1. A lover received a letter
Which removed his torment
١. وَعاشِقٍ جاءَهُ كِتابُ
فَزالَ عَنهُ بِهِ العَذابُ
2. He said, my beloved has blessed me
With a gift that has no reward
٢. وَقالَ قَد خَصَّني حَبيبي
بِنِعمَةٍ ما لَها ثَوابُ
3. So it is right that I go to him lost
Words fall short of describing him
٣. فَحُقَّ لي أَن أَتيهَ تيهاً
يَقصُرُ عَن وَصفِهِ الخِطابُ
4. Until the eyes of his envious enemies
Pelted him with piercing glances
٤. حَتّى رَمَتهُ بِصَرفِ دَهرٍ
عُيونُ حُسّادِهِ الصِلابُ
5. So he took the letter by force
With a trick that is wondrous
٥. فَاِستَلَّ مِنهُ الكِتابَ واشٍ
بِحيلَةٍ شَأَنُها عُجابُ
6. He is not gratified by the joy of life
Nor food nor drink
٦. فَلَيسَ يَهنيهِ طيبُ عَيشٍ
وَلا طَعامٌ وَلا شَرابُ