1. Passion seizes the heart, pain accompanies sorrow,
It rules with wisdom, upright in severe affliction.
١. لاع الغرام فؤادا لازم الشجنا
وعال حكما فطر في صارم الوسنا
2. The days of fate assailed me, clad
In the garment of misery it wove for me, grief and dejection.
٢. تناوشتني عوادي الدهر ملبسة
اياي من حوكها ثوبى اسى وضنى
3. I nearly lost hope though pleased to rule,
And that I had protection against difficulties.
٣. فكدت اذهل اني في رضى ملك
وانه لي مجن يدفع المحنا
4. One whose noble qualities remain untainted,
Too exalted to be associated with anything vile.
٤. من لا تزال سجاياه مطهرة
عن ان تشاب بشيء ذكره هجنا
5. He established praise among people so they took
Eulogizing him as an obligatory tradition.
٥. سن المحامد بين الناس فاتخذوا
فرض الثناء عليه واجبا سننا
6. His justice cannot behold anything crooked,
And he wields the sword of truth so we sought refuge.
٦. تأبى عدالته في منظر عوجا
والسيف اعمله بالحق فاحتتنا
7. You see all languages in his eulogies
Eloquent, even those unrefined in grammar.
٧. ترى اللغات جميعا في مدائحه
فصيحة والذي لم يتغر لسنغا
8. If a generous man has no miracles,
Then this is the miracle of Ishmael we have witnessed.
٨. ان لم يكن لكريم قط معجزة
فذاك معجز اسماعيل قد علنا
9. If rocks could speak one day, extemporaneously they would say
We softened in recollection of his justice.
٩. لو ينطق الصخر يوما قال مرتجلا
اني الين لذكرى عدله غدنا
10. Say this praise befits him, and none other
Has attained the like of people from his grace.
١٠. قل الجدير بهذا المدح وهو عنا
لمن به غيره من ذا الانام عني
11. Ask those whose prayers he has answered and they will say
We have not found except from beseeching his favors.
١١. سل عنه من صار يجدى السائلين يقل
ما جدت الا من استجدائه المننا
12. Ask the Caesars about him, and the kings as they
Revere his protection wherever he settled.
١٢. سل القياصر عنه والملوك وهم
يعظمون حماه اينما سكنا
13. Ask the states of Europe which have prospered
By his virtues, just as we thrived.
١٣. وسل ممالك اوربا وقد نعشت
فيها مكارمه كلا كما زكنا
14. Were the Caliph Ar-Rashid and his sons
Pillars of pride as the honored Al-Aziz's sons?
١٤. هل الرشيد وابناء الرشيد بنوا
للفخر ذكرا كما فضل العزيز بنى
15. Did splendid Baghdad ever possess what
Egypt has of villages that outshone cities?
١٥. اكان يوما لبغداد الفسيحة ما
لمصره من قرى قد باهت المدنا
16. Or did the Tigris display ships like his
As did the Euphrates carry his army and vessels?
١٦. الاق دجلة لوحا من بواخره
ام الفرات اقل الجيش والسفنا
17. Or did sciences in their time
Possess a knowledgeable chief proficient and sagacious?
١٧. ام المعارف كانت في زمانهم
تحوى رئيسا عليها عارفا فطنا
18. Or were pages circulated then in every
Art of guidance establishing upright traditions?
١٨. ام كان ينشر مما الفوا صحف
في كل فن تسنى للهدى سننا
19. Or were... I will not prolong this discourse
It suffices if you are a fair man.
١٩. ام كان ام كان مما لا اطيل به
قولا فحسبك ان كنت امرء الحنا
20. That potter walked as a plebeian child
While this potter established lofty columns.
٢٠. ذاك الفخار على اصل الحضيض مشى
طفلا وهذا فخار يفرع القننا
21. That era came destroying people
While this is the time to rebuild countries.
٢١. ذاك الزمان بتدمير العباد اتى
وذا اوان لتعمير البلاد اني
22. Ask the clan of Ahmad and Numan what they hoarded
Until they disgraced us, though we sought refuge in their piety.
٢٢. سل رهط احمد والنعمان ما جنبا
حتى اهينا وفي تقواهما سجنا
23. Ask the means of patience when their tyranny prevails,
How their lofty court is safe today.
٢٣. وسائل الصبر اذ يعلو مطهمه
كيف الجناب الرفيع اليوم قد امنا
24. So which of the two is more deserving to be named
The Abode of Peace? And which manifests perfection?
٢٤. فاي هاتين اولى ان يقال لها
دار السلام وهل تؤتى الجمال كنى
25. Consider one innately disposed to a character
Unlike one who forces himself to acquire it.
٢٥. وانظرا من كان مطبوعا على خلق
كمن تكلفه من هاهنا وهنا
26. He came with a natural disposition while others
Deliberately feigned praise for selfish ends.
٢٦. اتى من المادحين المطرئين على خلق
جميع من خلدوا ذكرا لهم حسنا
27. Indeed one is immortalized by his deeds,
And has none other than what his hands reaped.
٢٧. فانما المرء تحييه مآثره
وما له غير ما تجنى يداه جنى
28. Yet I speak the candid truth, neither timid
Nor seduced, nor speaking out of rancor.
٢٨. لكن اقول مقال الحق لا وجلا
من ذي ملام ولا مغرى يقول خنى
29. I do not say so-and-so you were inclined
To infatuation and were not enchanted by me.
٢٩. وما بقال فلان كنت ذا ولع
ولا بزخرف مدح كنت مفتننا
30. He who objects to embellished narratives
Is like one remotely worshipping idols.
٣٠. ومن تشقه حكايات مموهة
فانما مثله من بعيد الوثنا
31. The ancients first excelled in pottery
But deferred to later ones in substance.
٣١. ان الاوائل في روم الفخار شأوا
لكنهم في الجد للآخرين ثنى
32. The latter may attain heights the former
Failed to reach, and untie knots once deemed unbreakable.
٣٢. قد يدرك الآخر الشأو الذي عجزت
عنه الاوالى وقد ينقاد ما حرنا
33. May the honored one, whose virtues
Save what remains of poetry from obscenity, be ransomed.
٣٣. افدى العزيز الذي لولا مكارمه
لم يبق في الشعر الا قول من مجنا
34. Those who described buttocks, breasts and thighs
And similar lewdness that seduced their minds.
٣٤. من وصف خصر وارداف وماكمة
ونحو ذلك مما عقله فتنا
35. Had I presented his virtues to a people,
None would have matched his price however little.
٣٥. فلو عرضت على قوم جواهره
لما حلا احد منهم بها ثمنا
36. Who resembles Ishmael in conduct,
Making strangers forget native land and dwelling?
٣٦. من ذا يشابه اسماعيل في خلق
تنسى حلاه الغريب الاهل والسكنا
37. His prayers outweighed the hopes of supplicants,
So every word of thanks falls short.
٣٧. صلاته رجحت آمال سائله
فكل قول اتى في شكرها اتزنا
38. In his era stamped paper was dispensed
While paper presented to him was repaid in kind.
٣٨. في عصره الورق المضروب يبذل في
قراضة الورق المهدى اليه ثنا
39. If you enumerate what is said in languages,
You enumerate only a portion of his boons.
٣٩. ان تحص ما في لغات الناس من كلم
فأحص ايلاءه الآلاء والمثنا
40. Had it not been for his sublime qualities
People would have forgotten good deeds, for time obliterates.
٤٠. لولا معاليه خلنا الناس قد نسيت
فعل الجميل وان الدهر قد افنا
41. You see naught but unfulfilled promises,
Treachachery, schemes, resentment and grief.
٤١. اذ لا ترى غير وعد فات موعده
والغدر والمكر والاضغان والاحنا
42. What do you see in people overcome by wickedness?
Will they return to humanity after what they have done?
٤٢. ما ذا ترى في اناس طال مسخهم
فهل يعودون انسا بعد ما اسنا
43. They plotted harm to the honored one though he benefits them,
And through his protection they gained prosperity.
٤٣. راموا العزيز بضروهو نافعهم
وفي حماه اصابوا الرغد والغدنا
44. They schemed but came frustrated in their rage,
And all who spoke against him were cursed.
٤٤. كادوا ولكنهم بآوا بغيظهم
وكل ذي منطق اياهم لعنا
45. They will know tomorrow what calamities will befall them,
And who will suffer the evil we dread.
٤٥. سيعلمون غدا ماذا يحيق بهم
ومن يساوره السوء الذي اضطبنا
46. Strange that we have reached an age
Where we see jinn in the forms of men openly socializing!
٤٦. يا للعجاب وقد صرنا إلى زن
فيه نرى الجن امثال الورى سحنا
47. Your eyes may admire their appearance and their speech
Would reveal the ghouls preying in the darkness.
٤٧. يروق عينك مرآهم ومخبرهم
يشف عن غول قصد في الحشا كما
48. You negotiate with them to test,
Even converse as if human though a deceitful demon.
٤٨. ورب حر تراه العين ممتهنا
حتى تفاوضه في الامر ممتحنا
49. God has thwarted their exploits and repelled them in fury,
Stripping safety from their grasp.
٤٩. قد خيب الله مسعاهم وردهم
بغيظهم فهو عنهم يسلب الامنا
50. Just as He perpetuated blessings for Ishmael
And increased his prosperity, O fairest of vows.
٥٠. كما ادام لاسماعيل نعمته
وزاده بسطة يا طيب ذك منى
51. My father ransomed me, if we have
No songs from you we have no joy.
٥١. ابا الفداء ابيت اللعن ان لنا
منك الغناء وما عنه نصيب غنى
52. If we convey congratulations to Egypt
We have brought joy to the world thereby.
٥٢. واننا ان نعد مدحا اليك يعد
مدحا علينا وفخرا باقيا وسنا
53. The holiday has returned delegation of bliss to us,
And settled us in comfort and luxury.
٥٣. واننا ان نبلغ مصر تهنئة
بان سلمت فللدنيا بذاك هنا
54. A holiday in which types of blessings were completed
From fasting, and charity that revived the homeland.
٥٤. العيد عاد بتخويل السرور لنا
وفي بحابح رغد العيش اسكننا
55. Dazzling in ethics, manners, virtues
And praiseworthy traits, all excellent.
٥٥. عيد به حزت انواع المبرة من
صوم ومن صدقات احيت الوطنا
56. None contends with you but the debased in farce,
None contests you but a plundered loser.
٥٦. بهرت خلقا واخلاقا ومنقبة
وشيمة ومزايا كلها حسنا
57. Do not worry leader, valiant warrior,
Providence protects you I was not anxious.
٥٧. فما يباريك الا بائر بعنا
وما يجاريك الا خاسر غبنا
58. Those you spare out of mercy
Would sacrifice souls and dwelling for you.
٥٨. لا تخش باسا فذ والباس الشديد له
عناية بك اني كنت لن تهنا
59. So live forever in power and destiny,
And may your resolute sword continue to assist.
٥٩. ان الذين تقيهم منك مرحمة
ليبذلون لك الارواح والسكنا
60. And may your progeny remain pride of mankind,
Just as your virtue remains an adornment of ancestry.
٦٠. فاسلم مدى الدهر في عز ومقدرة
وسيف عزمك ماض اينما مزنا
٦١. ودام نسلك فخرا للانام كما
سميك البر حلى نسله