
God watered the peninsula from the lands,

سقى الله الجزيرة من بلاد

1. God watered the peninsula from the lands,
And the valley of Rimth from passion and valleys,

١. سَقى اللهَ الجَزيرةَ من بلادٍ
وَوَادىِ الرِّمْثِ من شَجَنِ وَوَادِ

2. And days that settled gently with me,
The tranquility of the two eyelids to sleep,

٢. وأيَاماً سكنَّ اليَّ أُنْساً
سكونَ المقلتينِ الى الرُّقَادِ

3. Its drunkenness stirred in the mother of my head,
So I did not know my righteousness from my corruption,

٣. تَغَلْغَلَ سُكرُها في أُمِّ رأسي
فلم أَعرفْ صَلاحى من فَسَادِى

4. I see giving youth to it is little,
And I do not count my lifetime from my birth,

٤. أَرى بذلَ التِّلادِ لها قليلاً
ولا أَعتَدُّ عُمرى مِنْ تِلادي

5. It's as if I don't think life will vanish,
And that life is bound to run out,

٥. كأَنى لا أَظُنُّ العيشَ يَفنى
ولا أَنَّ الحياةَ الى نَفَاذِ

6. And may God liven the Zoraa, lively,
I took from them the joy of the steeds,

٦. وَحَيَّا اللهُ بالزوراءِ حَيّاً
سَلبتُ اليهم مَرَحَ الجِيَادِ

7. And the vigor of the five visitors foolishly,
Prolonging the tongues in the valleys,

٧. ونَخْوَةَ وارداتِ الخِمْسِ لَغْواً
يُطَاوِلْنَ الأسِنَّةَ بالهوَادِي

8. Like the boats of the people of Hamd,
Who inherited glory before the inheritance of Aad,

٨. كَرَاكِرُ جَمَّةٌ من آلِ حَمْدٍ
وَرِثْنَ المجدَ قبلَ تُراثِ عَادِ

9. They are before the examples of my evils,
And before the plateau, the pegs of the countries,

٩. هم قبل البواذجِ من شَرَوَرى
وقبل الهَضْبِ أوَتادُ البِلاَدِ

10. And when the nights changed them,
I missed them and did not miss my affection,

١٠. ولما استبدلتْ بهم الليالى
فَقَدْتُهُم ولم افقدْ وِدَادِي

11. I deserted people other than them so they broke off,
Differing, and my persistence broke me,

١١. هجرتُ الناسَ غيرَهم فَلَجُّوا
مُباينَةً ولجَّ بيَ التَّمَادِي

12. May God sustain what you have authorized,
And weaken the deceit of your enemies like enemies,

١٢. أَدام اللهُ ما خَوَّلْتُمُوهُ
وأَوهنَ كيدُكم كيدَ الأَعادِي

13. For I still blame myself,
For long avoidance and distance,

١٣. فاني لا أزالُ أَلومُ نَفْسى
على طُولِ التَّجَنُّبِ والبِعَادِ

14. And I know your opinion is sound,
To those loyal to you and the carrier of supplies,

١٤. وأعلم أَنَّ رأْيكمُ سَليمٌ
لمن والاكم وارِي الزنَادِ

15. And I'm not bothered by the people from you,
Does my heart get bothered by my love?

١٥. وما اعتاضُ بالأَقوامِ منكم
وهل يعتاضُ صَدرِى من فُؤادِي

16. To Al-Arihi, my father Ali refused,
And said to him that he would ransom him,

١٦. فِدَى للاريَحي أَبى عليِّ
وقَلَّ له بأَنْ يَفديهِ فَادِ

17. A comrade of Al-Hawina did not spend the night,
His hopes on the thorns of the cushion,

١٧. ضَجيعٌ للهُوَينا لم تُبِتْهُ
مآربهُ على شَواكِ القَتَادِ

18. So I did not see the likes of him to defend a matter,
And the charm of a serpent that descended into a valley,

١٨. فلم أَرَ مثلَهُ لِدِفاع خَطْبٍ
وَرقْيَةِ حَيَّةٍ نزلتْ بِوَادِ

19. More bitter in taste and more violent in might,
And revealing the atrocities of tyrants,

١٩. أَمَرُّ مَرَارَةً وأشَدُّ بَطْشا
وكشفاً للمُلمَّاتِ الشِّدَادِ

20. Rich when matters worry him,
From alluding to them with intent,

٢٠. غنيٌّ حينَ تَطْرُقُهُ لأَمْرٍ
عن التَّعْريضِ فيهِ بالمُرَادِ

21. So the steps of experiences did not put him forward,
But supremacy among the commoners,

٢١. فما قِدَمُ التجاربِ قَدَّمَتْهُ
ولكنَّ السيادةَ في السَّوَادِ

22. The steeds flowed to their extent,
So the valleys did not cling to the steeds,

٢٢. جَرَى وَجَرَى الجِيادُ الى مَدَاهُ
فما عَلِقَ الكُوَاديِنُ بالجيَادِ

23. Nor did the adorned gray horses avail,
Nor the lame ones stained with corpses,

٢٣. ولا أغنَتْ شِيَاتٌ مُعْجَبَاتٌ
ولا عُرَرٌ تُضَمَّخُ بالجِسَادِ

24. You like the shape of the eyelid when it is adorned,
And the sword blade is more worthy of skins,

٢٤. يَروقُكَ صيغةُ الجَفنِ المُحَلى
ونصلُ السيفِ أوَلى بالِجِلاَدِ

25. And he prepared for generosity, a preparer,
Whose virtue was evident among children,

٢٥. وَشَمَّرَ للمكارمِ شَمَّرِيٌّ
تَبينَ فضلُه عندَ الوِلاَدِ

26. He grew in the state of the desired king,
As plants grow on poles,

٢٦. نمى في دولةِ الملكِ المُرَجَّى
كما ينمى النَّباتُ على العِهَادِ

27. Generous in deed, innate in nature,
To succeed in it and to guide,

٢٧. كريمُ الفِعْلِ مطبوعُ السَّجايا
على التوفيقِ فيها والرَّشَادِ

28. He gives me his cheerfulness and I quench,
As the thirsty are quenched with cool water,

٢٨. يُعاطينى بَشَاشَتَهُ فَأروَى
كما يروى بِبرْدْ الماءِ صَادٍ

29. I say to a fearful one who hoped for other than Him,
But did not win honorable gains:

٢٩. أَقولُ لخائفٍ رَجَّى سِوَاهُ
فَلَمْ يَظْفَرْ بعزٍّ مستفَادِ

30. If you befriend, then look at who you befriend,
And if you oppose, then look at who you oppose,

٣٠. اذا واليتَ فانظرْ من تُوالىِ
وانْ عاديتَ فانظرْ من تُعَادِي

31. For the slave comes harm willingly,
While the freeman disdains shackles,

٣١. فانَّ العبدَ يأتى الضيمَ طوعاً
وانَّ الحُرَّ يأنفُ في الصِّفَادِ

32. Your father bent the unruly from their passion,
And taught them to obey the lead,

٣٢. أَبوكَ ثَنى الجَوامحَ عن هَواهَا
وعلّمها مُطَاوعةَ القِيَادِ

33. And the king had to resort to him,
As the eyelids are compelled to the pillar,

٣٣. وكانَ الملكُ مُضْطراً اليهِ
كما أُضْطُرَّ الطِّرافُ الى العِمَادِ

34. It is as if those who looked at him were cattle,
Of giants from Aad,

٣٤. كأَنَّ الناظرينَ اليه رِيْعُوا
بِرئبَالٍ من الاسَادِ عَادِ

35. Caution flows in the eye until,
It deters it from the repeated gaze,

٣٥. يَسُورُ حِذَارَهُ في العينِ حتى
يُنَهْنِهُهَا عن النَّظَرِ المُعَادِ

36. He saw trickery in gentleness that they did not see,
And gentleness was closest to propriety,

٣٦. رأَى في الرفقِ كيداً لم يروهُ
وكانَ الرفقُ أَدنى للسَّدَادِ

37. He did not arbitrarily manage affairs confusedly,
Like one who rode into the wilderness without a guide,

٣٧. ولم يَتَعَسَّفِ التَّدْبيرَ خَبْطاً
كمن ركبَ الفلاةَ بغيرِ هَادِ

38. He turns his opinion again and again,
As you turned your spear in the chase,

٣٨. يُقَلِّبُ رأْيَهُ كَراً وفَرّاً
كما قَلَّبْتَ رُمْحَكَ في الطِّرَادِ

39. So convey to the master of ministers from me,
The speech of an advisor purely affectionate:

٣٩. فأَبلغْ سيدَ الوزراءِ عَنِّى
مقالةَ ناصحٍ مَحْضٍ الوِدَادِ

40. Set straight the flock without deviation,
And all of them if you do not find a volunteer,

٤٠. أَقِمْ أَودَ الرعيَّةِ غَيرَ وَانٍ
وكلَّهم اذا لم يجد جادِ

41. And if their smallest is not deterred by suppression,
Their greatest is most prone to corruption,

٤١. وان لم يُنهَ أَصغرُهم بقمعٍ
فأَكبرُهم أَخفُ الى الفَسَادِ

42. I love the continuance of your state and I hope,
For you and it, immortality to eternity,

٤٢. أُحِبُّ بَقاءَ دولتكم وأرَجو
لكم ولها الخلودَ الى التَّنَادِي

43. And I strive in loyalty, if only I,
When exerting, am content with my endeavor,

٤٣. وأَجهدُ في الولاءِ وليتَ أَنَّى
اذا بالغتُ أَقنعُ باجتهَادِي

44. And how can a cheat be distinguished in prosperity?
In adversity, my belief is known,

٤٤. وكيفَ يمازُ في السَّرَّاءِ غِشَي
وفي الضَّرَّاءِ قد عُلمَ اعتقادِي

45. I responded though not called, and I used to be called,
So I do not listen to the words of the caller,

٤٥. أَجبتُ وما دُعيتُ وكنتُ أُدعى
فلا أُصْغِى الى قَولِ المُنَادِي

46. Do you have a hand that caresses the free,
Light of burden from the loads of hands?

٤٦. فهل لك في يَدٍ تَنْتَاشُ حُراً
خفيفَ الظَّهرِ من حِملِ الأَيادِي

47. When the opportunities of greed enabled him,
He avoided the ear of the generous steed,

٤٧. اذا فُرصُ المطامعِ أَمكنته
تنكبَ نابلَ السمعِ الجوَادِ

48. He saw you more deserving of favor than them,
And more qualified for caution and armament,

٤٨. رآكَ أَحقَ بالتأميلِ منهم
وأَولى بالحِيَاطَةِ والذيَادِ

49. A share of the essence of glory you have attained,
Through it, beyond cities and deserts,

٤٩. نصيبٌ من صريحِ المجدِ فُزتُم
به دونَ الحَواضرِ والبَوَادِي

50. And an honor is reserved for you and protected,
The Lord of servants has undertaken its preservation,

٥٠. ومكُرمَةٌ لكم ذُخِرَتْ وصِيْنَتْ
تَولى حِفْظَها ربُّ العِبَادِ