
A book came to me, clearing worries

أتاني كتاب تنقيه الكتائب

1. A book came to me, clearing worries,
In the heart it stayed the night, wandering.

١. أتاني كتاب تنقيه الكتائب
ففي القلب منه باتك وهو جائب

2. Its ink is eloquent, it is for the one
Who has merits among all people of the times.

٢. محبره الحبر البليغ الذي له
على كل ابناء الزمان مناقب

3. The sweetness of the water of the Nile is in the sea of his poetry,
So its peak, no boat can reach.

٣. عذوبة ماء النيل في بحر شعره
فحوليه كل قارب لا مقارب

4. A leader in every art with skill,
A literary man with wonders in this ode.

٤. إمام له في كل فن براعة
أديب له في ذا القريض عجائب

5. He shows us in the lines of his composition,
So the seller of high quality pearls is blameworthy.

٥. يرينا بيانا في سطور طروسه
فبائع سمط الدر موشيه عائب

6. Who spends the jewels of the sea in a day loses out,
And who spends the jewels of ink lasts forever.

٦. فمنفق در البحر في اليوم خاسر
ومنفق در الحبر في الدهر كاسب

7. My soul has been humbled by his solemnity, and
My status among my people has been raised by him.

٧. لقد صغرت نفسي به حشمة وان
علت لي منه بين قومي مراتب

8. Speech has been blocked from me, until I thought
Myself dumb, having no aptitude for poetry.

٨. وقد سد دوني القول حتى حسبتني
بعيما ومالي في القريض مآرب

9. My thoughts misled me into darkness, while
His ideas appeared to me like stars.

٩. واوهمت افكاري ظلاما وقد بدت
خواطره عندي وهن كواكب

10. I had chosen to be silent out of courtesy,
But praising Yusuf is a duty.

١٠. وقد كنت آثرت السكوت تادبا
ولكنما مدحي ليوسف واجب

11. So who can forgive me for the coldness of my praise
In winter, when embers and clothes grow cold?

١١. فمن لي بعفو منه عن برد مدحتي
بكانون اذ تغلو اللظى والجلابب

12. He is the unique scholar, whose fame
Tha'w, Sa'a and Raakib praise.

١٢. هو العلم الفرد الذي سار ذكره
يشيد به ثاو وساع وراكب

13. The east was illuminated by the light of his ascendance,
And the west smelled sweet by the fragrance his beauty spreads.

١٣. اضاءت بنور من علاه مشارق
وطابت بعرف من حلاه مغارب

14. Dignified, when the honorable bow down and thrones shake,
In the essence of composure, he remains steady.

١٤. وقور اذا مادت رواس وزلزلت
سوار ففي اس الرزانة راتب

15. He has the majesty of the tranquility of his Lord,
Guiding him to righteousness and piety.

١٥. عليه جلال من سكينة ربه
الى البر والتقوى مرائيه نادب

16. No ear has heard his preaching to troublemakers,
Except it, repenting to God.

١٦. فما سمعت اذن المشاغب وعظه
كما فاه الا وهو لله تائب

17. The adornments of the world are equal in his eyes,
He does not covet its oddities and desires.

١٧. قلى زخرف الدنيا فسيان عنده
غرائب منها تشتهي ورغائب

18. If his concern was attaining high office,
Its rough roads would have surrendered to him.

١٨. ولو كان في نيل المناصب همه
لدانت له منها الصعاب العوازب

19. So people of power fear him, all of them,
And they have loved him and made him content.

١٩. فهابته ارباب السيادة كلهم
وحابته واسترضته تلك المناصب

20. When he speaks, truth and right are his aim,
While many speakers lie for money.

٢٠. اذا قال كان الصدق والحق قصده
وكم قائل للدرهم الصدق كاذب

21. Blame does not increase if an eye refuses kindness,
And he has no barrier against one asking courtesy.

٢١. وما تزدهيه العين ان جل حسنها
وليس له عن سائل العرف حاجب

22. Neither absent nor present, his decree is unsound,
Nor his success imperfect for one who is absent.

٢٢. وما زائف فتواه من هو حاضر
ولا عائب نجواه من هو غائب

23. In every virtue he surpassed and gained fame,
Merits across horizons that are brilliant stars.

٢٣. وفي كل فضل فاق واشتهرت له
مناقب في الآفاق هن نقائب

24. The one with good character cries over his excess,
While the arrogant one kneels over his stature.

٢٤. فمن بهر ذي الاخلاق يبكي مبالغ
وعن شأوها يكبو الفخور المغالب

25. Those whom I thought sought highness,
Have no counters for its excessive amount.

٢٥. لهن اللواتي احسبت طالب العلى
وليس لها من كثرة العد حاسب