of meadows and pale faces.

٤٩. وقبلكَ ما التفَّتْ عليَّ ربيعةٌ
ببيضِ المَواضي والوجوهِ الشَّواحبِ

50. So I turned away from their errors and granted them
The eloquence of ʿAbd al-Wudd, Lord of experiences.

٥٠. فاعرضتُ عن زلاَّتها وَمَنَحْتُهَا
فصاحةَ عبد الوُدِّ رَبٍّ التَّجَارِبِ

51. And I said, "If you write to the Romans after it
Then affix your letters with military units."

٥١. وقلتُ اذا كاتَبْتم الرومَ بعدهَا
فَشدُّوا أَواخي كتبكم بالكَتائِبِ

52. The seekers of distinction travel the night while I do not see
Your seekers except awaiting consequences.

٥٢. سَرى الليلَ طَلاَّبُ الذحولِ ولا أَرى
طلابكم الاَّ انتظارَ العَواقِبِ

53. So when they refused everything but disagreement, I left them
While their lion is shackled for the foxes.

٥٣. فلما أَبوا الاَّ الخلافَ تركتهم
وأُسدُهم مأْسُورةٌ للثعالِبِ

54. Let the Āl Mahlab know that I
Have befriended them in glory like intimate friends.

٥٤. فمن مبلغ آلِ المهلبِ أَنَّني
أَلفتُهم في المجدِ اِلفَ الحَبائِبِ

55. So I decided not to praise the times but them
Even if people tempted me with wishes.

٥٥. فآليتُ أَلاَّ أَمدحَ الدهرَ غيرَهم
ولو عَرَضَ الأقوامُ لي بالرغائِبِ

56. They surrendered my life to me, so tear it apart
Between my fangs and claws.

٥٦. هم سلَّموا دهري اليَّ فَشِلْوُهُ
لقاً بين أَنيابي وبينَ مَخَالبي

57. I will shred it like its turns shredded me,
And take revenge on it for all my requests.

٥٧. أُمزِّقُهُ ما مزَّقَتْني صُروفُهُ
وآخذُ منه ثَارَ كلِّ مُطَالِبِ