
When they halted just before dawn broke their camels,

لما أناخوا قبيل الصبح عيسهم

1. When they halted just before dawn broke their camels,
And stirred them up, the camels rose into the air eagerly.

١. لَمّا أَناخوا قُبَيلَ الصُبحِ عيسَهُم
وَثَوَّروها فَثارَت بِالهَوى الإِبِلُ

2. She peeked out from inside the litter with her eyes that glanced at me longingly,
As tears flowed and dripped from her eyes.

٢. وَأَبرَزَت مِن خِلالِ السَجفِ ناظِرَها
تَرنو إِلَيَّ وَدَمعُ العَينِ يَنهَمِلُ

3. She bade farewell with fingers whose parting agonized me,
So I said, “May your feet never carry you, O camel!"

٣. وَوَدَّعَت بِبَنانٍ خِلتُهُ عَنَماً
فَقُلتُ لا حَمَلَت رِجلاكَ يا جَمَلُ

4. Woe to me for the separation! What has happened to me and her
Of the anguish of love when the camel-men departed?

٤. وَيلي مِنَ البَينِ ماذا حَلَّ بي وَبِها
مِن نازِحِ الوَجدِ حَلَّ البَينُ فَاِرتَحَلوا

5. O guide of the camel train, loop around so I can bid her farewell,
O guide of the camel train, though the time of your travel has come!

٥. يا حادِيَ العيسِ عَرِّج كَي أُوَدِّعَها
يا حادِيَ العيسِ في تِرحالِكَ الأَجَلُ

6. I have not broken my vow of love for them,
If only I knew, for the long duration of that vow, what they have done!

٦. إِنّي عَلى العَهدِ لَم أَنقُض مَوَدَّتَهُم
يا لَيتَ شِعري بِطولِ العَهدِ ما فَعَلوا