
Among the gazelles is a gazelle, whose only concern is the morning dew,

من الظباء ظباء همها السخب

1. Among the gazelles is a gazelle, whose only concern is the morning dew,
She grazes on hearts, and in my heart for her there is pasture,

١. مِنَ الظِباءِ ظِباءٌ هَمُّها السُخُبُ
تَرعى القُلوبَ وَفي قَلبي لَها عُشُبُ

2. I would sacrifice myself for the hornless gazelles,
Whose adornment is pearls, rubies and gold,

٢. أَفدي الظِباءَ اللَواتي لا قُرونَ لَها
وَحَليُها الدُرُّ وَالياقوتُ وَالذَهَبُ

3. O beauty, how my eyes have stolen from me and plundered!
Eyes sometimes steal and plunder,

٣. يا حُسنَ ما سَرَقَت عَيني وَما اِنتَهَبَت
وَالعَينُ تَسرِقُ أَحياناً وَتَنتَهِبُ

4. So that stealing of her beautiful eyes I have given to her,
My heart, if only she would accept from me what I gift,

٤. فَتِلكَ مِن حُسنِ عَينَيها وَهَبتُ لَها
قَلبي لَو قَبِلَت مِنّي الَّذي أَهَبُ

5. I want them for nothing but to see her,
And if she refuses, I have no interest in them,

٥. وَما أُريدُهُما إِلّا لِرُؤيَتِها
فَإِن تَأَبَّت فَما لي فيهِما أَرَبُ

6. When a hand steals, it is cut off,
But for the theft of eyes, no punishment applies.

٦. إِذا يَدٌ سَرَقَت فَالحَدُّ يَقطَعُها
وَالحَدُّ في سِرقَةِ العَينَينِ لا يَجِبُ