
It is a grueling journey.. We walk it, and it walks us

يا خال عوف

1. It is a grueling journey.. We walk it, and it walks us
Stride purposely, for destiny has strode purposefully in us

١. مََفازَة ٌهيَ .. نَطويها وتَطوينا
جِدِّي خُطى فَلَقَد جَدَّ السُّرى فينا

2. Did our thickets not get torn by the thorn bushes?
Did our valleys not get enriched by the downpours?

٢. لا غابَة ُالشَّوكِ أثرَتْها عَرائِشُنا ؟
وَلا الهَجيرَة ُأغْنَتْها سَواقينا ؟

3. Did the whips, after bruising our cheeks
Wound us more than our own whips had wounded us?

٣. ولا السَّوافي ، وقَد أدمَتْ مَحاجِرَنا
ألوى بَها ما لَوَيْنا مِن سَوافينا ؟

4. It is as if we never took comfort in our lofty heights
And never slaughtered our rage during our squabbles

٤. كأنَّنا لم نُطامِنْ مِن شَوامِخِنا
وَلا أذ َبْنا حَشانا في تَحاشينا

5. Never pelted, and our blood
Never irrigated, nor did our hands ever cultivate anything?!

٥. وَلا الرِّجامَ حَرَثناها ؟..ولا دَمُنا
رَوَّى ؟..وَلا زَرَعَتْ شَيئا ًأيادينا ؟!

6. Stride purposely.. for we have kindled our vigor
Kindled our bedding, kindled our abysses

٦. جِدِّي خُطى إنَّنا حَرَّى جَوانِحُنا
حَرَّى مَواطِؤنا ، حَرَّى مَهاوينا

7. You have endured us bleeding, spurting blood
Endured our provoked wrath!

٧. لَقَد تَحَمَّلْتِنا جَرحى نَمُجُّ دَما ً
تَحَمَّلينا غِضابا ًمَستَفَزِّينا !

8. Endured the excess of rage that mill us
With the grind of a mill, and the gush of a wound overwhelms us

٨. تَحَمَّلينا وَفَرْط ُالغَيْظِ يَهرُسُنا
هََرْسَ الرَّحى ، وَمَهيضُ الجُرح ِيُطغِينا

9. Endure, for patience will spit us out
And a thousand dark nights call upon us

٩. تَحَمَّلينا فَإنَّ الصَّبْرَ يَلفُظُنا
وَإنَّ ألْفَ دُجىً سُودا ً تُنادينا

10. And embers watchfully ambush us
As our water-skins head towards them!

١٠. وَإنَّ مَجْمَرَة ً شَعْوا تَرَصَّدُنا
وَإنَّنا نَحوَها تَسعى سَواعِينا !

11. Stride firmly.. for this path is the most difficult
A wasteland and shrubs that make us soft!

١١. جِدِّي خُطى..إنَّ هذا الدَّرْبَ أوعَرُه ُ
غُيَيْمَة ٌوَعَشَيْبٌ يُورِثُ اللينا !

12. How many withering plants have we used as pillows
And how many cesspools whose waters nearly tempted us

١٢. كَم مِن خَضيل ٍتَوَسَّدنا ، وَمُنبَجِس ٍ
ماءً غَشِينا هُ حتى كادَ يُغوينا

13. And how many shelters, whose branches shaded us
We did not know we took shade under snakes

١٣. وَكَم مُظِلٍّ تَفَيَّأ نا عَرائِشَه ُ
لَم نَدْر ِأنَّا تَفَيَّأنا ثَعابينا

14. Until every forked tongue dripped over us
A thousand fangs, blinding us

١٤. حَتَّى تَدَلَّتْ عَلَينا كلُّ مُفْرِعَة ٍ
بِألفِ أرْقَط َ مِلْءَ النَّابِ يُصْمينا

15. Then our famished one chews on both his sides
And licks his blood, while we walk naked!

١٥. فَعادَ يَمضَغ ُمِن جَنْبَيهِ جائِعُنا
وَيَكتَسي دَمَه ُالمُهْراقَ عارينا

16. We became ascetics, so spill our guts
To the ridges of our backs, and our past shadows

١٦. لَقَد زَهِدْنا فَيا أحشاءَنا انخَسِفي
حَدَّ الظهورِ، وَيا أشباحَ ماضينا

17. Pull on each muscle of our limbs
Until the veins cut through the veins

١٧. شُدِّي على كلِّ عِرْق ٍمِن جَوارِحِنا
حَتَّى تَحُزَّ الشَّرايينُ الشَّرايينا

18. Until we return with no illusion disquieting us
No mirage in affliction coaxing us!

١٨. حَتَّى نَعودَ ولا وَهْمٌ يؤرِّ قُنا
وَلا سَرابٌ عَلى البَلوَى يُمَنِّينا !

19. Stride firmly.. for how many oases have you dug
Whose shades colored the eyelids of our buckets!

١٩. جِدِّي دَؤوبُ فَكََم مِن واحَة ٍحَفَرَتْ
لَونَ الظِّلال ِعلى أهدابِ سارينا !

20. We are destined for this sands, chewing it
Sometimes, and other times it chews our depths

٢٠. إنَّا نُذِرْنا لِهذا الرَّمل ِ، نَمضَغُهُ
حينا ً، وَيَمضَغ ُمِن آماقِنا حينا

21. We get roasted over it, so it quenches our thirst
With embers, while our buckets continually spill their tears over it

٢١. نُشوَى علَيهِ ، فَيَسقينا على ظَمَأٍ
جَمرا ً، وَتَسقيهِ مِدرارا ًدَوامينا

22. And we meet violent winds that slap us
Our eyelashes never interlocking over our blinded eyes!

٢٢. وَنَلتَقي والرِّياح الهُوج تَصفَعُنا
فَما تُُشابِكُ أهدابا ً مَآ قينا !

23. Our exhaustion may near the point of touching
And our thirst drink to the point of choking

٢٣. قَد يَقرَبُ الظِّلَّ حَدَّ اللَّمْس ِمُجْهَدُنا
وَيَجْرَعُ الماءَ حَدَّ الحَلْق ِظامينا

24. And we may live an era without seeing
A shade, not even of a flying bird's wing

٢٤. وَقَد يَمُرُّ بِنا دَهْرٌ وَلَيسَ يَرى
ظِلا ً وَلَو لِجَناح ِالطَّيْر ِرائينا

25. And our shadow is wiped out from the excessive
Sun that clings to us as we cling to it!

٢٥. وَيَمَّحي ظِلُّنا مِن فَرْطِ ما التَصَقَتْ
بِهامِنا الشَّمسُ نُدْنيها وَتُدنينا !

26. Stride, O burdened one, for how wretched is a traveling brother
Who walks for the sun, while carrying shade and mud!

٢٦. جِدِّي حَمُولُ ، فَما أشقى أخا سَفَر ٍ
لِلشَّمس ِيَمشي لَها والظِّلَّ والطِّينا !

27. We planted its years in our cheeks
And plowed its flames in our resting places

٢٧. لَقَد بَذ َرْنا سَناها في مَحاجِرِنا
وَقَد سَجَرْنا لَظاها في مَحانينا

28. And pushed its heaviest caravans
So it limped, the people's guide

٢٨. وَقَد زَحَمْنا لَها أمضى قَوافِلِنا
فَأرقَلَتْ .. وَحَدا بالنَّاس ِحادينا

29. And we never stopped since a child stood on a foot
Except to walk in the steps of those before us!

٢٩. وَلَم نَزَلْ ما استَوى طِفْلٌ على قَدَم ٍ
إلاّ لِيَدرِجَ في أعقابِ تا لينا !

30. O paternal uncle Auf, may God water you wherever you tread
And quench the longing of those who love you

٣٠. يا خالَ عَوفٍ رَعا كَ اللهُ حَيثُ سَرَتْ
بِكَ الخُطى ، وَسَقى شَوقُ المُحِبِّينا

31. And bestow upon you the dew that graces our ribs
If it was in our power to bestow bounty in our resting place

٣١. وَرَفَّ حَولَكَ أنْدى ما بِأضلُعِنا
إنْ كا نَ فَضْلُ نَدِيٍّ في مَطاوينا

32. And the rain kissed your mouth yearningly
Overwhelming us with its affection towards you

٣٢. وَقَبَّلَتْ فَمَكَ المِعطاءَ نازِعَة ٌ
مِن الحَنين ِبِنا تَطغى فَتَشجينا

33. Indeed, whoever here asks about you
With a question that does not suffice our valleys!

٣٣. إنَّا لَيَحظى هُنا مَن عََنكَ يَسألُنا
بِسائِل ٍعَنكَ ما غَصَّتْ نَوادينا !

34. With a quivering that kindled our pyre
And dripping that cooled our inflammation

٣٤. بِمُرتَج ٍ نَفْثَة ً حَرَّى تُسَعِّرُنا
وَمُرتََج ٍ نَثَّة ً رَيَّا تُهَدِّينا

35. So we are not deprived of your murmurs that foam us
Nor your roars that irrigate us

٣٥. فَلا حُرِمنا هَديرا ًمِنكَ يُزْبِدُنا
ولا عَدِمنا نَميرا ًمنكَ يَسقينا

36. Nor did the winds that blew poorly visit you
Nor the valleys that dried out abandon you

٣٦. وَلا عَدَتْكَ ، وإنْ شَحَّتْ ، نَسائِمُنا
وَلا جََفَتْكَ ، وإنْ جَفَّتْ ، غَوادينا

37. O paternal uncle Auf, we were duty-bound by your legacy
To alternate with affliction in our rhyming couplets

٣٧. يا خالَ عَوفٍ وَفينا مِنكَ مَأثَرَة ٌ
أنَّا تَجاوَبُ والبَلوى قَوافينا

38. We see the glint of swords before they are drawn
So the wound embraces before the stabbing wounds us

٣٨. نَرى التِماع َالمِدى قَبْلَ انفِلاتَتِها
فَيَحْضُنُ الجُرْحَ قَبْلَ الطَّعْن ِفادينا

39. And we hear the silent sigh before the lips
Crack open, so it excites us and guides us

٣٩. وَنَسمَعُ الآهَة َالخَرساءَ ما انفَرَجَتْ
عَنها الشِّفاهُ فَتَشجينا ، وَتُورينا

40. O paternal uncle Auf, we have hardened each limb
Among us with a killer aiming at his peak

٤٠. يا خا لَ عَوفٍ شَدَدْنا كلَّ جارِحَة ٍ
فينا بِمُستَقتِل ٍ يَدمى وََيُدمينا

41. Bleeding, to bleed our sacrifices
Melting with his flaming desires each day

٤١. بِمُثْْخَن ٍمُستَميتٍ نَحْوَ قِمَّتِه
يَسعى فَيَهوي قَرابينا ً قَرابينا

42. Until he nearly.. while the voice of our mourner rises!
O paternal uncle Auf, shall I not tell you what

٤٢. يُذيبُ في كلِّ يَوم ٍ مِن حُشا شَتِه ِ
حتى يَكادَ .. وَيَعلو صَوتُ ناعينا !

43. Fate has hidden from us, of what you forewarned us?
I tell you we sleep with half-shut eyes

٤٣. يا خا لَ عَوفٍ ألا أ ُنْبيكََ ما خَبَأتْ
لَنا المَقاديرُ مِمَّا كُنتَ تُنْبينا

44. And hand over hand give in
We are not afraid, but our fledglings

٤٤. أ ُنْبيكَ أنَّا بِعَين ٍنِصْفِ مُغمَضَة ٍ
نَغفو،وبالكَفِّ فَوقَ الكَفِّ تَطمينا

45. Are not familiar with snakes in our dens
So we surrender them blindly, and blindly surrender

٤٥. وَما بِنا رَهْبَة ٌ، لكنَّ أفْرُخَنا
لا يأ لَفونَ الأفاعي في مآوينا

46. To the fangs, so we curl up, while they curl us
And we conceal the sigh, burying it in the depth

٤٦. فَنحنُ نُسْلِمُهُم كَفَّا ً، وَنُسْلِمُ لِلأ
نيابِ كَفَّا ً.. فَنَلويها ، وَتَلوينا

47. Of the wound, to preserve the slumbering fledgling!
I tell you if our steps are cut short

٤٧. وَنَكتمُ الآهَ عُمْقَ الجُرح ِنَدفُنُها
لِنَحفَظ َ الزُّغُبَ الغافينَ غافينا !

48. We do not stop panting as hard as our caves could pant
And however violently the shaking winds blow

٤٨. أ ُنْبيكَ أنَّا ، وَإنْ قُصَّتْ قَوادِمُنا
لم نَألُ نَشهَقُ ما اسْطاعَتْ خَوافينا

49. Its terror and ours, it does not weary our wings
Nor its valleys our valleys!

٤٩. وأنَّنا كَيفَما هَبََّتْ مُزَعزِعة ً
هُوجُ الرِّياح ِتَها وَتْ عَن مَراقينا

50. O paternal uncle Auf, we were not shortened as they imagined
No, our necks were not shortened, nor our forelocks

٥٠. فَلَم تَمِلْ بِجَناح ٍمِن شَواهِقِنا
وَلا التَوَتْ وَمَجاريها مَجارينا !

51. We are still enormous, however we desire, gigantic
As you knew, frightening our valleys

٥١. يا خالَ عَوفٍ وَما حُزَّتْ كَما وَهِمُوا
أعناقُنا .. لا ولا جُزَّتْ نَواصِينا

52. Blackened, alternating misery so it enrages us
As the wind alternated the volcanoes!

٥٢. إنَّا ضِخامٌ كما تَهوى ، عَمالِقَة ٌ
كَما عَهِدْ تَ ، مُخيفاتٌ عَوادينا

53. We were tested with days that tested us
They blame us for being complacent!

٥٣. سُودٌ تَعاوَرُها البُؤسَى فَتَسجُرُها
كَما تَعاوَرَت الرِّيحُ البَراكينا !

54. Their summer did not have crops to feed us
Nor their winter cattle to water us

٥٤. إنَّا امتُحِنَّا بِأيام ٍ بِنا امتُحِنَتْ
تَعْدو عَلَينا ، وَتَشكو مِن تَغاضِينا !

55. We did not know in them a rising sun that bids us good morning
Nor found in them a shade that bids us goodnight

٥٥. لا صَيفُها كانَ ذا زَرع ٍ فَيُطعِمُنا
ولا شِتاها بِذي ضَرْع ٍفَيُرْوينا

56. But yes, we were granted locusts in our pastures
That we gather in a harvest of our tears

٥٦. ولا عَرَفْنا بِها طَلا ً يُباكِرُنا
وَلا وَجَدْ نا بِها ظِلا ً يُغادينا

57. And a scorching that blistered the dew of our vigor
With its affliction.. and emptiness filling our hands

٥٧. بَلَى ، رُزِقْنا جَراد ا ًفي مَراتِعِنا
نَرُبُّه ُ بِحَصادٍ مِن مآ سينا

58. And a craving for the raindrops that gathered
The panting of seventy generations of our sacrifices!

٥٨. وَحُرْقَة ًقَرِحَتْ أنْدى جَوانِحِنا
مِنْ لَفْحِها ..وَفَراغا ًمِلْءَ أيدينا

59. O paternal uncle Auf, our paths have narrowed
And the earth gaped into endless abysses

٥٩. وَلَهْفَة ًلِقُطَيْراتِ النَّدى جَمَعَتْ
لُهاثَ سبْعينَ جيلا ًمِن أضاحينا !

60. From them sprout tails beyond count
And the fangs of beasts in the millions

٦٠. يا خالَ عَوفٍ وَقَد ضاقَتْ مَذاهِبُنا
وانداحَت الأرضُ أغوارا ًأفانينا

61. We did not stop observing them for an age as they observed us
We approached and they approached, counting each other

٦١. تُطِلُّ منها ذ ُنابَى ما لَها عَدَ دٌ
يُحْصَى ، وأنيابُ أغوال ٍمَلايينا

62. Until we learned what among us they fear
And they learned what drives us

٦٢. لَم نَألُ نَرصُدُها دَهْرا ًوَتَرصُدُنا
نَدنُو وَتَدنُو،وَنُحْصيها وَتُحْصينا

63. Still we continued to stalk them in fear
As they continued stalking us in fear

٦٣. حَتَّى تَبَيَّنَ مِنَّا ما تُحاذِرُه ُ
في حين ِأسفَرَ مِنها ما يُجَرِّينا

64. If we wanted to grind them down
We would have poured on them our grinding molars

٦٤. وَلَم نَزَلْ نَتَمَلا َّها مُرَوَّعَة ً
وَلَم تَزَلْ تَتَمَلا َّها مُريعينا

65. But graciously we see cause
For good to have its arrow pause before shooting!

٦٥. وَإنَّنا ، لَو أرَدْ نا أن نُطاحِنَها
دُ رْ نا عََلَيْها بِأ ضْراس ٍطَواحينا

٦٦. لكِنَّنا كَرَما ًمِنَّا نَرى سَبَبَا ً
لِلخَيْر ِأنْ يَتَرَوَّى سَهْمُ رامينا !