1. O you who guards tears in horizons
And who grants the gathering of separation
١. يا مَصونَ الدّموعِ في الآفاقِ
واهِباً جَمْعَ شَملِهِ للفراقِ
2. Do not ask anyone but me about love
For I have met what you have not met
٢. لا تَسلْ مخبراً سِوايَ عن الدّهْ
رِ فإنّي لقيتُ ما لم تُلاقِ
3. I drank the cup before you in passion
And wasted my sigh and yearning
٣. قد شَربْتُ السلوَ قبلَكَ في الحبْ
بِ وأفنيتُ زَفْرَتي واشتِياقي
4. And I was seasoned in adversities
And in them I fulfilled the morals of manners
٤. وتمرّسْتُ بالنّوائِبِ واستَقْ
ضَيْتُ فيها مآرِبَ الأخْلاقِ
5. A lover does not know when departure is chosen willingly
When the meeting happens to be
٥. ليس يَدْري مفارقٌ تركَ الأحْ
ب طوْعاً متى يكونُ التّلاقِي
6. And I wish I knew what nights that remain
Make one who sees clearly, think
٦. وبودّي لو كنتُ أعلمُ ما تُضْ
مِرُ لي عِندَها اللّيالي البَواقي
7. Doubt made the insightful, thoughtful one
Surpass between terms and sustenances
٧. شكّكَ المبصِرَ المفكرَ ما فا
وَتَ بينَ الآجالِ والأرزاقِ
8. Every attainment I denied for you, O land
Except a night in Iraq's land
٨. كلُّ نيلٍ كفرتُه لكَ يا دهْ
رُ سِوى ليلةٍ بأرضِ العِراقِ
9. Wherein embraced my soul and body
As if we were from intimacy in separation
٩. ضَمّ فيها العِناقُ روحي وجسمي
وكأنّا من الضَّنا في فِراقِ
10. I attained it unveiling the mask while others
Did not attain it in discretion and stealing
١٠. نلتُها كاشِفَ القِناعِ وغَيري
لم يَنلْها في رُقيةٍ واستراقِ
11. And if you possessed high manners
My veins, so you secured my eternities
١١. وإذا ما ملكتَ بالخُلقِ الأر
فَعِ رِقّي فقد أمِنْتَ أباقي
12. Your love did not cease to be in me, O you who seeks the peak
Until I was counted among the lovers
١٢. لمْ يزلْ بي هَواكَ يا طلبَ الغا
يَة حتى عُدِدْتُ في العُشّاقِ
13. Except I forbade the initiative of tears
And in tears is the comfort of the longing
١٣. غير أنّي نهيتُ بادِرةَ الدّم
عِ وفي الدمعِ راحةُ المُشْتاقِ
14. The servant of Aziz surpassed the word
So how can I compete in describing him
١٤. فاتَ عبدُ العزيزِ سابقةَ القَوْ
لِ فأنّى لوصفهِ من لَحاقِ
15. His gentle words rose in hearts
Like the rising of stars in horizons
١٥. طَلَعَتْ في القلوبِ ألفاظُه الغُرْ
رُ طلوعَ النّجومِ في الآفاقِ
16. His pens challenged the mouths of the tribe
So they dispensed with the slim lances
١٦. وتَحَدّتْ أقلامُه ثُغَرَ القو
مِ فأغنتْ عن الرّماحِ الرَّواقي
17. And he saw his conforming opinion more lasting
Than the embers of swords and shields and body armors
١٧. ورأى رأيَه المُطبَقَ أمضى
من غِرارِ الحُسامِ والدِّرْعِ واقِ
18. The night of travel and leadership of horses
Sufficed him to charge to the smooth fur coats
١٨. وكفاهُ ليلُ السُّرى وقيادُ ال
خيلِ تَرْدي إلى القِلاصِ المَناقي
19. In the heights, what cannot be attained
By the summits and thin pages
١٩. في المَعالي ما لا يُنالُ بأطْرا
فِ العَوالي والمُرهَفاتِ الرّقاقِ
20. He remains clarifying with his thinking the rust of doubt
And gives keys to locks
٢٠. باتَ يجلو بظنّهِ صَدَأَ الشّكْ
كِ ويُعطي مفاتحَ الأغْلاقِ
21. A protector of the defect of eyes for long
Overlooking and intense lowering of the gaze
٢١. حافظٌ عورةَ العيونِ على طوْ
لِ التّغاضي وشدّةِ الإطراقِ
22. You do not see him to enmity except
Like the dog of malice, holding the strangle
٢٢. لا تراهُ على العَداوةِ إلاّ
كَلِبَ الكيدِ مُمْسِكاً بالخِناقِ
23. Its saliva is of black drivel transgressing
Every agreeable one avoids its wellbeing
٢٣. ريقُها من لُعابٍ أسودَ تَعْدى
يتحامَى سَليمَها كلُّ راقِ
24. The chapter of great deeds did not overlook him
With a look into the insignificant, petty ones
٢٤. لم تضع سَوْرَةُ العَظائمِ عنهُ
نَظَراً في المحقراتِ الدِّقاقِ
25. So he is, in both his states, like the mighty ship
Between darkness and sunrise
٢٥. فهو في حالتيهِ كالفلكِ الحا
ئلِ بينَ الظّلامِ والإشْراقِ
26. The eyelid roams when it roams in it
The roaming of a glimpse, yet difficult to pasture
٢٦. يَسْرَحُ الطّرفُ حينَ يَسْرحُ فيه
مَرَحُ اللّحظِ وهو صعبُ المَراقي
27. Not like a lustful roamer whose passion wanders
Between his guts and audition
٢٧. لا كَمُسْتَوهلٍ يجولُ هَواهُ
بينَ أحْشائِهِ وبينَ التّراقي
28. Incapable, whose determination was lost between
Your worries, and the victory of the captives and the freed
٢٨. عاجِرٍ ضاعَ عزمُه بينَ هَمَّيْ
ك وفوز الأسارِ والأطلاقِ
29. And a swaggerer who bet his slave girl so he took
To the rods of gambling before the race
٢٩. ونزيع جاريتُه فتَعاطى
قَصَباتِ الرِّهانِ قبلَ السِّباقِ
30. He was in his action like one who swallows the hot coal
Who did not wait for the proof of taste
٣٠. كان في فعلِه كمستَرطِ الشّحْ
مَةِ لم ينتظرْ دليلَ المَذاقِ
31. When the bridle bit avoided and plunged
Its teeth into its cheek strap and the saddle girth
٣١. حينَ عافتْ فأسَ اللّجامِ ولجّتْ
سنَناً في جِماحها والتّراقي
32. So you rescued it when hooves tore
With the galloping of the swift fillies
٣٢. فتداركتَها وقد مزّقَ الفو
تُ بركضِ المُطهَماتِ العِتاقِ
33. They went out like arrows, goaded
By the goading of the smooth rock for the spacious meadows
٣٣. خرَجَتْ كالسِّهامِ تَحفزُها الأق
دامُ حفزَ القِسيِّ للأفْواقِ
34. And if their bodies had raced their bodies
In length they would run on the veins
٣٤. وهي لو شاطرتْ سَوالفُها الأج
سامَ طولاً تجري على الأعراقِ
35. After kindness from its uneasy, suspicious abdomen
And tying from its fervent neck
٣٥. بعد عطفٍ من بَقْرها القَلِقِ الظَّنْ
نِ ورَبْطٍ من جأشِها الخَفّاقِ
36. And you were so generous as to share
In the conquest, and the victory of the captives and the freed
٣٦. وتكرمتَ أنْ تُشاركَ في الفَتْ
كِ وفوز الأسار والأطلاقِ
37. Battles knew your plot so they do not
Raise the trains of the smooth garment
٣٧. عَرَفَتْ كيدَكَ الحُروبُ فما تَرْ
فَعُ أذيالَ ماقِطٍ عنْ ساقِ
38. With twisting ropes it tricks them for a while
And for a while with pulling and sinking
٣٨. بدَفينِ الحِبالِ تخدعُها طَوراً
وطوراً بالنّزعِ والإغْراقِ
39. Your fear did not leave a share for swords
In the flowing blood and spilled blood
٣٩. لم يدعْ للسّيوفِ خوفُكَ حَظّاً
في ذُرى الهامِ والدمِ المُهْراقِ
40. You sufficed away from their armour
And you prepared for them the passes of necks
٤٠. أنتَ أغنيتَ عن ظُباها وأعدَيْ
تَ عليْها مَجاريَ الأطْواقِ
41. And you avoided with prestige confusion
That was between the swords and necks
٤١. وتلافيتَ بالمهابةِ ذَحْلاً
كان بنيَ السّيوفِ والأعناقِ