1. Forgive me if I accused you of fickleness
For I was absent from my senses
١. اغفري لي إِذا اِتَهَمتُك بِالغَد
رِ فَقَد كُنتُ غائِباً عَن صَوابي
2. Forgive me, perhaps my actions
Were screams of horror at the sight of my torment
٢. اِغفري لي لَعل ما كانَ مني
صَرخة الهَول عِندَ مَرأى عَذابي
3. And the echo of despair my ribs returned
Or my weeping over the safety of youth
٣. وَصَدى اليَأس رَجّعته ضُلوعي
أَو بُكائي عَلى أَمان الشَبابِ
4. You were not as I claimed, but
What I read in the book distraught me
٤. لَم تَكوني كَما زَعَمتُ وَلَكن
هالَني ما قَرَأتهُ في الكِتابِ
5. And by my life, I saw loyalty in you
In which there was not a speck of my doubt
٥. وَلعمري رَأَيتُ مِنك وَفاءً
لَم يَكُن فيهِ ذَرّة لارتيابي
6. Forgive me what I said in my madness
And come, let me explain my plight to you
٦. اِغفري لي ما قلته في جُنوني
وَتَعالي أَشرح إِلَيك مصابي
7. Many a lofty palace of fantasies
Whose stars shaded beneath its wings
٧. رُبَّ صَرحٍ مَمرَّد مِن أَماني
ي أَظَلَّ النُجوم تَحتَ جَناحِهِ
8. All kinds of flowers grew around it
And passion watered them with the breath of its comfort
٨. قَد نَمَت حَولَهُ الأَزاهيرُ شَتّى
وَسَقاها الهَوى عَلالَةَ راحِه
9. We dwelled in it safely for a time
Its roses and thorns protected me
٩. فَنَزلناه آمنين زَماناً
نَجتَني مِن وَرودِهِ وَأَقاحِه
10. No storms shook its pillars
Yet it failed in its struggle like them
١٠. لَم تُحرِّك مِنهُ العَواصف رُكناً
وَلَكن خابَ مثلها في كِفاحِه
11. Then there was a hand, I shall stay silent about
That demolished it to the level of dust
١١. ثُم كانَت يَدٌ سَأَسكتُ عَنها
هَدَّمته إِلى سَواء الترابِ
12. Where is that sky, was that palace
Really built of clouds?
١٢. أَينَ تِلكَ السَماء هَل كانَ ذاك
الصرح فيها مشيّداً مِن سَحابِ
13. Forgive me, for the most wretched lover
Is a lover whose life is memories
١٣. إِغفري لي فَإِن أَشقى المحبّين
محبٌّ حَياتُهُ ذكرياتُ
14. Wherever I was, the heart was stirred by memories
Depicted by our lasting vestiges
١٤. أَينَما كُنتُ هيّج القَلب ذكرى
صَوَّرتها آثارُنا الباقياتُ
15. And here, ah, they are kisses
And here a bird repeats a conversation
١٥. ما هُنا إِنَّها رُسومُ دُموعٍ
وَهُنا آه آنها قبلاتُ
16. From which these words have not been absent
Oh my life, do not get angry and come
١٦. وَهُنا طائِرٌ يُعيد حَديثاً
لَم تَغب عَنهُ هَذِهِ الكَلِماتُ
17. Embrace me and shorten your reproach
According to my heart, its torment, so forgive me
١٧. يا حَياتي لا تَغضَبي وَتعالي
عانِقيني وَأَقصري مِن عِتابي
18. Oh my life, for I have met my punishment
١٨. حسب قَلبي عَذابه فَاِغفِري لي
يا حَياتي فَقَد لَقيتُ عِقابي