1. I complain to God of what my worry has become
And I shed tears like pouring rain
١. إلى الله اشكو ما تكن ترائبي
واسكب دمعا صيبا كالسحائب
2. I spend the night with longing in my heart
Stirring up present passion for an absent love
٢. ابيت وفي قلبي من البين حسرة
تثير غراما حاضرا اثر غائب
3. And if I were excused for what has befallen me
It would still have some of my misfortunes
٣. ولو كنت معذورا على ما اصابني
لها على اليوم بعض مصائبي
4. But I find the people gloating
While another is indifferent and another blames
٤. ولكنني القى الورى بين شامت
وآخر لماز وآخر عاتب
5. Is there in people an equitable one but unjust?
Or among them a friend but not a scorner?
٥. اما في الورى من عادل غير عاذل
اما فيهم من صاحب غير حاصب
6. And if I complain of blameworthy ones
My complaint is not the complaint of a punished adversary
٦. واني اذا ما قمت اشكو معاتبا
شكاني غير شكو خصم معاقب
7. And complaining is no use with the unfair
Nor is evidence useful with the contentious
٧. وما تنفع الشكوى لدى غير منصف
وما ينفع البرهان عند المشاغب
8. Will not the days awake from
My misery and deprivation of my dearest possession?
٨. الم يأن للايام ان تستفيق من
اذاي وحرماني اعز ما ربي
9. And my fate would not be harmed if it relieved me
And gave me joy one day in seeing my companion
٩. وما ضر دهري لو كفاني ذي النوى
وآنسني يوما برؤية صاحب
10. My friend Samir's face in the daylight is a meadow
And Laila studying the pages of every liar
١٠. سميري في وجه النهار يراعة
وليلى درس الصحف من كل كاذب
11. Oh what an odious morning is its dawn
And what a slow night are its stars!
١١. فيا لك من يوم كريه صباحه
ويا لك من ليل بطيء الكواكب
12. As if I were in the midst of time, a wound from which
No land that did not care for me continued to injure me
١٢. كأني في حلق الزمان شجا فلم
يزل لافظاً لي ارض من لم يبال بي
13. As if on the expanse I were bearing
The burdens of these people above my shoulders
١٣. كاني على ظهر البسيطة حامل
لاعباء هذا الخلق فوق مناكبي
14. My heart grieves at what appears to my eyes
Of injustice and aggression from all sides
١٤. يلوع فوادي ما يلوح لناظري
من الظلم والعدوان من كل جانب
15. By God, I don't know if madness is within me
Or if people have been given scorpions' wiles
١٥. ووالله ما ادرى اسحر الم بي
ام الناس قد اوتوا حمات العقارب
16. I see every individual exposing another's reputation
And each meets his match in blame
١٦. ارى كل فرد هاترا عرض غيره
وكلا يلاقي قرنه بالمثالب
17. So I wonder which of them is truthful
And which son of a female is free of defects?
١٧. فيا ليت شعري ايهم هو صادق
واي ابن انثى لم يشب بشوائب
18. And who is he whom God has acquitted of
Imperfection so he is not censured for faults?
١٨. ومن ذا الذي قد برأ الله ذاته
من النقص حتى لم يشن بالمعايب
19. If the origin of people is from mud then what
Can be expected but dregs in the product of their drinking?
١٩. اذا كان اصل الناس من حمأ فما
عسى ان يرى في الفرع صفو المشارب
20. If you seek a companion without lapse
You will come to those with lapses who have no company
٢٠. اذا كنت تبغى صاحبا دون زلة
اجئت الى زلات غير المصاحب
21. I was patient with the bitterness and sweetness of time
And its afflictions educated me in all respects
٢١. صبرت على مر الزمان وحلوه
وقد ادبتني منه ايدي النوائب
22. So I wasted all my efforts in it, lost
Except praise of Isma'il, Lord of Gifts
٢٢. فالفيت سعي كله فيه ضائعا
سوى مدح اسماعيل رب المواهب
23. A king whose standing and honor are lofty so you see
No peer to him in merit and virtues
٢٣. مليك علا شانا وعزا فلا ترى
له مشبها في فضله والمناقب
24. When he examines a plan to adopt
He has the resolute determination for it in undertakings
٢٤. اذا ما تحرى خطة ينتضى لها
عزيمة جد نافذ في المضارب
25. He is the sea but his pearls are not covered
He is the moon but his light does not set
٢٥. هو البحر لمكن دره غير غابر
هو البدر لكن نوره غير غارب
26. And if he were not the moon his fame would not have spread
And circled the East then the West
٢٦. ولو لم يكن بدرا لما سار صيته
وحلق اوج الشرق ثم المغارب
27. Kings desired to see him and when
They saw his face they loved him with fitting loves
٢٧. تمنت ملوك ان تراه ومذ رآت
محياه حابته حباء المناسب
28. So he was a stranger among them in his generosity
And in his love of their families and kin
٢٨. فكان غريبا بينهم في سخائه
وفي حبه من اهلهم والاقارب
29. He returned to Egypt and it had pined for him
In his absence, so it rejoiced in hopes
٢٩. وعاد غىل مصر وقد عيل صبرها
لفرقته فاستبشرت بالرغائب
30. And all who came to him praising then lauding
That was the custom, the custom of foreigners
٣٠. وكل اتاه داعيا ثم حامدا
كذلك كان الدأب داب الاجانب
31. And no wonder - today he is the spirit of its life
You would think it beautiful in rising like a cloud
٣١. ولا غرو فهو اليوم روح حياتها
تحسبها في الحسن طلعة كاعب
32. And by God I esteem him highly when he shines alone
And in his love he is like the moon among the stars
٣٢. وتكبره والله ان لاح وحده
وفي حبأ كالبدر بين الكواكب
33. And I have not seen a difference between two things like
What I see between two men when associated
٣٣. ولم ار فرقا بين شيئين مثلما
ارى بين انسانين عند التارب
34. Ismail resembles a group in age
But has no peer in his glory
٣٤. يقارب اسماعيل في السن معشر
وليس له في مجده من مقارب
35. If he does not rule distant lands
The hearts of their people are his conquering kingdom
٣٥. لئن كان لم يملك بلادا بعيدة
فاكباد اهليها له ملك غالب
36. And if he does not speak all their tongues
His favors among them are a greater discourse
٣٦. وان كان لم ينطق بكل لغاتهم
فآلاؤه فيهم اجل مخاطب
37. If they recognize a person by speech, then listen
And say: praise extolling those virtues is speech
٣٧. اذا عرفوا الانسان بالنطق فابتدر
وقل نطق تحميد لتلك النقائب
38. And whoever cannot praise him verbally
In his heart he recites it - an excellent companion
٣٨. ومن لم يطق حمدا له بلسانه
ففي لبه يرويه ضربة لازب
39. And if Ismail by slaughter was ransomed
This one ransoms with pure souls
٣٩. وان يك اسماعيل بالذبح قد فدى
فهذا يفدى بالنفوس النجائب
40. The two masters purified the Arab nation
And endowed it with the highest positions
٤٠. كلا السيدين استخلص العرب امة
وبوأها في العز اعلى المراتب
41. So here we are mighty in the shadow of the Mighty
And here we are at his banquets of favor
٤١. فها نحن في ظل العزيز اعزة
وها نحن من افضاله في مآدب
42. Praise is forbidden unless for him, for him
And who today is a more eloquent writer than
٤٢. حرام على المدح الا له له
ومن هو فيه اليوم افصح كاتب
43. Ahmed Wahebi, with his eloquence and experience
His words have a wealth making other words superfluous
٤٣. كاحمد وهبي ذي البلاغة والحجا
له كلم فيها غنى عن مراضب
44. He gave me pleasure from his rhymes and I became drunk
From that in me is a tremor of one drinking
٤٤. سقاني راحا من قوافيه اسكرت
نهاي فبي من ذاك هزة شارب
45. Seek my praise of him for events - a repeated
Thankfulness for it is duty and obligation
٤٥. تحريه مدحي في الوقائع منة
مضاعفة شكرى لها جد واجب
46. These two are known, I cannot find
Their equals in praising virtues
٤٦. فهذان معروفان لست بواجد
نظيرهما من مدحه في الجوائب
47. With what tongue can I praise today my praiser
And where is the singing from the wailers of elegy?
٤٧. باي لسان امدح اليوم مادحي
واين التغني من نواح النوادب
48. Wondrous in expression, he places the word in place
Cast in the mold of penetrating meanings
٤٨. بديع البيان يوقع اللفظ موقعا
مصوغا على قدر المعاني الثواقب
49. He who preceded in the meanings of the predecessors and was
Preceding every writer in clarifying meanings
٤٩. فمن بدر معنى السابقات وكان في
بيان المعاني سابقا كل كاتب
50. It is hard for him to see between his word
And meaning precedence or lag of defects
٥٠. يعز عليه ان يرى بين لفظه
ومعناه سبقا او لحاقا لعائب
51. He has an idea tied like a star and the extent of it
Has not been reached by one sporting with ideas
٥١. له فكرة بالنجم نيطت فلم ينل
مداها امرؤ افكاره في الملاعب
52. He is the one toward whom the possessors of resolve incline
And one who inclines to an eye or brow goes astray
٥٢. فذاك الذي يصبو اليه اولوا النهى
وقد ضل من يصبو لعين وحاجب
53. And his saying: that eloquent one, if
The two sayings differ, is one of the wonders
٥٣. ومقوله ذاك الفصيح وانه
متى اختلف القولان احدى العجائب
54. Every obstinate submits to his judgment for him
And every adversary is content with his decision
٥٤. يطوع له في الحكم كل معاند
ويرضى به في الفصل كل مؤارب
55. Happy Egypt prides itself on him, for he is
An adornment of all its positions in its protectorate sky
٥٥. تباهى به مصر السعيدة فهو في
سماء حماها زين كل المناصب
56. Oh, if only I knew, though wishes are temptation,
If I could touch Egyptian soil consoling my anxiety
٥٦. الا ليت شعري والاماني شهية
اتلمس من مصر ترابا ترائبي
57. I enjoyed myself there between a polite sheikh
And maternal uncles, the most generous of manners
٥٧. تنعمت فيها بين شيخ مؤدب
وخل وفي كان اكرم آدب
58. Yet my reward after building with them
Weariness and desolation on all sides
٥٨. فكان جزآي بعد ان بنت عنهم
عناء وضربا في جميع الجوانب
59. Greetings to it whenever the morning breeze was harsh
Loving and whenever my caravans leaned toward it
٥٩. سلام عليها كلما شاقت الصبا
محبا وما حنت اليها ركائبي