
My patience is tested by the absence of my loved ones

لبعد احبتي عيل اصطباري

1. My patience is tested by the absence of my loved ones
Who can I stand still with at the abode?

١. لبعد احبتي عيل اصطباري
فمن لي بالوقوف على الديار

2. I shed tears there which satisfy me
Protecting it from the harm of torrents

٢. فاسكب عندها دمعا فيغني
ذراها عن اذى جرف السواري

3. Perhaps the tears will cool the heat of yearning
Kindled in my heart like fires

٣. لعل الدمع يبرد حر شوق
توقد في فؤادي كالاوار

4. Perhaps my prayers against him will help me
Take shelter from him and pelt him with pebbles

٤. لعل رجيم وسواسي عليه
مجار منه ترمي بالجمار

5. Perhaps those who blame me will regret
My state of submission and dejection

٥. لعل الظاعنين يسوءهم ما
بحالي من خضوع وانكسار

6. I was the most honourable soul on earth
Due to their proximity, I am known amongst the houses

٦. وكنت اعز اهل الارض نفسا
بقربهم واعرف بالبدار

7. So I see safety in hesitance
And my share is in reticence and avoidance

٧. فصرت ارى السلامة في التواني
وحظي في الخمول وفي التوارى

8. I spend the night on a bed of worries
And I wake up with my cover having slipped

٨. ابيت على فراش من هموم
واصبح والتفكن من دثاري

9. In my heart is an army of sorrows
Assaulting the weak remainder of my patience

٩. وفي قلبي من الاشجان جيش
يغير على الضعيف من اصطباري

10. So every misery and despair has a chief
And each cause of anguish has spread from it

١٠. فكل اسى ويأس فيه راس
وكل اساء آس عنه سار

11. Can the days hope to see me exhausted
Or take away my qualities?

١١. هل الايام تطمع ان تراني
عييا او تنازعني شعاري

12. I do not prefer praise for Ismail
My praise of him is my pride

١٢. فلا اهوى لاسماعيل مدحا
ومدحته انتجاعي وافتخاري

13. He is the truthful and the one praised
His truthfulness equals that of Bukhari

١٣. هو الصديق ةالمثنى عليه
يصدق مثل تصديق البخارى

14. His achievements have clearly appeared
They are too evident to remain veiled

١٤. فقد ظهرت مآثره عيانا
فلبست عن بصير في استتار

15. And when he took responsibility of wealth
The hearts of businessmen and traders flourished

١٥. ولما ان تولى المال طابت
نفوس ذوي التعامل والتجار

16. They were worried about falling
Into severe hardship and distress

١٦. وكانوا مشفقين من التدلي
الى عسر شديد واضطرار

17. They returned with glad tidings spreading
Congratulations in the night and day

١٧. فعادوا والبشائر في انتشار
وفي الليل التهاني والنهار

18. The means of sustenance poured
Generously onto those who sought it

١٨. بان وظائف الارزاق صبت
على طلابها غدق النضار

19. For wisdom rectifies every matter
And serious effort outruns competitors

١٩. فان الحزم يصلح كل امر
والف الجد يسبق من يجارى

20. The regions became stable under his efforts
On both left and right

٢٠. ومن قبل الاقاليم استتبت
بمسعاه كذلك في يسار

21. Houses and songs congratulated him
As did the great and the small

٢١. فحيته المنازل والمغاني
واطرته الكبار مع الصغار

22. If someone said “this is a country”
Its prosperity rivals those performing Hajj

٢٢. فلو قال امرؤ هذي بلاد
ثراها عسجد حج الممارى

23. The Mighty One recognized his traits
As the dark night recognizes the full moon

٢٣. لقد عرف العزيز له مزايا
كما عرفت دجى الليل الدراري

24. Whose diffusion is known by all groups
It touches towns and wildernesses

٢٤. تضوع نشرها في كل ناد
وهب على المدائن والبراري

25. So everyone who tells his story
Weighs his eloquence in speech

٢٥. فكل من حديث علاه راو
وزند بيانه في القول وار

26. And the answers to his praise
Travel the earth, land after land

٢٦. وها ان الجوائب في ثناه
تجوب الارض دارا بعد دار

27. Hoping his refuge will last
With honour, pride and power

٢٧. وترجو ان يدوم لها ملاذا
بعز وافتخار واقتدار