
We gained victory over your enemies through deception,

ظفرنا من عداتك بالخداع

1. We gained victory over your enemies through deception,
And from the bond of covenants through loss,

١. ظَفِرنا من عداتِكِ بالخِداعِ
ومن عَقدِ المواثِقِ بالضياعِ

2. If you had consulted me against your desire
You would have profited and your palm obtained the sale,

٢. ولو شاوَرتني في غَيرِ لُبّي
ربحتِ وفاز كفكِ بالبياعِ

3. You denied us while every love and passion,
Changes the coward upon the brave,

٣. منعتينا وكلُّ هوى وجوعٍ
يُغيرُ به الجبانُ على الشُّجاعِ

4. The lightning on the night you visited,
Illuminated the turban on your head in purity and radiance,

٤. كان البرقَ ليلةَ زرتِ يَجلي
لُمامَكِ في النقاءِ وفي الشُّعَاعِ

5. An apparition of you called out at the meeting,
And embraced me an embrace of farewell,

٥. وطيف منكِ هلل بالتلاقي
فَعانقني مُعَانَقَةَ الوَداعِ

6. Congratulations that she grew weary of my company,
While I did not grow weary of contention,

٦. هَنيْئاً أنَها سَئِمَتْ وصَالي
وأَني ما سئمتُ من النِّزَاعِ

7. Just as the hoped for king does not grow weary,
Of asking for every difficult thing of denial,

٧. كما لا يسأَمُ الملكُ المُرجى
مَطالِبَ كل صَعْبٍ ذي امتِنَاعِ

8. A young man whom no king fears his awe,
Nor did his subjects submit to a shepherd,

٨. فتىً ماهِيبَ هَيبَتَهُ مليكٌ
ولا انقادتْ رعيتُه لِراعِ

9. He sought glory, asking for its end,
So he attained above what hands can attain,

٩. سَعَى للمجدِ يطلبُ منتهاهُ
فأَدركَ فوقَ ما تَسَعُ المَسَاعي

10. When his decree was carried out by a plot,
Then woe to the spears from the milling,

١٠. اذا ما كُتْبُهُ نَفذَتْ بكيدٍ
فيا ويحَ الرماحِ من اليَراعِ

11. You are obeyed concerning his canal with flatteries,
And needs can be fulfilled with parchments,

١١. تُطاعنُ عن قناه ملطفاتٌ
وقد تُقضى الحوائجُ بالرِقَاعِ

12. We asked about his preoccupation, so they said,
Busy with weapons and stirrups,

١٢. سألنا عن تشاغلِه فقالوا
معنىً بالسِّلاحِ والكُراعِ

13. And assembling blades at the summits,
And testing swords at the thighs,

١٣. وتركيبِ الأَسنةِ في العَوالي
وتجريبِ الصوارمِ في النِّطاعِ

14. And presenting pages gilded,
That were not gilded for the threshing,

١٤. وعرضِ المقربات مُسوَّماتٍ
وما سُوّمْنَ للقِراعِ

15. He wants through a horseman one of the prizes,
The crowding of the plateau or taking the fortresses,

١٥. يُريدُ بفارسٍ احدى الدَّواهي
زحامَ الهضبِ أَو قلعَ القِلاعِ

16. Like the manner of horses the day they sought trouble,
Going to excess between a touch and snatching,

١٦. كَدَأْبِ الخيلِ يومَ طَلَبْنَ بَاداً
تُفارطُ بينَ مَلْقٍ وانِتزَاعِ

17. The morning a crooked one stumbled,
He bites the dust, his spine severed,

١٧. غَداةَ هوى لِعَثْرةِ أَعوَجيٍّ
يَعَضُ التربَ منقطعَ النُّخَاعِ

18. And the running exhausted every limb from him,
And the beauty of each swimming flank,

١٨. وأَفني الركضُ منه كلَّ طرفٍ
وجُنَّةَ كل سابحةٍ رواعِ

19. They refrain from the bridle with their jaws,
As the generous refrained from the beggar,

١٩. تَصُدُّ عن اللجَامِ بمِلْطَمَيها
كما صَدَّ الكريمُ عن القِذاعِ

20. So when they returned walking gently,
They spanned the deserts with ample steps,

٢٠. فلمَّا عُدْنَ يمشينَ الهُوينا
ذَرَعْنَ البيدَ بالخطوِ الوَسَاع

21. They covered sorrow with the sorrow of ostriches,
Beyond what is woven by every carpet,

٢١. كسونَ الحَزنَ حَزنَ دُرَا بجُردٍ
معاوزَ ما نسجنَ بكلِّ قَاعِ

22. And every neck rose to the heights,
As the doe intended with the horizons,

٢٢. وأَشرفَ للشواهقِ كلُّ جِيدٍ
كما هَمَّ الرَّبيَّةُ بأطلاعِ

23. And they are striking with the whips angrily,
So they cannot be controlled except by deception,

٢٣. وهُنَّ على السياطِ مُغَاضشباتٌ
فما يُمْلَكْنَ الاَّ بالخِدَاعِ

24. For if it were not that they said in the west,
The night journeyed, so its dawn cracked,

٢٤. فلولا أَنَّها بالغربِ قالوا
سَرَى يا ليلُ فجرُكَ بانِصداعِ

25. And whoever turned away at that point,
The youth of the swords spill out in lying down,

٢٥. وولي عند ذلكَ من تَولى
يَفُلُّ شَبَا الأسنَّةِ باضطجَاعِ

26. And no warrior knew a spear like you did,
That attached its heel through a making hand,

٢٦. وما عرفَ المقاتلَ مثلُ رمحٍ
وصلتَ كعوبَه بيدٍ صَنَاعِ

27. I think you feared it would be hidden from us,
So you stood for us atop a towering summit,

٢٧. أَظنُّكَ خِفتَ أَنْ يَخفى علينا
فقمتَ لنا على شَرفٍ يَفَاعِ

28. You walked to Othman while he lingered,
You say to him, come to the struggle,

٢٨. مشيتَ الى أُسامةَ وهو طاوٍ
تقولُ لهُ هلُمَّ الى الصِّراعِ

29. And whenever he marched against a people with the army,
The swords clamored before its falling the melling,

٢٩. وكان اذا غزا بالجيشِ قوماً
تُوَلوِلُ قبل وقعتهِ النَّواعي

30. He saw the green of the blades in the calling out,
So he counted you apportioner of the successive striking,

٣٠. رأَى خَوَرَ الأَسِنَّةِ في التَّنادي
فعدَّك قسمةَ الضَّرْبِ المثَاعِ

31. Is it not your secret was revealed and became,
Your disgrace a mask for the mask,

٣١. أَاِن بانتْ سريرتُكم وكانَت
فَضيحَتُكُم قناعاً للقِنَاعِ

32. You made our sin that we heard,
And the ears are not but for hearing,

٣٢. جعلتُم ذَنبنا أَنّا سَمِعْنَا
وما الآذان الا للسَّماعِ

33. And that the lower slope from the plateaus of oppression,
And an oppressor that was before you for loss,

٣٣. وانَّ السفحَ من هضباتِ جُورٍ
وجارٌ كان قبلكَ للضياعِ

34. The brilliance of the king, you were absent a day,
So the shortest of people lengthened in life,

٣٤. بهاءَ الملكِ انكَ غبتَ يوماً
فطاولَ أَقصرُ الأقْوامِ باعي

35. The people lost what you shepherded from me,
And loss is not feared from one who shepherds,

٣٥. أَضاع الناسُ ما راعيتَ مني
ولا تُخشى الاضاعةُ من تراعي

36. And when I called you from afar,
You answered as if the called one summoned,

٣٦. ولما أَنْ دعوتُكَ من بعيدٍ
أَجبتَ كأَنَّما المدعوُّ داعِ

37. You wrote to the noble one so he was innocent,
You healed with it the heads from headache,

٣٧. كتبتَ الى الشريفِ فكان برءاً
شفيتَ به الرؤوسَ من الصُّداعِ

38. And who is like the noble one for every matter,
The people squander he cannot perform,

٣٨. وَمَنْ مثلُ الشريفِ لكلِّ أَمر
يبذ الناس ليس بمستطاعِ

39. You see him as if he is a fool among the people,
And he has attained the waters with the predators,

٣٩. تَراه كأَنه في القومِ غُفلٌ
وقد وَرَدَ المياهَ مع السباعِ

40. He rewards for the affliction and does not favor,
By preferring his brother from nursing,

٤٠. يثيبُ على البلاءِ ولا يُحابى
بايثارٍ أَخاه من الرَّضاعِ

41. When he intends continuously and the matter,
Is nothing but with pegging,

٤١. اذا ما هم أَزمعَ مستمراً
وليس الأمرُ الا بالزَّمَاعِ

42. And trials do not benefit you unless,
You support them with opinion and invention,

٤٢. وما تُغني التَّجَاربُ عنكَ مالم
تُعاوِنْها برأيٍ واخْتِراعِ

43. Which the thieves fear for their comfort,
And the single person of blessing fears the wretched multitude,

٤٣. يخافُ به المسارقُ راحتيهِ
ويأمنُ عازبَ النعمَ الرِّتاعِ

44. And no effort remains for him in gentleness,
Nor in protecting him and defense,

٤٤. وما استبقى له في الرفقِ جُهداً
ولا في الذَّبِ عنه والدِّفاعِ

45. So why is Abdul Aziz distinguished amongst you,
Will you not, O people, for the neglected revenge,

٤٥. فَلِمْ عبدُ العزيزِ بكم خَصيصٌ
أَلا يا قومُ للثأر المضاعِ

46. And you were brothers in the kingdom diverse,
So it separated you after gathering,

٤٦. وكنتم اِخوةً في الملكِ شَتى
ففرقَ بينكم بَعدَ اجتمَاعِ

47. And legislated the cutting off of relations between you,
More sinister than a hyena's bone-cracking,

٤٧. وسنَّ قطيعةَ الأرحامِ فيكم
أَخبُّ كَرَىً من الطُّلسِ الجِيَاعِ

48. And he betrayed your brother while he was vizier to him,
The position of secret and obeyed opinion,

٤٨. وخانَ أَخاكَ وهو له وزيرٌ
مكانَ السرِ والرأْي المطاعِ

49. So you were not his seeker but,
He protected himself with you at the time of reaping,

٤٩. فلم تك أَنت بُغيتَه ولكن
وقى بك نفسَه عند المِصَاعِ

50. He appointed you beneath the heights of power,
So he escaped while treachery spread in terror,

٥٠. أقامك تحتَ أَطرافِ العوالي
وفر يَشُوبُ غَدراً بارتَياعِ

51. So when he was saved from it gashing,
He was saved by you or you protected from falling,

٥١. فآلى اذْ نجا منها جريضاً
نجا بكَ أَو وقاكَ من الوِقَاعِ

52. And a Josephite does not observe,
His affection upon the arm's rope,

٥٢. ولا يَرعى الأَمانةَ يوسفيٌ
مَوَدَّتَهُ على حبلِ الذرَاعِ

53. If you erase his grudges with an excuse,
They sprout like the sprouting of viper's fangs,

٥٣. اذا محيت ضَغَائِنُه بعذرٍ
نبتنَ نباتَ أَنيابِ الأفاعي

54. You committed the sin then wanted,
For him to observe the rights of favor,

٥٤. صنعتَ الذنبَ ثم أَردتَ منه
بأَنْ يَرعى حقوقَ الاصْطِنَاعِ

55. And which of the people is more generous than you in pardon,
When you provided him treasures of loss,

٥٥. وأَيُّ الناسِ أَكرمُ منك عفواً
وقد أَقطعتَه غُررَ الضِّيَاعِ

56. I saw the Turks interpret who cast them,
Like the racing of birds, the swift,

٥٦. رأَيتُ التركَ ترجمُ من رماها
بمثلِ قوادمِ الطيرِ السِّراعِ

57. And they did not overcome by their sharpness but,
By your seriousness and matters have causes,

٥٧. وما غلبوا بحدِّهم ولكنْ
بجَدِّك والأمورُ لها دَواعِ

58. Who warned attained rebuke,
And who named your father, father of the brave,

٥٨. أَصابَ الزجرَ مَنْ سَمَّكَ غيثاً
ومن كنَّى أَباكَ أَبا شُجَاعِ