
She spread her braids to shade me

نشرت غدائر شعرها لتظلني

1. She spread her braids to shade me
Lest spies' eyes perceive us

١. نَشَرَت غَدائِرَ شَعرِها لِتُظِلَّني
خَوفَ العُيونِ مِنَ الوُشاةِ الرُمَّقِ

2. So it was as though it were he and she and I
Who yesterday night beneath a starry tent did lie

٢. فَكَأَنَّهُ وَكَأَنَّها وَكَأَنَّني
صُبحانِ باتا تَحتَ لَيلٍ مُطبَقِ