
The blissful life has tied prosperity's tongue,

ومترف عقد النعيم لسانه

1. The blissful life has tied prosperity's tongue,
So his words are revelation and gesture.

١. وَمُترَفٍ عَقَدَ النَعيمُ لِسانَهُ
فَكَلامُهُ وَحيٌ وَإيماءِ

2. As if the strength of his eyelids was erased
By the wind or turned white with slumber.

٢. وَكَأَنَّما نُهِكَت قُوى أَجفانِهِ
بِالراحِ أَو شيبَت بِاِغفاءِ

3. If he touched water to the ulcer with his palm,
His fingers would flow like the flow of water.

٣. لَو صافَحَ الماءَ القَراحَ بِكَفِّهِ
لَجَرَت أَنامِلُهُ كَجَريِ الماءِ

4. He aspires to bounty with the intention of aid,
While his tongue is soft clay upon babbling.

٤. يَرنو إِلى نِعَمٍ بِنِيَّةِ مُسعِفٍ
وَلِسانُهُ وَلَقٌ عَلى لَألَأءِ