1. I lost my ignorance and missed my foolishness
I was wrong in the path of my love
١. عَدِمتُ جَهالَتي وَفَقَدتُ حُمقي
لَقَد أَخطَأتُ وَجهَ طَريقِ عِشقي
2. I lied with my tongue jokingly
And told him while I wasn't truthful
٢. كَذَبتُ عَلى لِساني في مُزاحٍ
فَقُلتُ لَهُ وَلَم أَنطِق بِحَقِّ
3. I'm the young man laid in your love
And avoided the whole truth
٣. أَنا الصَبُّ المُسَهَّدُ في هَواكُم
وَجَنَّبتُ المَقالَةَ مَحضَ صِدقِ
4. So when I got tired and hugged him
With an awful face and smelly mouth
٤. فَبادَرَ حينَ مِلتُ إِلى اِعتِناقي
بِوَجهِ عَظايَةٍ وَنَهاجٍ سِلقِ
5. And legs of an ape with a foul mouth
And the smell of sweat and stinky lips
٥. وَساقَي صَعوَةٍ بِخَطمِ قِردٍ
وَريحِ كَنائِفٍ وَبِنَتنِ شِدقِ
6. As if he was smeared with molasses
٦. تُرى ما أَخفَتا شَفَتاهُ نَحوي
كَأَنَّ لُثاثَةً عُلَّت بِدِبقِ