1. He was astonished at our fleeting smiles,
And many a smile concealing clenched teeth,
١. تعجَّبَ من إيماضِنا بالمَناسِمِ
ورُبَّ ابتسامٍ عن عِضاضِ الأباهِمِ
2. On the eve when the separation cleaved in twain the darling one alive,
There accumulated from our misery and sorrow,
٢. عشيّةَ شَنّ البينُ الحيّ غارةً
تكدَّسَ من عذالنا واللوائمِ
3. So we came confused, counting the blow arduous,
When our faith was swept away by ruin,
٣. فجئنا حَيارى نحسَبُ الضربَ شاقَهُ
وقد عصفَتْ أيمانُنا بالقوائِمِ
4. And the tears overflowed from Amro's gazing eyes,
With which he melted the essence of his tender companions,
٤. ولجلجَ عَمروٌ نظرةً لَجْلَجَتْ بها
لواحظُهُ فيض الدموعِ السّواجِمِ
5. So I said to him, "Do not cry over the separation, we
Were created for it, created like the spear for thrusting."
٥. فقلتُ له لا تبْكِ للبينِ إنّنا
خُلِقنا له خَلقَ القَنا للمهازِمِ
6. I have met with every strange thing from the days
That cast doubt around my comfort with calamities,
٦. لقيتُ من الأيّامِ كلَّ غَريبةٍ
تُشككُ حَولاً راحتي بالبراجِمِ
7. And no night in Iraq have I spent awake
Seeking the fever's people in every dozing one,
٧. ولا مِثلَ ليلٍ بالعِراقِ سَهرتُهُ
أفتشُ عن أهلِ الحِمى كلَّ ناسِمِ
8. The dawns pass by, they do not visit their land's soil
So their glow makes me swoon,
٨. تمرُّ الصَبا لم تسْبِ تُربةَ أرضهمْ
فتلفَحُني من وهجِها بسَمائمِ
9. Methinks the stars are swords
With which the lightning warns every towering height,
٩. يُخيَّلُ لي أنّ النجومَ أسنّةٌ
يُنَهْنِهُ عنها البرقُ سلَّ صَوارِمِ
10. And that the planets are arrows to every weeping eye
In which grief and devastation are a haunting spectre,
١٠. وأنّ الكَرى سهمٌ إلى كلِّ مُقلَةٍ
تَرقرَقَ فيها والرّدى طيفُ حالِمِ
11. As if the darkness leaned upon it like a troop
And warned with its horrors every sleeping one,
١١. كأنّ الدُّجى مالت عليهِ كَتيبَةٌ
فنبّه من أهوالِهِ كلَّ نائِمِ
12. Until the beloved's standard gleamed, and the morning breaths
Greeted it with attacking gusts of wind.
١٢. إلى أنْ سَرى نشرُ الحبيبِ فصافحتْ
بهِ الصُّبحَ أنفاسُ الرياحِ الهواجِمِ
13. To you, my companion, his sun thunders today,
And the confusion of a night dark with quenched stars,
١٣. إليكَ صَحِبنا اليومَ ترعدُ شمسُه
وحيرةَ ليلٍ أسودِ النجمِ فاحِمِ
14. And a time whose leviathans swam in its heavens,
And its stars were in a turbulent sea,
١٤. ودَهْراً سمتْ حيتانُهُ في سمائِهِ
وأنجُمُهُ في بحرِهِ المتلاطِمِ
15. Its iniquity refused to be appeased by our reproach,
And wrongdoing in it is none but the plaint of the wronged,
١٥. أبى صدُّهُ أنْ يستَجِفَّ عتابُنا
وما الظلمُ فيهِ غيرُ شكوى المَظالِمِ
16. And a stab we gave it the throats, and a need
We were too proud to have fulfilled with disputes,
١٦. وطعناً منحناه النّحورَ وحاجةً
أنِفنا لها أنْ تُقْتَضى بالخَصائِمِ
17. So we leapt to it with the leap of swords, and the platforms of might
Were stirred in us, and noble deeds,
١٧. وثَبنا لها وثبَ السّيوفِ وشمّرَتْ
بِنا أريحاتُ العُلا والمَكارِمِ
18. Until the wilderness confined us, and it tried
To add the living to the dead with partitions,
١٨. إلى أنْ تَحامتنا الفَلاةُ فحاولتْ
من العيشِ إلحاقَ الذُرى بالمَناسِمِ
19. And if the deserts have found our mounts
They have emitted from us agony into partitions,
١٩. فإنْ تكن البيداُ لاكتْ رِكابَنا
فقد لفظتْ منّا شجىً في الحَلاقِمِ
20. Our breaths and speech therein
Will be praises of the King of justice,
٢٠. تكون بها أنفاسُنا وحديثُنا
مدائِحَ حمدانَ المليكِ القُماقِمِ
21. And it will please the deserts that it does not slacken remembering him
For our mouths have mimicked the gaping jaws,
٢١. ويعجِبُها ألاّ تُفَتِّرَ ذِكْرَهُ
فقد جسَدَتْ أفواهُنا للخَياشِمِ
22. A youth whose hair the water of youth
Has not yet slipped down his cheek, but he has sought the tasting of bitterness,
٢٢. فتىً لم يرقْ ماءَ الشّبيبةِ شَعْرُهُ
على الخَدِّ حتى رامَ شمَّ المَراوِمِ
23. And in it he has endured fifteen years of pilgrimage
To glory, defending the breasts of the mighty,
٢٣. فكابَرَ فيها خَمسَ عشرةَ حِجّةً
إلى المجدِ دفاعاً صدورَ العَظائمِ
24. The brother of war, he doubles its edge while still unsheathed
And surrenders from it while the spear is unbroken,
٢٤. أَخو الحربِ يَثنى حدَّها وهو صارمٌ
ويسلَمُ منها والقَنا غير سالِمِ
25. When he travels in it, guided by his spear,
Then none guided but by the water of ponds,
٢٥. إذا راحَ فيها مُعْلَماً بقَناتِهِ
فلا معلَمٌ إلاّ بماءِ الحَيازِمِ
26. He gives generously that for which he prefers dew
When the people are stingy with noble souls,
٢٦. يجودُ بما من أجلِهِ يُؤثِرُ النّدى
إذا القومُ شَحّوا بالنفوسِ الكرائِمِ
27. A youth who does not see that sorrows are misfortunes,
And that the joy of life is an inescapable blow,
٢٧. فتىً لا يَرى أنّ الهمومَ مصائِبٌ
وأنّ سرورَ العيشِ ضربةُ لازِمِ
28. In his wealth every hopeful hopes
And every compassionate one seeks his mercy,
٢٨. يُؤَمِّلُ في أموالِهِ كلُّ آمِلٍ
ويُرحمُ من أسْيافِهِ كلُّ راحِمِ
29. When the sword does not descend with its glittering blade,
Then it is not of his opinions and resolves,
٢٩. إذا السّيفُ لم يستنزلِ الهامَ لمعُهُ
فما هو من آرائِهِ والعَزائمِ
30. A generous one beseeched you, whose hopes are never dashed,
And your sword-stroke at a cloud never misaimed,
٣٠. رجاكَ كريمٌ لا يَخيبُ رَجاؤهُ
وشامكَ طرْفٌ للنّدى غيرُ شائمِ
31. So anticipate from your cold a direction toward a cloud
That endures while the water-spring does not last,
٣١. وبادر من برديكَ صوبَ غَمامةٍ
يَدومُ ومُنْهَلُّ الحَيا غيرُ دائِمِ
32. And I did not know that refusing you is a passionate lover,
And that bestowing wealth is one of the spoils,
٣٢. فلم أدرِ أنّ المَنعَ قَبلكَ مُغْرَمٌ
وأنّ عطاءَ المالِ إحدى المَغانِمِ
33. The noble youth sells his ambitions through his loyalty
And has stayed up late, humble in provisions,
٣٣. يَبيعُ الفَتى أطماعَهُ بوفائِهِ
وقد باتَ مجهوداً زهيدَ المَطاعِمِ
34. I see time compensating some of what it has taken
Its winnings are plundered by the losses,
٣٤. أرى الدّهْرَ يُعطى بعضَ ما هو آخِذٌ
مغانمهُ مسلوبةٌ بالمَغارِمِ
35. Lo! The possessions of the lands are tempting prey
For the leap of the long-armed panther,
٣٥. ألا أنّ أملاكَ البلادِ فرائِسٌ
لوثبةِ مفتولِ الذّراعِ ضبارِمِ
36. They are ambitions, when engaging in battle think
They are, by stabbing an impenetrable armor, spared death,
٣٦. هُمامٌ إذا خاضَ القَنا ظنّ أنّهُ
من الطّعْنِ في درعٍ من الموتِ عاصمِ
37. So rise amidst its embers, my son, pillar of the people,
If death has made all else sit down,
٣٧. فقم يا بن قوّامٍ على جَمراتِها
إذا ما المَنايا أقعدتْ كلَّ قائمِ
38. For the land of Iraq has revealed its mask,
And Syria longs for you, the longing of a loving gazelle,
٣٨. فقد كشَفَتْ أرضُ العِراقِ قِناعَها
وحَنّ إليكَ الشّامُ تَحنانَ رائِمِ
39. And the enemies know their swords
Fall upon their necks and joints,
٣٩. وقد علِمَ الأعداءُ أنّ سُيوفَهم
تُسَلُّ على أعناقِهم والمَعاصِمِ
40. They have unsheathed them while their faces are ghastly,
But they have not replaced their sheaths with skulls,
٤٠. هُمُ جرّدُوها والوجوهُ دَويّةٌ
فما بدّلوا أغمادَها بالجَماجِمِ
41. And too narrow for the traces left by your stabbing them
Is what teaches them the seizing of retreat,
٤١. وأضيقُ من آثارِ طعنِكَ فيهُمُ
يُعلِّمُهُم كيفَ انتهازُ الهَزائمِ
42. You have a grandfather who splits rock with his sharp edge
And violates the chest of the struggling throng,
٤٢. ليهنِكَ جَدٌّ يفلِقُ الصّخْرَ حَدُّهُ
ويهتِكُ صدرَ الجحفَلِ المُتلاحِمِ
43. And you never meet dew except with a decisive name,
Nor avert devastation except as one firm of purpose,
٤٣. وإنكَ لا تَلقى النّدى غيرَ باسمٍ
إليهِ ولا صرفَ الرّدى غيرَ حازِمِ
44. And any place delighted you and any dwelling
Is where the hunting of lions takes place by the growling ones,
٤٤. وإنّ محلاً رُحْتَ فيهِ ومنزِلاً
تَصيدُ ظُباهُ للأسودِ الضّراغِمِ
45. Protected by the chase of horses angering the gazelle
When its horsemen are separated by banners,
٤٥. حماهُ طِرادُ الخيلِ يغضِبُها الظُّبا
إذا أُفرِدَتْ فرسانُها بالأمائمِ
46. And every youth who counts death as spoils
Fears losing it if he does not engage in battle,
٤٦. وكلُّ غُلامٍ يحسَبُ الموتَ مَغْنَماً
يَخافُ عليهِ الفوتَ إنْ لم يُزاحِمِ