1. I see my time and in its features good tidings
That in people its nature is good
١. أرى زماني وفي سيماه تبشير
بان في الناس شهما طبعه الخير
2. Brave with it the victory of the Most Merciful his nation
With every good deed so it is victorious
٢. شهم به نصر الرحمن امته
بكل فعل حميد فهو منصور
3. Son-in-law of the Khedive, descendant of the most generous
In every place praise of him is well-known
٣. صهر الخديو سليل الأكرمين له
في كل قطر ثناء عنه مأثور
4. Who was cheered by his rising dispelling sorrow
And by his brilliance the mind is enlightened
٤. من بشر طلعته إبهاج ذي حزن
ومن نوابغه للعقل تنوير
5. You see your time a servant at his threshold
Granting you what was prevented while he is happy
٥. ترى زمانك عبدا عند سدته
يوليك ما صد عنه وهو مسرور
6. Prince of glory passing in his youth
Over the elders with innate wisdom
٦. أمير مجد تمرى في شبيبته
على الكهول بحلم فيه مفطور
7. And wisdom enriches the young man while he lives over lineage
If both are combined then merit is plentiful
٧. والحلم يغني الفتى ما عاش عن نسب
فان هما اجتمعا فالفضل موفور
8. And he attained from the kindness of our magnificent Master what
Escapes every eloquent to express it
٨. ونال من لطف مولانا المعظم ما
يفوت كل بليغ عنه تعبير
9. And wherever he went good overflowed from his hand
So the flooded unknown became prosperous
٩. وأينما حل فاض الخير من يده
فمن فواضلها المغمور معمور
10. And of his virtues is that I returned to
Composing poetry though my mind was distracted from it
١٠. ومن فضائله أني رجعت إلى
نظم القريض وفكري عنه محسور