1. They departed as the fates departed from what remained
And the zeal left the enchanter of glances
١. رحلوا كما رحل الكرى عن ماقي
وخلا الحمى عن ساحر الاحداق
2. Is the leader safe from the blows of eyes?
And the unemployment and emptiness complained
٢. امن العميد من العيون اصابة
وشكا البطالة والفراغ الراقي
3. And often a lion passed by him but did not
Exceed the arenas of lovers from him
٣. ولطالما مرت به اسد فلم
تتخط منه مصارع العشاق
4. Nothing remained in it except the source of their knowledge
That tempts the mind with longing
٤. لم يبق فيه غير مبعث عرفهم
يغرى خلي البال بالاشواق
5. It was as if the attributes of Abdullah
Were praised by the years and horizons
٥. فكانه اوصاف عبد اللَه ا
تثنى عليه السن الآفاق
6. An ink that adorns itself with virtues, the adornment
Of the excellent with fruits and leaves
٦. حبر تزين بالفضائل زينة ال
افنان بالاثمار والاوراق
7. And so he humbled himself from his high position
To praise the likes of me, and he is the most gracious
٧. ولذا تواضع من علاء مقامه
لمديح مثلي وهو اسمى راق
8. I present some pearls that have been devoid
Of the varieties of necklaces
٨. اهدى الى من اللآلئ ما خلت
عنه صنوف قلائد الاعناق
9. It is wondrous that the sea hides you from it
While its essence comes to you on platters
٩. عجبا لبحر وهو عنك محجب
ياتيك جوهره على اطباق
10. It is the treasure that no rust corrupted
And no tunnel exhausted its passage
١٠. هو ذلك الكنز الذي لم يعله
صدأ ولم ينفد على الانفاق
11. Courageous, his words adorn his deeds
So they are, by your life, twins of companionship
١١. شهم يزين مقاله بفعاله
فهما لعمرك توأما الارفاق
12. Loyal in creation, generous in the most high virtues
Pure in manners, cultivated in morals
١٢. وافي الخلاق من المكارم والعلى
صافي الخلاق مهذب الاخلاق
13. How excellent is Al-Hadba, how much
An illuminating full moon of glory rose from it
١٣. يا حبذا الحدباء كم قد اطلعت
من بدر مجد باهر الاشراق
14. And how much it contained in its midst and expanses
From a gushing, abundant sea of knowledge
١٤. ولكم حوت في حيها وربوعها
من بحر علم زاخر دفاق
15. And from their abundance, the abundance of
His benevolence overflowed upon the generous
١٥. وعلى فيضي منهم فياضة
آلاؤه فجزت عن الاغداق
16. He is the polished one, if virtues competed
In merit, refinement and the day of racing
١٦. فهو المجلى ان تسابقت النهى
في الفضل والآداب يوم سباق
17. Those praises of his father and grandfather
Are inherited naturally by entitlement
١٧. تلك المحامد عن ابيه وجده
موروثة طبعا بالاستحقاق
18. His journal came to me, and its existence
Takes the position of the constitution to me
١٨. وردت مجلته فقام وجودها
عندي مقام صحيفة الميثاق
19. It is sufficient for me, and singing, and it is
More delicious than apples and sherbet
١٩. فهي الغنى لي والغناء وانها
اشهى من الصهباء والترياق
20. I glanced at its beautiful aspects which
Adorned it the most graciously
٢٠. نزهت طرفي في محاسنها التي
قد آنقته ايما ايناق
21. I rejoiced at its composition and marveled at
Its creation, the statement of the Eternal
٢١. فطربت من انشائها وعجبت من
ايشائها لبيان عبد الباقي
22. This white hand tied my limbs
With gratitude, for as long as untying takes place
٢٢. هذي اليد البيضاء قيد جوارحي
بالشكر ما احبى على الاطلاق
23. So in the sea of his singing remains for me
Constructions of praise with abundance
٢٣. فيقل في لجى بحر غنائها
لي منشآت المدح بالاغراق
24. He who befriends the good is not like one who
Befriends it covertly, with hypocrisy
٢٤. ليس الذي يولي الجميل مصادقا
مثل الذي يوليه ضمن نفاق
25. And kindness is from one whom you do not see it
More than the kindness you cast with censure
٢٥. والبر ممن لا تراه اجل من
بر الذي ترميه بالحملاق
26. It is the custom of the generous that they sing while
They are sung to, without effort and pillow of sleepiness
٢٦. ذي عادة الكرماء ان يغنوا وهم
مغنون عن سعي ووخد نياق
27. Oh master, your benevolence has blinded me
And singled me out with your delightful praise
٢٧. يا سيدا قد عمنى احسانه
واختصني بثنائه الرواق
28. You have captured all of my heart and distracted it
From hoping for union with other than you
٢٨. فملكت قلبي كله وشغلته
عن ان يرجى من سواك تلاقي
29. From a thousand miles your voice came calling me
Responding while in agreement
٢٩. من الف ميل جاء صوتك داعيا
اياء وهو على جواب وفاق
30. And truthful to what you have said are
These lines, so miss their fulfillment
٣٠. واليك مصداقا على ما قلته
هذي السطور فقدك من مصداق