1. O Death, what company and dignity
Did you destroy after Sa'id?
١. أَيُّها المَوت أَيّ مَجلس أنسٍ
وَوَقارٍ عَطّلتَ بَعد سَعيدِ
2. Manners like gardens in beauty and charm,
Its fruits being near for the benefit of the needy.
٢. أدبٌ كَالرِياض في الحسن وَالطي
ب قَريبٌ جَناه لِلمُستَفيدِ
3. It seemed to me his knowledge was an ocean,
Deep and vast, covered with sweet roses.
٣. وَكَأَنّي بِعلمه البحر عمقاً
وَاِتِساعاً تَغشاه عَذب الوُرودِ
4. And the souls of the congregation disdained
To be bound in shackles other than his.
٤. وَنُفوس الجلّاس تَأنف إِلّا
عِندَه أَن تَكون رَهن القُيودِ
5. Abundant in his beneficial knowledge,
And near in his retention and far in his intimacy,
٥. بِغَزير مِن علمه وَمُفيدٍ
وَقَريب مِن حفظه وَبَعيد
6. And strange in his company and wondrous,
Refined in his manners and collected.
٦. وَغَريبٍ مِن أُنسِهِ وَعَجيبٍ
وَطَريفٍ مِن ظَرفه وَتَليد
7. He gathered excellence in narration and poetry
To al-Asma'i, nature of al-Walid.
٧. جامع الفَضل في الرِواية وَالشع
ر إِلى الأَصمَعيّ طَبع الوَليدِ
8. A righteous ancestor, remainder of a people
Whose covenant Allah blessed in contracts.
٨. سلف صالح بَقية قَومٍ
بارك اللَهُ عَهدَهُم في العُهودِ
9. They knew good, honored its doers.
They were ignorant of villainy, ignoring transgressions.
٩. عَرَفوا الخَير أَكرَموا فَاعليه
جَهلوا اللؤم جَهلهم للجُحودِ
10. And when they disrobed for enmity,
They stopped at enmity within limits.
١٠. وَإِذا ما تَجَرَّدوا لِعِداءٍ
وَقَفوا بِالعداء عِندَ حُدودِ
11. Would that my people would adorn themselves with the noble manners
Of this man in intense conflict.
١١. لَيتَ قَومي تَخلّقوا بِكَريم الخل
ق هَذا عِندَ الخِصام الشَديدِ
12. How great is our need for the loftiness of manners
In these dark nights!
١٢. ما أَشَدَّ اِفتِقارنا لسموّ ال
خلق في هَذِهِ اللَيالي السودِ
13. What is with you tearing each other apart?
Have you finished with the hostile enemy?
١٣. ما لَكُم بَعضَكُم يمزق بَعضاً
أَفرَغتُم مِن العَدوّ اللدودِ
14. Go lengths and breadths in the countries
And see what your opponent has of exertions.
١٤. إِذهَبوا في البِلاد طولاً وَعَرضاً
وَاِنظُروا ما لِخَصمكم مِن جُهودِ
15. And touch with your hands a firm edifice
Whose pillars he erected with firm resolution,
١٥. وَالمَسوا بِاليدين صَرحاً مَنيعاً
شادَ أَركانه بِعَزم وَطيدِ
16. Erecting it above your glory, building it
Towering over the skulls of ancestors.
١٦. شادَهُ فَوق مَجدكم وَبَناه
مشمخراً عَلى رُفات الجُدودِ
17. He gained all this amidst chaos,
Disunity, humiliation, and submission,
١٧. كُل هَذا اِستَفاده بَينَ فَوضى
وَشقاق وَذُلة وَهجودِ
18. And preoccupation with nonsense and love of others
Away from the beneficial, universal, magnificent.
١٨. وَاِشتِغالٍ بِالتُرَهاتِ وَحُبِّ الذ
ذات عَن نافع عَميم مَجيدِ
19. Allah bears witness that that life
Is preferred over the life of slaves.
١٩. شهد اللَه أَن تِلكَ حَياة
فُضِّلَت فَوقَها حَياة العَبيدِ
20. Death has become a blessing; the dead
Are envied pillowed in the dust.
٢٠. أَصبَح المَوت نعمةً يُحسَدُ المي
تُ عَلَيها موسّداً في الصَعيدِ
21. Happy is he who attains the like of Sa'id
After the abode of annihilation, the abode of eternity.
٢١. وَسَعيد مَن نالَ مثل سَعيدٍ
بَعد دار الفَناء دار الخُلودِ
22. So congratulations to you for lasting bliss,
You in which are the companion of the Almighty, All-Praiseworthy.
٢٢. فَهَنيئاً لَكَ النَعيم مُقيماً
أَنتَ فيهِ جارُ العَزيز الحَميدِ