
A wilderness, winding us and wounding us

قدمت وعفوك عن مقدمي

1. A wilderness, winding us and wounding us
My serious strides have certainly been serious in us

١. مَفازَة ٌهيَ .. نَطويها وتَطوينا
جِدِّي خُطى فَلَقَد جَدَّ السُّرى فينا

2. Did our thickets not bruise it with their thorns?
Did our brooks not enrich it with their streams?

٢. لا غابَة ُالشَّوكِ أثرَتْها عَرائِشُنا ؟
وَلا الهَجيرَة ُأغْنَتْها سَواقينا ؟

3. Did the drinkers though they bloodied our cheeks
Bend it as much as we bent our drinkers?

٣. ولا السَّوافي ، وقَد أدمَتْ مَحاجِرَنا
ألوى بَها ما لَوَيْنا مِن سَوافينا ؟

4. As if we never took comfort in our lofty heights
Nor did we spend our wrath in our restraint

٤. كأنَّنا لم نُطامِنْ مِن شَوامِخِنا
وَلا أذ َبْنا حَشانا في تَحاشينا

5. Nor did we till the stone peltings, nor did our blood
Quench, nor did our hands plant anything?!

٥. وَلا الرِّجامَ حَرَثناها ؟..ولا دَمُنا
رَوَّى ؟..وَلا زَرَعَتْ شَيئا ًأيادينا ؟!

6. My serious strides, we have stirred our energies
Stirred our resting places, stirred our precipices

٦. جِدِّي خُطى إنَّنا حَرَّى جَوانِحُنا
حَرَّى مَواطِؤنا ، حَرَّى مَهاوينا

7. You have borne us, bleeding, oozing blood
Borne us angry, provoked

٧. لَقَد تَحَمَّلْتِنا جَرحى نَمُجُّ دَما ً
تَحَمَّلينا غِضابا ًمَستَفَزِّينا !

8. Borne us and the excess fury that mills us
The millstone's milling and the wound's swelling overwhelms us

٨. تَحَمَّلينا وَفَرْط ُالغَيْظِ يَهرُسُنا
هََرْسَ الرَّحى ، وَمَهيضُ الجُرح ِيُطغِينا

9. You have borne us, for patience spits us out
And a thousand dark nights call out to us

٩. تَحَمَّلينا فَإنَّ الصَّبْرَ يَلفُظُنا
وَإنَّ ألْفَ دُجىً سُودا ً تُنادينا

10. And burning embers lie in wait for us
And we head towards it, our drinkers racing!

١٠. وَإنَّ مَجْمَرَة ً شَعْوا تَرَصَّدُنا
وَإنَّنا نَحوَها تَسعى سَواعِينا !

11. My serious strides, this road is the most difficult
A cloudburst and grass that bequeath softness to us!

١١. جِدِّي خُطى..إنَّ هذا الدَّرْبَ أوعَرُه ُ
غُيَيْمَة ٌوَعَشَيْبٌ يُورِثُ اللينا !

12. How much withered we made our pillow, and how many
Waters we were immersed in, almost leading us astray

١٢. كَم مِن خَضيل ٍتَوَسَّدنا ، وَمُنبَجِس ٍ
ماءً غَشِينا هُ حتى كادَ يُغوينا

13. And how much shade we took under its canopies
We did not know we took shade under our snakes

١٣. وَكَم مُظِلٍّ تَفَيَّأ نا عَرائِشَه ُ
لَم نَدْر ِأنَّا تَفَيَّأنا ثَعابينا

14. Until every forked tongue dripped onto us
With a thousand fangs full of deafening us

١٤. حَتَّى تَدَلَّتْ عَلَينا كلُّ مُفْرِعَة ٍ
بِألفِ أرْقَط َ مِلْءَ النَّابِ يُصْمينا

15. So our hungry one returned to chew at its sides
And clothed its blood, stripping us bare

١٥. فَعادَ يَمضَغ ُمِن جَنْبَيهِ جائِعُنا
وَيَكتَسي دَمَه ُالمُهْراقَ عارينا

16. We have become ascetic, so O our innards, cave in
To the limit of backs, and O our past shadows

١٦. لَقَد زَهِدْنا فَيا أحشاءَنا انخَسِفي
حَدَّ الظهورِ، وَيا أشباحَ ماضينا

17. Pull at every vein of our limbs
Until the veins cut the veins

١٧. شُدِّي على كلِّ عِرْق ٍمِن جَوارِحِنا
حَتَّى تَحُزَّ الشَّرايينُ الشَّرايينا

18. Until we return with no care worrying us
No mirage upon misery wishing us well!

١٨. حَتَّى نَعودَ ولا وَهْمٌ يؤرِّ قُنا
وَلا سَرابٌ عَلى البَلوَى يُمَنِّينا !

19. My serious treader, how many oases your steps dug
The colors of shade upon the eyelids of our vigil keepers!

١٩. جِدِّي دَؤوبُ فَكََم مِن واحَة ٍحَفَرَتْ
لَونَ الظِّلال ِعلى أهدابِ سارينا !

20. We are forewarned for this sand, chewing it
At times, and it chews our depths at times

٢٠. إنَّا نُذِرْنا لِهذا الرَّمل ِ، نَمضَغُهُ
حينا ً، وَيَمضَغ ُمِن آماقِنا حينا

21. We are roasted upon it, so it waters us with thirst
While our rivers water it with continuous waters

٢١. نُشوَى علَيهِ ، فَيَسقينا على ظَمَأٍ
جَمرا ً، وَتَسقيهِ مِدرارا ًدَوامينا

22. And we meet with the raging winds slapping us
So they do not intertwine eyelids with our waters!

٢٢. وَنَلتَقي والرِّياح الهُوج تَصفَعُنا
فَما تُُشابِكُ أهدابا ً مَآ قينا !

23. The shade may draw near the touching of fingers, exhausted,
And drink water to the throat, thirsty,

٢٣. قَد يَقرَبُ الظِّلَّ حَدَّ اللَّمْس ِمُجْهَدُنا
وَيَجْرَعُ الماءَ حَدَّ الحَلْق ِظامينا

24. And an era may pass by us, not seeing
Shade, not even for a bird's wing passing by

٢٤. وَقَد يَمُرُّ بِنا دَهْرٌ وَلَيسَ يَرى
ظِلا ً وَلَو لِجَناح ِالطَّيْر ِرائينا

25. And our shade is wiped out from the excessive
Sun stuck to us, drawing near us and us nearing!

٢٥. وَيَمَّحي ظِلُّنا مِن فَرْطِ ما التَصَقَتْ
بِهامِنا الشَّمسُ نُدْنيها وَتُدنينا !

26. My serious burdens, how miserable a brother of travel
Who walks to it while the sun and mud and clay!

٢٦. جِدِّي حَمُولُ ، فَما أشقى أخا سَفَر ٍ
لِلشَّمس ِيَمشي لَها والظِّلَّ والطِّينا !

27. We have sown its years in our cheeks
And we have raged at its severity in our resting places

٢٧. لَقَد بَذ َرْنا سَناها في مَحاجِرِنا
وَقَد سَجَرْنا لَظاها في مَحانينا

28. And we have crowded for it our most resolute caravans
So it limped, and the people were led by us

٢٨. وَقَد زَحَمْنا لَها أمضى قَوافِلِنا
فَأرقَلَتْ .. وَحَدا بالنَّاس ِحادينا

29. And we have not ceased as long as a child stood on a foot
Except to slip into the footsteps of our vanguards!

٢٩. وَلَم نَزَلْ ما استَوى طِفْلٌ على قَدَم ٍ
إلاّ لِيَدرِجَ في أعقابِ تا لينا !

30. O uncle Awf, may God water you wherever your steps went
And may the longing of those who love us hover around you

٣٠. يا خالَ عَوفٍ رَعا كَ اللهُ حَيثُ سَرَتْ
بِكَ الخُطى ، وَسَقى شَوقُ المُحِبِّينا

31. If there was the merit of dew in our meadows
And gifts kissed your mouth, taken

٣١. وَرَفَّ حَولَكَ أنْدى ما بِأضلُعِنا
إنْ كا نَ فَضْلُ نَدِيٍّ في مَطاوينا

32. By yearning for us prevailing, stimulating us
For we are fortunate here, asked about you

٣٢. وَقَبَّلَتْ فَمَكَ المِعطاءَ نازِعَة ٌ
مِن الحَنين ِبِنا تَطغى فَتَشجينا

33. With a questioner about you, though our valleys choked!
With one stuttering, an exhalation heating us

٣٣. إنَّا لَيَحظى هُنا مَن عََنكَ يَسألُنا
بِسائِل ٍعَنكَ ما غَصَّتْ نَوادينا !

34. And one stuttering, a breath cooling us
So we have not been deprived of your murmuring frothing us

٣٤. بِمُرتَج ٍ نَفْثَة ً حَرَّى تُسَعِّرُنا
وَمُرتََج ٍ نَثَّة ً رَيَّا تُهَدِّينا

35. Nor your roaring quenching us
Nor if they weakened, have our zephyrs abandoned you

٣٥. فَلا حُرِمنا هَديرا ًمِنكَ يُزْبِدُنا
ولا عَدِمنا نَميرا ًمنكَ يَسقينا

36. Nor if they dried up, did our vales desert you
O uncle Awf, we have for you a tradition

٣٦. وَلا عَدَتْكَ ، وإنْ شَحَّتْ ، نَسائِمُنا
وَلا جََفَتْكَ ، وإنْ جَفَّتْ ، غَوادينا

37. That we take turns with affliction rhyming us
We see the glint of blades before they are unsheathed

٣٧. يا خالَ عَوفٍ وَفينا مِنكَ مَأثَرَة ٌ
أنَّا تَجاوَبُ والبَلوى قَوافينا

38. So the wound embraces before the stabbing, ransoming us
And we hear the mute sigh before the lips

٣٨. نَرى التِماع َالمِدى قَبْلَ انفِلاتَتِها
فَيَحْضُنُ الجُرْحَ قَبْلَ الطَّعْن ِفادينا

39. Part from it, grieving us, showing us, and blinding us
O uncle Awf, we have hardened each organ

٣٩. وَنَسمَعُ الآهَة َالخَرساءَ ما انفَرَجَتْ
عَنها الشِّفاهُ فَتَشجينا ، وَتُورينا

40. Among us with one intending to bleed and make bleed
With one wounded, dying toward its peak

٤٠. يا خا لَ عَوفٍ شَدَدْنا كلَّ جارِحَة ٍ
فينا بِمُستَقتِل ٍ يَدمى وََيُدمينا

41. Racing so it plummets our sacrifices as sacrifices
Melting in each of its days from its talk

٤١. بِمُثْْخَن ٍمُستَميتٍ نَحْوَ قِمَّتِه
يَسعى فَيَهوي قَرابينا ً قَرابينا

42. Until it almost - and the voice of our wailer rises!
O uncle Awf, should I not inform you what

٤٢. يُذيبُ في كلِّ يَوم ٍ مِن حُشا شَتِه ِ
حتى يَكادَ .. وَيَعلو صَوتُ ناعينا !

43. The destinies have hidden from us of what you informed us?
Inform you that with half-closed eyes we nap

٤٣. يا خا لَ عَوفٍ ألا أ ُنْبيكََ ما خَبَأتْ
لَنا المَقاديرُ مِمَّا كُنتَ تُنْبينا

44. And with palm over palm we are reassured
And we have no fear, but our chicks

٤٤. أ ُنْبيكَ أنَّا بِعَين ٍنِصْفِ مُغمَضَة ٍ
نَغفو،وبالكَفِّ فَوقَ الكَفِّ تَطمينا

45. Are not accustomed to snakes in our shelters
So we hand them over palmfuls, and to the fangs

٤٥. وَما بِنا رَهْبَة ٌ، لكنَّ أفْرُخَنا
لا يأ لَفونَ الأفاعي في مآوينا

46. We hand over palmfuls, so we twist them, and they twist us
And we bury the sigh, the depth of the wound we bury

٤٦. فَنحنُ نُسْلِمُهُم كَفَّا ً، وَنُسْلِمُ لِلأ
نيابِ كَفَّا ً.. فَنَلويها ، وَتَلوينا

47. To preserve the heedless fledglings heedless!
Inform you that we, even if our steps are cut short

٤٧. وَنَكتمُ الآهَ عُمْقَ الجُرح ِنَدفُنُها
لِنَحفَظ َ الزُّغُبَ الغافينَ غافينا !

48. Do not cease to pant as long as our depths can pant
And that however the disturbing

٤٨. أ ُنْبيكَ أنَّا ، وَإنْ قُصَّتْ قَوادِمُنا
لم نَألُ نَشهَقُ ما اسْطاعَتْ خَوافينا

49. Winds blow violently at our waters and edge away from our waters
They do not weary of any lofty height among our lofty heights

٤٩. وأنَّنا كَيفَما هَبََّتْ مُزَعزِعة ً
هُوجُ الرِّياح ِتَها وَتْ عَن مَراقينا

50. Nor do they neglect its channels our channels!
O uncle Awf, our necks were not severed as they supposed

٥٠. فَلَم تَمِلْ بِجَناح ٍمِن شَواهِقِنا
وَلا التَوَتْ وَمَجاريها مَجارينا !

51. No, nor were our napes severed
We are massive, as massive as you knew

٥١. يا خالَ عَوفٍ وَما حُزَّتْ كَما وَهِمُوا
أعناقُنا .. لا ولا جُزَّتْ نَواصِينا

52. Frightening, our paths frightening
Black upon whom misery takes turns enraging

٥٢. إنَّا ضِخامٌ كما تَهوى ، عَمالِقَة ٌ
كَما عَهِدْ تَ ، مُخيفاتٌ عَوادينا

53. As the wind took turns enraging our volcanoes!
We have been tested by days, with days we have been tested

٥٣. سُودٌ تَعاوَرُها البُؤسَى فَتَسجُرُها
كَما تَعاوَرَت الرِّيحُ البَراكينا !

54. Passing over us, complaining of our negligence!
Its summer was not of crops to feed us

٥٤. إنَّا امتُحِنَّا بِأيام ٍ بِنا امتُحِنَتْ
تَعْدو عَلَينا ، وَتَشكو مِن تَغاضِينا !

55. Nor its winter of livestock to water us
We did not know in it dew to awaken us

٥٥. لا صَيفُها كانَ ذا زَرع ٍ فَيُطعِمُنا
ولا شِتاها بِذي ضَرْع ٍفَيُرْوينا

56. Nor did we find in it shade to befriend us
But yes, we were granted locusts in our pastures

٥٦. ولا عَرَفْنا بِها طَلا ً يُباكِرُنا
وَلا وَجَدْ نا بِها ظِلا ً يُغادينا

57. We crowd them with harvests from our waters
And a burning that blistered the dew of our limbs

٥٧. بَلَى ، رُزِقْنا جَراد ا ًفي مَراتِعِنا
نَرُبُّه ُ بِحَصادٍ مِن مآ سينا

58. From its affliction, and emptiness filling our hands
And a craving for drops of dew gathered

٥٨. وَحُرْقَة ًقَرِحَتْ أنْدى جَوانِحِنا
مِنْ لَفْحِها ..وَفَراغا ًمِلْءَ أيدينا

59. The panting of seventy generations of our sacrifices!
O uncle Awf, our courses have narrowed

٥٩. وَلَهْفَة ًلِقُطَيْراتِ النَّدى جَمَعَتْ
لُهاثَ سبْعينَ جيلا ًمِن أضاحينا !

60. And the earth gaped into bottomless pits engulfing us
Peering from them are reptile tails beyond count

٦٠. يا خالَ عَوفٍ وَقَد ضاقَتْ مَذاهِبُنا
وانداحَت الأرضُ أغوارا ًأفانينا

61. And the fangs of beasts in the millions
We do not cease to observe them for an age and they observe us

٦١. تُطِلُّ منها ذ ُنابَى ما لَها عَدَ دٌ
يُحْصَى ، وأنيابُ أغوال ٍمَلايينا

62. We approach and they approach, counting each other
Until the caution between us is clarified

٦٢. لَم نَألُ نَرصُدُها دَهْرا ًوَتَرصُدُنا
نَدنُو وَتَدنُو،وَنُحْصيها وَتُحْصينا

63. And what drives us from it is revealed
And we have not stopped scrutinizing them frightened

٦٣. حَتَّى تَبَيَّنَ مِنَّا ما تُحاذِرُه ُ
في حين ِأسفَرَ مِنها ما يُجَرِّينا

64. And they have not stopped scrutinizing us frightening
And we, if we wanted to grind them

٦٤. وَلَم نَزَلْ نَتَمَلا َّها مُرَوَّعَة ً
وَلَم تَزَلْ تَتَمَلا َّها مُريعينا

65. We would have ground them with our grinding teeth
But graciously we see cause

٦٥. وَإنَّنا ، لَو أرَدْ نا أن نُطاحِنَها
دُ رْ نا عََلَيْها بِأ ضْراس ٍطَواحينا

66. For good that our arrowhead delays!
O uncle Awf, should I not inform you what

٦٦. لكِنَّنا كَرَما ًمِنَّا نَرى سَبَبَا ً
لِلخَيْر ِأنْ يَتَرَوَّى سَهْمُ رامينا !