
To whom can the servant cry out, except to his Lord?

بمن يستغيث العبد الا بربه

1. To whom can the servant cry out, except to his Lord?
And who can help the young man in times of distress and hardship?

١. بمن يستغيثُ العبدُ الاَّ بربهِ
ومن للفتى عندَ الشدائدِ والكربِ

2. Who is the Master of this world and Master of its people?
And who dispels afflictions whether far or near?

٢. ومَنْ مالكُ الدنيا ومالك أَهلها
ومن كاشف البلوى على البعد والقُربِ

3. Who drives away sorrows when they descend?
Can it be other than You, my Lord, and Your actions?

٣. ومن يدفعُ الغَمَّاءَ وقتَ نزولها
وهل ذاكَ الاَّ من فعالِكَ يا ربّي