1. There is no rest but from toil,
And high rank is not attained by hopes.
١. لا فَراغٌ الاَّ مِنَ الأَشغَالِ
والعُلاَ لا تُنَالُ بالآمَالِ
2. The task of grand ambitions is cut
Only by firmness and travel.
٢. بَعُدَتْ شُقَّةُ المَهَامِهِ أَنْ تُقْ
طَعَ الاَّ بالشَّدِّ والتَرحَالِ
3. Glory refused to be attained without
Effort, so let the minds of men wake up.
٣. وأَبَى المجدُ أَنْ يُنالَ بغيرِ ال
كَدِّ فلتَنْتَبِهْ عُقولُ الرِّجَالِ
4. God made the love of one who dwells in glory
My fortune among all deeds.
٤. جَعَلَ اللهُ حُبَّ من يَسكنُ الغُو
طَةَ حَظّى من سائرِ الأَعمَالِ
5. Why does my heart keep fluctuating?
It does not listen to the blaming of slanderers.
٥. ما لقلبي على التَّقَلُّبِ لا يَسْ
معُ فيكم مَلامةَ العُذَّالِ
6. If we had surrendered to any but you
Or allowed others to question,
٦. لو خَضَعنا لمستطيلٍ سِواكم
أَو سَمِحنا لغيرِكم بالسؤالِ
7. We would have asked how the beds are or how
Fantasies would be and the longing of imagination.
٧. لسألَنا كيفَ المُضَاجع أو كي
فَ يكونُ الكَرى ولهفُ الخَيَالِ
8. Will youthfulness return to me
When my glory was among the singing girls and my money?
٨. هل يَرُدُّ الأسى عليَّ شَباباً
كانَ جاهي في الغَانياتِ ومالي
9. Do not forget, O black poetry, my era
And do not grow weary of my company.
٩. لا تناسيتَ أَيُّها الشَّعرُ الأس
ودُ عَهدِي ولا سَئِمْتَ وِصالي
10. If you have avoided intimacy out of love
Then our connection was not without weariness.
١٠. انْ تكن في الاخاءِ حُلْتَ عن الوُدْ
د فما كانَ وصلُنا عَن تَبَالِ
11. Or if you turned away wrongfully, turning away
Is part of the beginnings of boredom.
١١. أَو تَجَنَّيت ظالماً فالتَّجَنّي
طرفٌ من مقدَّماتِ المَلالِ
12. By my life, I thought you were guiding me to love
How could I have a guide to love?
١٢. وَلَعَمْرِي لقد ظننتُ بكَ الهج
رَ دَلاَلاً وكيف لي بالدَّلاَلِ
13. I did not part from you out of desire away from you
Not every separation is due to burden.
١٣. لم أفارقكَ رغبةً عنكَ في العَيْ
شِ وما كل فُرقةٍ عن ثِقَالِ
14. The rule of the President Abu Al-Rayyan
Separated the right path from misguidance.
١٤. فَصَلَتْ دولةُ الرئيسِ أَبي الرَّيْ
يَانِ بين الهُدى وبينَ الضَّلالِ
15. People cannot thank your hands enough
By sacrificing their souls and money.
١٥. ما يُؤَدِي الأنامُ شكرَ أياديِ
كَ ببذلِ النفوسِ والأموَالِ
16. These hearts have united in loving you
Since you took office, O best ruler.
١٦. جُمِعَتْ هذه القلوبُ على حبْ
بِك لمَّا وليتَ يا خيرَ والِ
17. You were like rain to them, leaving
The barren land from the dry soil fertile.
١٧. كنت كالغيثِ فيهم يتركُ العا
طلَ من عاقرِ الثَّرى وهو حَالِ
18. Teeth shine spreading praise and hands
Were raised with prayer and supplication.
١٨. السُنٌ تنشرُ الثناءَ وأيدٍ
رُفِعَتْ بالدعاءِ والابتهَالِ
19. They have hoped in you what a hopeful person hopes for
In lasting good fortune concurring with the new crescent moon.
١٩. أَمَّلُوا فيكَ ما يُؤَمِّلُ راجي
دِيْمَةٍ وافقتْ سرارَ الهِلالِ
20. Every day comes with your preoccupied face
And passes without changing if it passes.
٢٠. كلُّ يومٍ يأتي بوجهكَ مشغو
فاً ويمضي اذا مَضى غيرَ سَالِ
21. An eternal honor passed down by days
From your long glorious path.
٢١. شَرَفٌ خالدٌ تَدَاولهُ الأَيْ
اَمُ من مجدِكَ العريضِ الطُّوَالِ
22. The enemies sought your efforts but did not succeed
Except in weakness and weariness.
٢٢. طلبتْ سعيَكَ الأَعَادي فما فا
زوا بغيرِ الوَنى وغيرِ الكَلالِ
23. They desired but God argued for you
And gave you the best hopes.
٢٣. وَبَغوا فاستدالَ منهم لكَ الل
هُ وأَعطاكَ أَفْضَلَ الآمَالِ
24. Success took charge for you and enriched you
With His planning from scheming.
٢٤. وَتَولى لكَ النَّجاحُ وأَغنا
كَ بتدبيرهِ عن الاحتيَالِ
25. They wasted the blessings God protected you with
And overvalued every assassination.
٢٥. ضيعوا ما حفظتَ من نِعْمَةِ الل
هِ وغالوا الصَّنيعَ كلَّ اغتيَالِ
26. They wanted to threaten and ridicule you
But you disabled them while your heel was high.
٢٦. وأرادُوا بكَ الطُّلاَطِلَةَ البِك
ر فأعجزَْتَهم وكعبُكَ عَالِ
27. There is a difference between them and you
Like the difference between a youth's talk and his actions.
٢٧. فَرْقٌ ما بينَهم وَبينَكَ ما بي
نَ مقالِ الفتى وبينَ الفعَالِ
28. The state's wounds which you cured recovered
And you followed its illness and cured
٢٨. بَرَأَتْ دَوْلَةُ تَدَاركتَ مشْفِي
هَا وأَعقَبْتَ جرُحَهَا باندمَالِ
29. The most calloused of its chronic disease.
You connected until you restored its former awe
٢٩. وَتَتَبَّعْتَ سُقمَها فَشفِيتَ ال
غِلَّ من دائها العياء العُضَالِ
30. And made its color shine with polish.
The stars of happiness and victory arose
٣٠. صُلْتَ حتى رَدَدْتَ هيبتَها الأُو
لى وحَادَثْتَ لونَها بالصِّقَالِ
31. And the signs of favor appeared.
This requires that the other
٣١. طَلَعَتْ أَنْجُمُ السَّعَادةِ والنَّصْ
رَ ولاحتْ لوائحُ الاقْبَالِ
32. Carry its harvest away from the threshing floor.
The like of what you obtained with humility and softness
٣٢. انَّ هذا لأَولٌ يَقَتَضي الآ
خرَ حملاً لِقَاحه عن حيالِ
33. Upon the seekers of the difficult to attain.
The father of Ali raised Ulya, a father
٣٣. مِثْلُ ما نِلْتَ بالخُشُونَةِ واللي
نِ على الطَّالِبينَ صعبُ المَنَالِ
34. Who was not pleased with morals other than the highest.
The blade of iron shook him, it does not
٣٤. شَادَ عُلْيا أَبي عليِّ أَبٌ لم
يَرضَ أَخلاقَه لغيرِ المَعَالي
35. Distinguish between bones and joints.
Independent in what he carries of the burden
٣٥. هَزَّهُ صَارمُ الحَدِيْدَةِ لا يَفْ
رِقُ بينَ العِظامِ والأوَصَالِ
36. Of portages and heavy adversities.
And he saw in him, while he was a young boy,
٣٦. مستقلاً بما يُحَمِّلُ من عِبْ
ءِ الحَمَالاتِ والخُطُوبِ الثِّقَالِ
37. What lions see in their cubs.
Boldness in tranquility, dignity in shyness,
٣٧. ورأَى فيهِ وهو طِفلٌ صَغيرٌ
ما تَراهُ الليوثُ في الأَشبَالِ
38. And awe in beauty.
And qualities like soft water on stone
٣٨. جرأَةً في سكِيْنَةٍ واباءً
في حياءٍ وَهَيْبَةً في جَمَالِ
39. And the north wind blew gently upon him.
May God preserve what He has continued
٣٩. وَسَجَايا كالماءِ رقَّ على الصَّخْ
رِ وَرَقَّتْ عليهِ ريحُ الشَّمَالِ
40. To preserve your two selves from destinies.
٤٠. حَفِظَ اللهُ مِثلَ ما لم يَزَلْ يَحْ
فَظ نفسيكمُا من الآجَالِ