
O eye, weep a heart

يا عين بكى فوادا

1. O eye, weep a heart
And do not taste sleep

١. يا عين بكى فوادا
ولا تذوقي رقادا

2. O flame of my heart
Increase your burning as much as you can

٢. ويا لهيب فوادى
زد ما استطعت اتقادا

3. There is no good left in life
And the mine of good is exhausted

٣. لم يبق في العيش خير
ومعدن الخير فادا

4. The one whose hearts
Never released for separation, has passed

٤. قضى الذي ما اطلقت
له القلوب بعادا

5. And you never wished
Except for his approval, to be born

٥. ولم تكن تتمنى
سوى رضاه تلادا

6. He used to sing and lament
Absence and testimony

٦. وكان يغنى ويقنى
الغياب والاشهادا

7. He was a pillar for the king
And a support for the servants

٧. وكان للملك ركنا
وللعباد عمادا

8. Look, a protector has died
Who used to give life to the countries

٨. اني يموت همام
قد كان يحيى البلادا

9. Look, he is buried in the soil
Who used to shade the servants

٩. اني يغيب في الترب
من اظل العبادا

10. And in war he used to meet
An army that blocks all darkness

١٠. وكان في الحرب يلقى
جيشا يسد السوادا

11. As if he used to meet
A troop going to fight for his glory

١١. كانه كان يلقى
وفدا لجدواه غادى

12. He never asked for a sword
Except for the highest jihad

١٢. ما سل يوما حساما
الا واعلى الجهادا

13. And he never drew a line
Except with the most expensive ink

١٣. ولم يخط كتابا
الا واغلى المدادا

14. After the couches, he found
The ground as his bed

١٤. بعد الارائك امسى
له الحضيض مهادا

15. And after those pleasures
The tent pegs have been pulled up

١٥. وبعد تلك المذاكى
قد وسد الاعوادا

16. O how many times,
Caravans of kings sought him for support

١٦. يا طالما قصدته
وفد الملوك اعتمادا

17. And hurried for his approval
Groups and individuals

١٧. واسرعت لرضاه
جماعة وفرادى

18. Oh what a calamity
That shakes the poles

١٨. فياله من مصاب
يقلقل الاطوادا

19. And what a misfortune
That crushes the livers

١٩. ويا له من مناب
يفتت الاكبادا

20. The one who used to grow
The inanimate has become inanimate

٢٠. ان الذي كان ينمى
الجماد صار جمادا

21. O you who saw the full moon of glory
Set and the valleys became empty

٢١. يا من رأى بدر مجد
هوى وحل الوهادا

22. O you who saw the mountain of might
Return to dust

٢٢. يا من رأى طود عز
الى الثرى قد عادا

23. O you who saw a day of affliction
A young man who withstood torture

٢٣. يا من رأى يوم بأس
فتى يلذ الجلادا

24. And a day of peace he excels
In honoring the weak and the roses

٢٤. ويوم سلم يبر
العفاة والورادتا

25. Describe to me patience if you
Do not return to guidance

٢٥. صف لي التصبر ان لم
تعد على الرشادا

26. Tell me, should we complain
When we wear black

٢٦. قل لي انأسو أسانا
اذا لبسنا الحدادا

27. Or should we rend our collars
Or should we cling to sadness

٢٧. او ان شققنا جيوبا
او ان لزمنا السهادا

28. Alas, there is no consolation
And I do not see any use

٢٨. هيهات ليس عزاء
وما اراه مفادا

29. The matter is too great for
The caller to respond

٢٩. فالخطب اعظم من ان
يجيب فيه المنادى

30. And fate is not to be blamed
And time is not to be reprimanded

٣٠. والقدر ليس يداعى
والدهر ليس يعادى

31. So do not try your hopes
Or make your wishes wander

٣١. فلا تحاةل مراما
ولا تجاول مرادا

32. For it brings no righteousness
Nor corruption

٣٢. فما يرد صلاحا
ولا يرد فسادا

33. They say the pigeons
Only see picking

٣٣. ان الحمام كما قد
رووا يرى نقادا

34. So they do not choose from us
Except the best seeds

٣٤. فليس يختار منا
الا الخيار الجيادا

35. Where is the one who led nations
And presided over times and was generous?

٣٥. اين الذثي ساس قوما
وساد دهرا وجادا

36. And who built and constructed
And struggled and excelled

٣٦. ومن بنى واشادا
ومن جدا واجادا

37. And who humiliated the enemies
And who weakened the tyrants

٣٧. ومن اذال الاعادي
ومن اذل الشدادا

38. And who helped the weak
And who attained armament

٣٨. ومن اطال نجادا
ومن انال عتادا

39. And who protected what he had
And who accomplished what he wanted

٣٩. ومن حمى ما لديه
ومن حوى ما ارادا

40. Trouble has become widespread
And death makes all perish

٤٠. عم البلاء اطرادا
والموت كلا ابادا

41. So do not fear Thamud
Or dread 'Aad

٤١. فما تحامى ثمودا
ولا تهيب عادا

42. I am astonished that time decays
Equals and peers

٤٢. فاعجب لشي يغول
الاضداد والاندادا

43. And I am astonished at a tiresome life
That makes us bored of affection

٤٣. واعجب لدنيا ملول
تمل منا الودادا

44. If you seek closeness from it
It takes you further from it

٤٤. ان تبغ منها اقترابا
زادتك عنها ابتعادا

45. And life is like a dream in it
But it will not be repeated

٤٥. والعمر كالحلم فيها
لكنه لن يعادا

46. No living being is immortal
Except he will hear the call

٤٦. ما طال للحي عمى
الا ولاقى نادا

47. And all that came for a time
Will not come again

٤٧. وكل ما حم آت
عن يومه لن يحادا

48. And all that crept will perish
And all that lived will be gone

٤٨. فكل من دب فان
وكل من عاش بادا

49. And nothing flourished in spring
Except its foliage withered in Jumada

٤٩. وما نمى في ربيع
اذواه فعل جمادى

50. If only the living could ransom
The departed would not have gone

٥٠. لو كان حي يفادى
ما كان ذا الرزء آدا

51. Oh how I wish I knew how far
Our hopes have extended

٥١. فان الف فؤاد
منا ليفدى فؤادا

52. And how much patience we have solicited
When we lost integrity

٥٢. يا ليت شعري الى كم
بنا الاماني تمادى

53. When they did good
On Thursday out of belief

٥٣. وكم نراود صبرا
وقد اضعنا السدادا

54. For remembering him almost
Led to belief

٥٤. اذا الورى احسنوا في
يوم الخميس اعتقادا

55. When they carried his coffin
We shivered in horror

٥٥. فان ذكراه كادت
توحى الى اعتقادا

56. And it was as if the ground
Shook in mourning for him

٥٦. لما اقلوا سريرا
له صرعنا ارتعادا

57. As if the foundations
Had no tent pegs

٥٧. وامنا الارض مادت
حزنا عليه ممادا

58. I lament him while my eye is grateful
And patience is getting accustomed to sorrow

٥٨. فما كأن الرواسي
كانت لها اوتادا

59. And my sadness for him
Until I am patient like ashes

٥٩. ارثيه والعين شكرى
والصبر عز ارتيادا

60. O you who asks why do I
See the day as dark

٦٠. والهف قلبي عليه
حتى اصبر رمادا

61. His date has come
A symbol that embraces a heart

٦١. يا من يسائل مالي
ارى النهار سوادا

٦٢. تاريخه حل اد
رمس يضم فؤادا