
The cup of life filled to the brim with bitterness

كاس النوى ملئت الى اصبارها

1. The cup of life filled to the brim with bitterness
And diversified so they talked about its hems

١. كاس النوى ملئت الى اصبارها
وتنوعت فحكوا الى اصمارها

2. So strange for it a cup that burns for it heat
It tormented my liver with the touch of its edges

٢. فاعجب لها كاسا يشب لها لظى
قد لوعت كبدي بلفح اوارها

3. I blamed my soul today and it was sick
With connection as it is the ultimate glad tiding

٣. عللت نفسي اليوم وهي عليلة
بالوصل اذ هو غاية استبشارها

4. As if it gave glad tidings of its life
Or revived with the good news of its arousal

٤. فكانها قد بشرت بحياتها
او حييت ببشارة استثارها

5. But it said to that cause
Its nights were long like the length of its days

٥. لكنها قالت لتلك تعلة
طالت لياليها كطول نهارها

6. I wished it for long and promised it
So I see your promises like an erupting volcano

٦. قد طالما منيتني ووعدتني
فارى عداتك كالعادة فوارها

7. I love, no sign appears in its traces
Though he is the moon and it's not possible

٧. هذي شهور قد تقضت والذي
اهواء ليس يلوح في آثارها

8. That months show without their moons
The moon of highness and glory Ahmad Izza

٨. مع انه قمر وليس بممكن
ان الشهور تبين عن اقمارها

9. The progeny of sovereignty wrapped in its pride
The most graceful melody, refined

٩. قمر العلى والمجد احمد عزة
نسل السيادة مرتد بفخارها

10. A call whose fame competes with the wind in its spread
He filled Al-Basita with his poems until

١٠. الاروع الندب المهذب من له
صيت يباري الريح في تسيارها

11. His verses in it became the emblem of its slogans
So if we compose after him we don't find

١١. ملا البسيطة نظمه حتى غدت
اشعاره فيها طراز شعارها

12. A chest to retain the words in its lands
His poems emerged in their empty space

١٢. فاذا نظمنا بعده لم نلق من
صدر لحفظ القول في اقطارها

13. Like suns that eyes dazzle from their lights
So I got drunk with its inebriation and I sipped from

١٣. بزغت قصائده على فخلتها
شمسا يحار الطرف من انوارها

14. Its first fruits and smelled its flowers
He was created with keeping promises naturally

١٤. فثملت من اسكارها ولثمت من
ابكارها وشممت من ازهارها

15. While our natures were created with breaking them
His pens are from the pillars of religion

١٥. جبلت على حفظ العهود طباعه
فطباعنا جبلت على اكبارها

16. And supporters of the Islamic state
And when he understands the scattered pearls from

١٦. اقلامه للدين من اركانه
ولدولة الإسلام من انصارها

17. His words are in its system and scattering
The secret of chastity appeared from his family

١٧. ومتى يفه فاللؤلؤ المنثور من
الفاظه بنظامها ونثارها

18. And with that we sense the meaning of its secrets
The whole world boasts of its carpenter

١٨. سر النجابة من اسرته بدا
وبذاك ندرك معنيي اسرارها

19. And reveres the land of its neighbor
They were and still are stars of guidance

١٩. من عترة الفاروق تفتخر الورى
بنجارها وتجل موطن جارها

20. Both fixed and revolving
They connected with their guardian blessed connection

٢٠. كانوا وما زالوا نجوما للهدى
من ثابت منها ومن سيارها

21. And the enemy's acute agony so woe to its pits
The land of Iraq got lost with them and prided

٢١. وصلوا وليهم حظى وصلوا عدو
هم لظى فالويل من اوغارها

22. All countries with its soil and secrets
The Badia never parted in morals and

٢٢. تاهت بهم ارض العراق وفاخرت
كل البلاد بتربها وسرارها

23. Innovation in composing the beloved of its lands
My love for Ahmed lasts as long as I live

٢٣. ما فارق الحدباء في الاخلاق وال
ابداع في نظم حبيب ديارها

24. No matter how far the distance in its ways

٢٤. حبي لاحمد ما حييت سجية
ما ان يحيل البعد من اطوارها