
The most pleasing sounds are refined praise poems,

إن أطرب الأسماع مدح مهذب

1. The most pleasing sounds are refined praise poems,
Yet the praise of Isma'il is the greatest bard.

١. إن أطرب الأسماع مدح مهذب
فمديح إسماعيل أعظم مطرب

2. Honesty is his ornament, so his clarity was that of a friend,
From whom is narrated the fragrance of high moral character.

٢. الصدق حليته فكان جلاؤه الـ
ـصديق يروى عنه طيب المنصب

3. How many a western listener of his nobility,
And how many an eastern witness of his virtues.

٣. كم سامع عن نبله من مغرب
ومعاين من فضله من معرب

4. In Egypt are his achievements, tall as the
Pyramids through time immemorial.

٤. في مصر من آثاره ما طاول الـ
أهرام طولا في الزمان المجدب

5. His actions gave life to the destitute there,
And the building of these was not without cause.

٥. ففعاله منها الغناء لمعدم
وبناء تلك لغير شي موجب

6. The most beloved servant of the King was he who
Brought benefit to the people when chances arose.

٦. واحب عبد للمليك من انتحى
نفع العباد بفرصة المترقب

7. The likes of Isma'il, who assemblies applaud with
Joyful cheers during his reign.

٧. امثال إسماعيل من تشدو له
زمر المحافل باثناء الطيب

8. Singular to God in his good deeds,
Yet from authority he partakes in procession.

٨. متفرد لله في معروفه
ومن السيادة يغتدى في موكب

9. He who never disappoints one hopeful of his gifts,
Though petitioned for the furthest desire.

٩. من لا يخيب راجيا لنواله
ولو انه استجداه ابعد مطلب

10. Valorous he is, a frequent bestower of bounty,
Competent for my people, whether frowning or glad.

١٠. شهم ليومي كرة واريكة
كفؤ لقومي مزبر او مقضب

11. You find him amidst the ranks, sword in hand,
Like a lion with no need of claw.

١١. تلقاه ما بين الصفوف مصاولا
مثل الهصور ببزة لا مخلب

12. Never did he say no, but it came about
With benefits, removing unlawful in creed.

١٢. ما قال لا الا وآلت كالالي
نفعا لنفي محرم في المذهب

13. All hearts closed upon love of him,
So tongues broadcast his praise openly.

١٣. كل القلوب على محبته انطوت
فاللسن تنشر مدحه في الاحقب

14. If I were Hassān in rhetoric, I would not be
Able to fully praise him.

١٤. لو كنت حسان البلاغة لم اكن
بعض الثناء عليه بالمستوعب

15. Our noble master appointed him to great
Governorship, which he assumed as seasoned and adept.

١٥. اولاه سيدنا العزيز ولاية
كبرى فقام بها قيام مجرب

16. He strengthened the works of farmers in their toil,
And found hopes of success for the troubled.

١٦. فاعد اعمال الفلاح لمتعب
واجد آمال النجاح لمعتب

17. He showed resolve and true determination
In his rulings and affairs like the well-trained.

١٧. وابان عن حزم وعزم صادق
فيما قضاه من الامور مدرب

18. Until he was equal in his praise, glorification
By all the world's inhabitants, present and absent.

١٨. حتى استوى في مدحه وثنائه
كل الورى من حاضرين وغيب

19. Those noble aspirations are not attained
By much striving of creation in stubbornness.

١٩. تلك المعالي لا ينال مرامها
كم تعبت خلقا ولما تكثب

20. He is like the moon—you see it near when
It is full in the east and west.

٢٠. كالبدر تنظره قريبا حين اذ
هو في التمام لمشرق ولمغرب

21. Those virtues cannot be enumerated,
Ever by a rambling or craving speaker.

٢١. تلك المكارم ليس يمكن حصرها
ابدا لمقول مطرى او مطنب

22. No miser can increase him in generosity,
Never is he averse to one begging.

٢٢. لا يزدهيه سودد عن ضارع
كلا وليس بمعرض عن مسغب

23. My life was secured by the Prince and his name
For he completed my years, the extent I was nurtured.

٢٣. سالمت دهري بالامير وباسمه
فلقد كفاني العمر غاية ما ربي

24. He who revived the country with his justice
Likewise gives life to its people and passes by me.

٢٤. ان الذي نعش البلاد بعدله
يحيى كذلك اهلها ويمر بي

25. Who can believe a soul as calamitous as mine
Can be guided to behold his starry rising?

٢٥. من ذا يصدق ان نفسا حالكا
يهدى إلى رائيه طلعة كوكب

26. So I thank his hands that
Quenched my bones with bountiful wine!

٢٦. فلاشكرن له اياديه التي
روت عظامي بالنعيم الصيب

27. And I will compose praise poems of him
That, if recited, give joy to those unstirred!

٢٧. ولأنظمن من المدائح فيه ما
إن قيل أطرب كل من لم يطرب