1. The dwellings in Najaf are desolate of song,
And I have ceased from what I was used to of gentleness.
١. أَقفَرَ مَغنى الدِيارِ بِالنَجِفِ
وَحُلتُ عَمّا عَهِدتُ مِن لَطَفِ
2. I turned away satisfied though it was painful,
When the prime of its life faded away.
٢. طَوَيتُ عَنها الرِضا مُذَمَّمَةً
لَمّا اِنطَوى غَضُّ عَيشِها الأُنُفِ
3. I refrained from the intoxication of youth,
Fearing my God in seclusion and solitude.
٣. حَلَلتُ عَن سَكرَةِ الصِبابَةِ مِن
خَوفِ إِلَهي بِمَعزَلٍ قَذُفِ
4. I grew weary of visiting the youths, so they
Despaired of me, the girls of tents and cottages.
٤. سَئِمتُ وِردَ الصِبا فَقَد يَئِسَت
مِنّي بَناتُ الخُدورِ وَالخَزَفِ
5. I avoided the breasts attributed to a shapely figure,
And a glance circulating amidst the twisting paths.
٥. سَلَوتُ عَن نُهَّدٍ نُسِبنَ إِلى
حُسنِ قَوامٍ وَاللَحظُ في وَطَفِ
6. They stretch the rope of youth for whoever's legs
Are straight like tent poles standing upright.
٦. يَمَدُدنَ حَبلَ الصِبا لِمَن أَلِفَت
رِجلاهُ قِدَّ المُحولِ وَالدَنَفِ
7. And an emaciated one who increased his leanness
With passion, to the thinness of an arm bone.
٧. وَمُدنَفٍ زادَ في النُحولِ مِنَ ال
وَجدِ إِلى مِثلِ دِقَّةِ الأَلِفِ
8. He shares the birds in lamenting, but does not
Share with them leanness, hardship, and distress.
٨. يُشارِكُ الطَيرَ في النَحيبِ وَلا
يُشرِكُهُ في النُحولِ وَالقَضَفِ
9. And female listeners whom he made suffer greatly,
So he gets no justice from the oppression.
٩. وَمُسمِعاتٍ نَهَكنَ أَعظُمَهُ
فَهوَ مِنَ الضَيمِ غَيرُ مُنتَصِفِ
10. Proud of tyranny, how strange, as are
The foolish proud of insanity and deviation.
١٠. مُفتَخِراتٍ بِالجَورِ عُجباً كَما
يَفخَرُ أَهلُ السَفاهِ بِالجَنَفِ
11. And coffee from the produce of Qatrabul,
That steals the intellect of the youth without force.
١١. وَقَهوَةٍ مِن نِتاجِ قُطرَبُلٍ
تَخطِفُ عَقلَ الفَتى بِلا عُنُفِ
12. It returns the crevices of youth to the doddering old,
And brings the young man closer to senility.
١٢. تُرجِعُ شَرخَ الشَبابِ لِلخَرِفِ الف
اني وَتُدني الفَتى مِنَ الشَغَفِ