
They extended to you the nerves and fibers of the heart

شدوا اليك نياط القلب والعصبا

1. They extended to you the nerves and fibers of the heart
And trod your steps with their eyelids and eyebrows

١. شَدُّوا إلَيكَ نياط َ القلبِ والعَصَبا
وَوَطَّؤوا خَطوَكَ الأجفانَ والهُدُبا

2. And nailed every rib of theirs
To each turning you crossed, erect with fatigue

٢. وَسَمَّروا كُلَّ ضِلْع ٍمِن أضالِعِهِم
في كلِّ مُنْعَطَفٍ جاوَزتَهُ نُصُبا

3. And opened to you the doors of their chests, which
Seemed as if they had been locked up

٣. وَفَتَّحُوا لَكَ أبوابَ الصُّدورِ وَقَد
كانَتْ تَلوحُ كأنْ قَد أُوصِدَتْ حِقَبا

4. If they were able, they would have illuminated
Your path in that darkness with flames

٤. لو استَطاعُوا أضاءُوا مِن مَحاجِرِهِم
على طريقِكَ في تِلكَ الدُّجى شُهُبا

5. And sent the wind from their breaths honorably
To carry you on their breaths, hunchbacked

٥. وَسَيَّروا الرِّيحَ مِن أنفاسِهِم شَرَفاً
أنْ يَحمِلوكَ على أنفاسِهِم حُدُبا

6. To touch from you a palm soaked
And kiss from you a face dried with yearning

٦. أنْ يَلمِسُوا مِنكَ كَفَّا ًباللَّظى غُمِسَتْ
وَيَلثِموا مِنكَ وَجْها ًبالسَّنا عُصِبا

7. And embrace that chest whose bones
Embraced the whole universe, however spacious

٧. وَيَحضِنوا ذلكَ الصَّدرَالذي حَضَنَتْ
عِظامُهُ الكَونَ كلَّ الكَونِ ما رَحُبا

8. Are the causes of your family, O most faithful of them,
Insufficient for their causes?!

٨. أسبابُ أهلِكَ يا أوفاهُمُ رَحِماً
أقاطِعٌ أنتَ مِن أسبابِهِم سَبَبا ؟!

9. Look, you will find in people's eyes whatever love
That the bashful glance reveals its veils over

٩. اُنظُرْتَجِدْ في عيون ِالنَّاس ِأيَّ هَوىً
جَذلانَ تَهتِكُ عَنه ُالنَّظرَة ُالحُجُبا

10. Whoever witnesses the outstretched necks to you
Sees from them a wondrous sight

١٠. يَكادُ مَن يَشهَدُ الأعناقَ مُتْلَعَةً
إلَيكَ يُبصِرُ منها مَنظَراً عَجَبا

11. Is every heart that holds from what you have called to
A case, so each is attracted by something of you?

١١. أكُلُّ قَلبٍ لَه ُ في ما شَدَوتَ بِه
شأنٌ ، فَكُلٌّ بِشَيءٍ منكَ قد جُذِبا ؟

12. Or is it the aura of glory that poured
Onto the forehead from the lights some dreams

١٢. أم أنَّها هالَة ُالمَجْدِ التي سَكَبَتْ
على الجَبين ِمنَ الأضواءِ ما خَلَبا

13. And the most wondrous glory aimed at a resolve that crowded
The spheres of the sky, and a step that did not cease to grow

١٣. وأروَعُ المَجْدِ مَرْمَى هامَةٍ زَحَمَتْ
ذ ُرا السَّماءِ ، وَخَطْوٍ لم يَزَلْ تَرِبا !

14. Your glory was not a flute you compose
And a lute that whirls around it enchanted

١٤. ما كانَ مَجْدُ كَ مِزماراً تُرَنِّمُهُ
وَقَيْنَةً تَتَلَوَّى حَولَه ُ طَرَبا

15. Nor the echo of cups whenever they are filled
Their sweetness overflows above them seeds

١٥. وَلا رَنينَ كؤوسٍ كُلَّما امتَلأتْ
طَفَتْ حُلومُ ذ َويها فَوقَها حَبَبا

16. And you did not court the feet of the vile with what
Is inspired to you, and you did not erase sins for them

١٦. وَلا حَدَوتَ رِكابَ الأرذلينَ بِما
يُوحَى إلَيكَ ، وَلم تَمسَحْ لَهُم ذ َنَبا

17. But I saw you storming their homes for eternity
Furious, raging, angry

١٧. بَلى ، رأيْتُكَ حَتْفاً والِجاً أبَداً
بيوتَهُم ، مُكْفَهِرَّاً، عاصِفاً ،غَضِبا

18. You did not fear when you were a pillar of sand standing
That they would rob you, and is there anyone who robbed a pillar?

١٨. لم تخْشَ إذ ْكنتَ صِلَّ الرَّملِ مُنتصِباً
أنْ يَسلِبوكَ ، وَهَل مِن مُرمِلٍ سُلِبا ؟

19. Until when they bridged the strait so roughly
And did not find, as they imagined, apparent or reed

١٩. حتى إذا عَجَمُوا صُلْبَ القَناةِ فَلَم
يُلْفُوا، كما وَهِمُوا، باناً ولا قَصَبا

20. Their roaring around its sand poured
Money, titles, and positions

٢٠. جَرَتْ نُهَيْراتُهُم مِن حَولِ رَمْلَتِها
تُشَعشِعُ المالَ ،والألقابَ ،والُّرتَبا

21. They imagined the aura of the giant tree weighs it down
Those fruits so its rigid trunk bends

٢١. تَوَهَّمُوا هامَةَ العِملاق ِتُثْقِلُها
تِلكَ الثِّمارُ فَتَحني جذعَها الصَّلِبا

22. But every speck of sand refused
To drink, and the awe of the pole remained standing!

٢٢. لكنْ أبَتْ كلُّ ذ َرَّاتِ الرِّمال ِ فَلَم
تَشرَبْ، وَظلَّ مَهيبُ العُودِ مُنتَصِبا !

23. And which wing that you spread
Would alight except on a high place or above the clouds!

٢٣. وَهَلْ يَقَرُّ جَناحٌ أنتَ ناشِرُهُ
إلاّ عَلى مُرتَقىً أو يَفرَعُ السُّحُبا !

24. O Abu Furat, and the longing of the crowds will not cease
Expecting, and you will not cease to be expected

٢٤. أبا فُراتٍ ، وَلَنْ يَنفَكَّ مُرتَقِباً
شَوقُ الجموع ِ،وَلنْ تَنفَكَّ مُرتَقَبا

25. For fifty years their temples roared with
The flood of your hair which did not weaken or run out

٢٥. خَمسونَ عاماً صَواريهِم يَجيشُ بها
خِضَمُّ شِعرِكَ ما لانَتْ ، وَلا نَضَبا

26. By God, if Euphrates horses grew
Their flood pardoned that the Euphrates grew

٢٦. أولاءِ واللهِ ، لو خَيْلُ الفُراتِ كَبا
طُوفانُها عَذروا أنَّ الفُراتَ كَبا

27. Except you, O leader of the flood, no excuse
And no intercession if you do not branch out flames!

٢٧. إلاّكَ يا حاديَ الطُّوفانِ ، لا عُذُرٌ
ولا شَفاعَةَ إنْ لم تَفرَعِ الشُّهُبا !

28. This is glory, outpacing, falling short
Of its least aims the endeavor of glory, however alert

٢٨. هذا هوَ المَجدُ سَبَّاقاً يُقَصِّرُعَن
أدنى مَرامِيه ِسَعيُ المَجدِ ما وَثَبا

29. This glory, pouring its veins stingily
So people drink from it fresh sweet water!

٢٩. ذا المَجدُ يا فاصِداً أعراقَهُ جَذِلا ً
أنْ يَشرَبَ النَّاسُ منها عَلقَماً عَذِبا !

30. This glory, feeding the hungry from the flesh of its youth
While they are the most ardent of creatures, famished!

٣٠. ذا المَجْدُ يا مُطعِماً مِن لحْم ِصِبْيَتِهِ
جُوعَ الجياعِ وَهُم أشجى الوَرى سَغَبا !

31. Every sea of the earth dries up except blood
You granted people that remains warm and wet

٣١. تَجِفُّ كلُّ بحارِالأرض ِغَيْرَ دَمٍ
وَهَبْتَ لِلنَّاس ِيَبقى دافِئاً رَطِبا

32. And its goodness, and quintessence, and essence
To the soul, mind and the throbbing heart

٣٢. وَخَيْرُهُ ، وأُحَيْلاهُ ، وألصَقُهُ
بالرُّوحِ والفِكرِ، والخَفَّاقِ ما وَجَبا

33. We, whenever you hinted, gestured with a thousand hands
Alerting with it our chicks still featherless!

٣٣. أنَّا ، إذا لُحْتَ ، أومأنا بِألفِ يَدٍ
مُنَبِّهينَ بِها أفراخَنا الزُّغُبا !

34. O people of your family, O leader of their processions
How much they struggled, so you led the weary procession

٣٤. أولاءِ أهلُكَ يا حادي مَواكِبِهِم
كم أُجْهِدُوا فحَدَوتَ المَوكِبَ التَّعِبا

35. You hurl it into rough terrain, its determination unchanged
And brave death, no knee bent to it

٣٥. تَرمي بِه ِالوَعْرَ لا يَلوي أعِنَّتَهُ
وَتَزحَمُ المَوتَ لا يَثني لَهُ رُكَبا

36. And where do you find a great one who uttered
A final verse, so he led in every house a stupid mob!

٣٦. وأينَ تَلقى عَظيماً قالَ قافيَةً
فَقادَ في كلِّ بَيْتٍ جَحْفَلاً لَجِبا !

37. O uncle of Auf, and honor with the one who gave
What immortalized poetry the purest pearl and gift

٣٧. يا خالَ عَوفٍ وأكْرِمْ بالتي وَهَبَتْ
مُخَلَّدَ الشِّعرِ أنقى دُرَّةٍ وُهِبا

38. Ask about your family, did their assemblies narrow
And the heart was not from what was said or written?

٣٨. سَلْ عَن أُهَيْلِكَ هَل غَصَّتْ مَحافِلُهُم
وَلَم تَكُ القَلبَ مِمَّا قيلَ أو كُتِبا

39. Did their inspired poet ascend a pulpit for poetry
Except you were a specter erected below it?

٣٩. هَل ارتَقى مِنبَراً لِلشِّعرِ مُلهَمُهُم
إلاّ وَكُنتَ خَيالاً دونَهُ انتَصَبا

40. Until the heavy eyelids open
And the hearing listens, not to a spring or a raven

٤٠. حَتَّى لَتَنفَتِحَ الأجفانُ مُثقَلَةً
وَيُنصِتَ السَّمْعُ لا نَبْعاً وَلا غَرَبا

41. You have struck resounding bells
Leaving after them every composer absent!

٤١. لَقَد قَرَعْتَ نَواقيساً مُدَوِّيَةً
تَرَكتَ كلَّ قَريض ٍبَعدَها لَغَبا !

42. They said you became estranged, do not their words reveal
When did you see the unique writer estranged?

٤٢. قالوا اغتَرَبْتَ ، ألا فُضَّتْ مَقاوِلُهُم
متى رأيْتَ الأديبَ الفَرْدَ مُغتَرِبا ؟

43. When will this people understand that for us
In every populated part of our poetry there is lineage

٤٣. متى سَيَفهَمُ هذا الخَلْقُ أنَّ لَنا
في كلِّ آهِلَةٍ مِن شِعرِنا نَسَبا

44. You traveled dear when you left for us
The agony of the stranger mind and literature!

٤٤. لَقَد رَحَلتَ عَزيزاً إذ تَرَكتَ لَنا
شقى غَريبَينِ فينا الفِكرَ والأدَبا !

45. Ask Iraq, which you sang for, what was poured
And what was challenged, and what was defied, and what angered

٤٥. سَل ِالعراقَ الذي غَنَّيتَ ، ما وُصِبا
وَما تَحَدَّى، وما استَعدى، وما غَضِبا

46. Were there not from it mouths torn
Swelling, and the blood inflaming a house of yours?!

٤٦. ألَم يَكُنْ مِنهُ أفواهٌ مُمَزَّ قَةٌ
تَمُجُّ والدَّمَ بَيْتا ًمِنكَ مُلتَهِبا ؟!

47. By Allah, no sun blessed its expanse
No cloud shaded it, no rain watered it

٤٧. تاللهِ ما بارَكَتْ شَمسٌ مَرابِعَهُ
وَلا تَدَ لَّى بِه ِغَيمٌ ، وَلا سَكَبا

48. Except we heard a greeting from you send it
Across the seas, and a yearning response for it!

٤٨. إلاّ سَمِعنا سَلاماً مِنكَ تُرسِلُهُ
عَبْرَ البُحورِ ، وَتَرجيعاً لَهُ طَرِبا !

49. O granter of poetry from their eyes its light
And from wounds he suffers blood pouring

٤٩. يا واهِبَ الشِّعرِ مِن عَينَيهِ ضَوءَهُما
وَمِن جِراحٍ يُعانيها دَماً سَرِبا

50. And from the destinies of children who
Their eyes ask from him without nearing a request

٥٠. وَمِن مَصائِرِ أطفالٍ تُطالِبُهُ
عُيونُهُم دونَ أن يُدني لَهُم طَلَبا

51. They turn upon embers they feed
From the flesh of his flanks, those fine faces

٥١. يُقَلِّبُونَ على شَعواءَ يُطعِمُها
مِن لَحْم ِ جَنْبَيهِ تِلكَ الأوجُهَ النُّجُبا

52. Hoping the wind would ignite its sparks
To turn for lasting goodness a cause

٥٢. مُؤمِّلا ًأنْ تَهيضَ الرِّيحُ جَذوَتَها
فَتَستَحيلَ لِخيْرٍ دائِم ٍ سَبَبا

53. I believed you were the purest kindlers by hand
When you willfully left for a fire you gathered wood!

٥٣. آمَنتُ أنَّكَ أنقى الحاطِبينَ يَداً
أنْ رُحْتَ طَوعاً لِنارٍ هِجْتَها حَطَبا !

54. O uncle of Auf, you have provoked its flame
Alas, if it dims, and alas if it dies out!

٥٤. يا خالَ عوفٍ وَقَد أضرَيْتَ جَذوَتَها
واحَسْرَتا ، إنْ أحِدْ عنها ، وَواحَرَبا !

55. A fire we devoted our ribs to, perturbed
Until its flames hugged our chicks

٥٥. نارٌ نَذَرنا لها الأضلاعَ مُضطَرَباً
حتى تَضَرَّتْ على أفراخِنا لَهَبا

56. And we continued struggling toward it feverishly
Despite the harm of it being a mother and father to us!

٥٦. وَلم يَزَلْ نَحوَها يَسعى بِنا خَبَباً
رَغمَ الأذى كَونُها أُمَّاً لَنا وأبا !

57. O uncle of Auf, have we panicked for a final verse
From what we suffer, either sluggish or fleeing?

٥٧. يا خالَ عوفٍ وَلم نَفزَعْ لِقافيَةٍ
مِمَّا نُعانيهِ ، سُلواناً ولا هَرَبا

58. Woe to my hand that I orchestrate a letter
And I do not see some of my life above it erected!

٥٨. وَيْلُمِّ كَفِّيَ مِن حَرفٍ أُسَطِّرُهُ
فَلا أرى بَعضَ عُمري فوقَهُ صُلِبا !

59. So if I tear from a sigh that defeats
My patience, then pardon the patience that was defeated!

٥٩. فَإنْ تَمَزَّقتُ عن آهٍ يُغالِبُها
صَبْري، فكُنْ عاذِرَ الصَّبْرالذي غُلِبا !

60. O uncle of Auf, are scattered papers
These hearts we diverge from each other nerves?

٦٠. يا خالَ عوفٍ ،أأوراقٌ مُبَعثَرَةٌ
هذي القلوبُ نأتْ عن بَعضِها عُصَبا ؟

61. The fertile oasis uncovered, ravaged
And the progeny of that pasture withered

٦١. تَعَرَّت الدَّوحَةُ المِعطاءُ مُعْوِلَةً
وأذبَلَ الخُلْفُ ذاكَ المَرْتَعَ الأشِبا

62. And doubt cut the means we take refuge in
In a storm that left no tent peg remaining

٦٢. وَقَطَّعَ الشَّكُّ أسباباً نَلوذ ُ بِها
في عاصِفٍ لم يَدَعْ مِن خَيمَةٍ طُنُبا

63. O uncle of Auf, and most disturbing what troubles us
Is calamities among us arouse suspicion

٦٣. يا خالَ عَوفٍ وأشجى ما يُؤرِّقُنا
أنَّ المَصائبَ تُذ ْكي بَينَنا الرِّيَبا

64. Every day we have a wound we open
To lick the blood that shows enmity however faded

٦٤. في كُلِّ يَومٍ لَنا جُرحٌ نُفَتِّقُهُ
لِنَلعَقَ الدَّمَ يُوري الحِقْدَ ما شَخَبا

65. Blood may pour, calloused the hand of its pourer
But more potent than the killer is who drank!

٦٥. قَد يُسفَحُ الدَّمُ ، جُذ َّتْ كَفُّ سافِحِهِ
لكنْ أمَضُّ مِنَ السَّفَّاح ِ مَنْ شَرِبا !

66. Hearts that were inhabited by the light of affection
Became darkness, I do not say ashes

٦٦. أمسَتْ ظَلاماً قلوبٌ كانَ يَعمُرُها
مِن المَحَبَّة ِ نُورٌ ، لا أقولُ خَبا

67. But I see the slap of hatred, no eyebrows
Between us frowning at it

٦٧. لكنْ أرى زَمهَريرَالحِقْدِ يَصفَعُهُ
وَلا أرى شا جِباً مِن بَينِنا شَجَبا

68. O uncle of Auf, support me if I stumble, for
The smooth may become radiant even if not struck!

٦٨. يا خالَ عَوفٍ أقِلْني إنْ عَثَرتُ فَقَد
يَنبُوالصَّقيلُ وَإنْ لم يَنْبُ مَن ضَرَبا !

69. You showed me your flint so I burned with it
Twenty years, patient, towering, pale

٦٩. أورَيْتَ أنتَ زِنادي فاحتَرَقتُ بِهِ
عشرينَ عاماً صَبوراً، شامِخاً ،شَحِبا

70. And I am your eaglet the vulture carries
On its two mighty wings if weary

٧٠. وإنَّني مِنكَ فَرْخُ النَّسْرِ يَحمِلُهُ
على جَناحَيْهِ جَبَّارَينِ إن تَعِبا