1. Ask the garden of poetry how it was devastated by its beauty
Until it was devoid of the shadows of beauty and fragrance
١. سَل جَنة الشعر ما أَلوى بدوحتها
حَتّى خَلَت مِن ظلال الحُسن وَالطيبِ
2. Whoever tries to dam the flood comes back pushed by the current
When it descends from the summits of the hills
٢. وَمَن تَصَدّى يَردُّ السَيلَ مُزدَحِماً
لَما تَحَدَّر مِن شُمِّ الأَهاضيبِ
3. Whoever attacks these tents in the morning
Makes it lawful to destroy them after beautifying them
٣. وَمَن أَغار عَلى تلكَ الخِيام ضُحىً
يبيح تَقويضها مِن بَعد تَطنيبِ
4. It is death that does not cease to take away
It does not spare anyone alive without stripping them
٤. هِيَ المَنية ما تَنفكّ سالِبَةً
فَما تُغادر حَيّاً غَير مَسلوبِ
5. It is the right of the Arabs to grieve for their poet
And shed tears copiously like pouring rain
٥. حَقُ العُروبة أَن تَأسى لِشاعرها
وَتُذرف الدَمع مَنهَلّاً بِمَسكوبِ
6. And send a burning sigh that shatters
The ribs of every tender-hearted chief
٦. وَتُرسل الزَفرة الحَرّى مصدّعة
ضُلوع كُل عَميد القَلب مَكروبِ
7. Who has ancient roots in his Arabness
Comes up with two kinds of magic of meaning and composition
٧. مَن للقريض عَريقاً في عُروبته
يَأتي بسحرين مِن مَعنى وَتَركيبِ
8. And the coquetry of rhymes which shine
Like the faces of young Bedouin girls
٨. وَمِن لغرّ القَوافي وَهِيَ مُشرِقَة
كَأَوجه البَدَويات الرَعابيب
9. O father of nobility, rise and improvise in this gathering
Your refined verses were not polished by refinement
٩. أَبا المَكارم قُم في الحَفل مُرتَجِلاً
مُهذَّباتك لَم تصقل بِتَهذيبِ
10. And ignite the fire for the people have become apathetic
Their hearts subdued, no heart aroused
١٠. وَأَضرِم النارَ إِن القَومَ هامِدة
قُلوبُهُم ذلَّ قَلبٌ غَير مَشبوبِ
11. And blow your indignation in their noses out of anger
For it may stir the idols of the shrines
١١. وَاِنفخ إِباءَك في آنافهم غَضَباً
فَقَد تُحَرِّكُ أَصنامَ المَحاريبِ
12. Humiliation has taken hold of my people, no wonder
They do not care about rebuke and admonishment
١٢. تَمكن الذلّ مِن قَومي فَلا عَجَب
أَلّا يُبالوا بِتَقريع وَتَأنيبِ
13. How honorable the excuse would have been, had the calamity scattered
Their body parts among the stabbed and beaten
١٣. ما أَشرَفَ العُذرَ لَو أَن الوَغى نثرت
أَشلاءَهم بَينَ مَطعون وَمَضروبِ
14. But the methods of the enemies overwhelmed them while they
Slept unaware, oblivious of those methods
١٤. لَكن دَهتهم أَساليب العداة وَهُم
ساهون لاهون عَن تِلكَ الأَساليبِ
15. And they are content with the little dangled
By their colonizers with intimidation and appeasement
١٥. وَيَقنعون بِمبذولٍ يلوِّحُهُ
مُستعمِروهم بِتبعيد وَتَقريبِ
16. As if they did not establish the glory of their ancestors
On swords and spearheads
١٦. كَأَنَّهُم لَم يُشيَّد مَجد أَولهم
عَلى السُيوف وَأَطرافِ الأَنابيبِ
17. O guide of every land whose inhabitants are Arabs
Whom you traverse with ascents and descents
١٧. يا رائِداً كُلَّ أَرض أَهلها عربٌ
يَجتازها نِضو تَصعيد وَتَصويبِ
18. And you who have knowledge and understanding of their condition
Between prosperity and hardship
١٨. وَمُنشِداً عِندهم علماً وَمَعرِفَةً
بِحالهم بَينَ إِدلاج وَتَأويبِ
19. Have you come across people living in comfort
Or has any country been spared devastation?
١٩. هَل جئتَ مِنهُم أُناساً عَيشَهُم رغدٌ
أَم هَل نَزَلَت بِقطر غَير مَنكوبِ
20. Or which shepherd without a wolf alongside
If you do not find the shepherd worse than the wolf
٢٠. أَم أَيّ راعٍ بِلا ذئبٍ يُجاوره
إِن لَم تَجد راعياً شَراً مِن الذيبِ
21. Al-Kazimi has attained immortality
Where he meets the best reception from God
٢١. تَبّوأَ الكاظِميُّ الخلدَ مَنزِلَةً
يَلقى مِن اللَه فيها خَيرَ تَرحيبِ
22. O father of nobility, rise above your elevation and say
I see Palestine or the wonders of the world
٢٢. أَبا المَكارم أَشرِف مِن علاك وَقُل
أَرى فلسطين أَم دُنيا الأَعاجيبِ
23. And look at us and survey attentively in the protected land
Guidance has never been veiled
٢٣. وَاِنظُر إِلَينا وَسرِّح في الحمى بَصَراً
عَن الهُدى لَم يَكُن يَوماً بِمَحجوبِ
24. You will find a strong, faithful promise to the foreigner but
We got from him nothing but a fleeting mirage
٢٤. تَجد قَوياً وَفي وَعدَ الدَخيل وَلَم
يَكُن لَنا مِنهُ إِلّا وَعد عَرقوبِ
25. Seventeen years have passed in the country ruled by him
His rule a mix of intimidation and enticement
٢٥. وَمَرَّ سَبع وَعشر في البِلاد لَهُ
وَحكمه مَزج تَرهيب وَتَرغيبِ
26. This world may end while in his hands
Our fate is hostage to training and testing
٢٦. قَد تَنتَهي هَذِهِ الدُنيا وَفي يَدِهِ
مَصيرنا رَهن تَدريب وَتَجريبِ
27. I see its evil spread among the people
And its good for the saddled horses and accountants
٢٧. حال أَرى شَرَّها في الناس مُنتَشِراً
وَخَيرَها لِلمَطايا وَالمَحاسيبِ
28. Is there any comfort left in Palestine after the misery
Or does time smile again after frowning?
٢٨. هَل في فَلسطين بَعدَ البُؤس مِن دعةٍ
أَم لِلزَمان اِبتِسام بَعدَ تَقطيبِ
29. How many resolves and haste led to disappointment
And intentions failed by procrastination and evasion
٢٩. كَم حَققَ العَزم والاعجال مِن أَمَلٍ
وَخابَ قَصد بِإمهالٍ وَتَقليبِ