1. When your ill-omened star appeared
And the ropes' ends began to creak,
١. لمّا تَعَرَّضَ نَجْمُك المنحوسُ
وترنَّحت بِعُرى الحِبالِ رؤوسُ
2. The prayer caller wailed and the bells tolled
So the night grew murky and the day sullen.
٢. ناح الأّذانُ وأعولَ الناقوسُ
فالليل أكدرُ والنَّهارُ عَبوسُ
3. The storms began to rage,
And emotions,
٣. طَفِقَتْ تثورُ عواصفُ
4. While death hovered,
Sometimes swooping, sometimes snatching,
٤. والموت حينا طائف
أو خاطفُ
5. And the eternal chisel kept burrowing
To return them to her stony heart.
٥. والمعْولُ الأَبديّ يُمْعِن في الثرى
لِيردَّهمْ في قلبِها المتحجِّرِ
6. A day dawned upon the empty ages
And summoned something amazing to be.
٦. يومٌ أطلَّ على العصور الخاليَهْ
ودعا أمرَّ على الورى أمثاليَهْ
7. Another day, more formidable, answered:
I will tell of those inquisitorial tribunals.
٧. فأجاَبهُ يومٌ أجلْ أنا راويُهْ
لمحاكم التَّفتيش تلكَ الباغِيَهْ
8. Indeed I have seen wonders
And strangenesses,
٨. ولقد شهدتُ عجائبا
9. But in you are tribulations
And afflictions
٩. لكنَّ فيكَ مصائبا
10. The like of which I have never encountered in their tyranny.
Ask anyone else - how much is in them of abomination!
١٠. لم ألْقَ أشباهاً لها في جورِها
فاسأل سوايَ وكم بها مِنْ منكَرِ
11. And there was a day, chained in its fetters,
And history, some of its witnesses, answered:
١١. وإذا بيومٍ راسفٍ بقيودِهِ
فأجابَ والتاريخُ بعضُ شهودهِ
12. Look at the bondmen, white and black,
Whoever desired, they were his with his money.
١٢. أُنظرْ إلى بيضِ الرَّقيقِ وسودِهِ
مَنْ شاءَ كانوا مُلكَهُ بنقودِهِ
13. Men bought and sold
So they were freed,
١٣. بشرٌ يُباعُ ويُشترى
14. And time went backwards,
By what I see.
١٤. ومشى الزَّمانُ القهقرى
فيما أرى
15. I heard him who banned selling and buying bondsmen
Calling out to the freemen: O you who would buy!
١٥. فسمعتُ منْ منعَ الرَّقيقَ وبَيْعهُ
نادى على الأَحرارِ يا مَنْ يشتري
16. And there was a day, shrouded in its gown,
Moaning from the ecstasy of hangovers.
١٦. وإذا بيومٍ حالكِ الجِلْبابِ
مُتَرنّحٍ من نَشْوةِ الأوصْابِ
17. It answered: Not so! Apart from what makes you weep, what ails you?
I am in sublime education where my youth was wasted.
١٧. فأجابَ كلاّ دون ما بكَ ما بي
أنا في رُبى عاليه ضاع شبابي
18. And I witnessed the killer whom I saw,
It made me weep blood,
١٨. وشهدتُ للسفَّاح ما
أبكى دما
19. Woe to him, how unjust!
But not like you.
١٩. ويل له ما أظلما
20. I have never encountered anyone with your good fortune.
Go, perhaps you are the Day of Resurrection!
٢٠. لم ألْقَ مِثْلَكَ طالعاً في روعةٍ
فاذهبْ لعلَّكَ أنتَ يَومُ المحشرِ
21. The days deny him while the passed nights
Keep glancing at him with confused eyes.
٢١. اليومُ تُنكرهُ اللَّيالي الغابرهْ
وتظلّ تَرْمقُه بعينٍ حائره
22. How strange are the judgements of unjust fate!
Yet its least are like prevailing injustice.
٢٢. عجباً لأحكام القضاءِ الجائرهْ
فأخفُّها أمثالُ ظُلمٍ سائره
23. A country moves toward annihilation
Without hope,
٢٣. وطن يسيرُ إلى الفناءْ
بلا رجاءْ
24. And the disease has no cure
Save resignation.
٢٤. والداءُ ليس له دواءْ
إلا الإباءْ
25. Resignation indeed is a defense, if
A soul takes it on though dying unconquered.
٢٥. إن الإباءَ مَناعةٌ إن تَشْتَمِلْ
نفسٌ عليه تَمُتْ ولَّما تُقهرِ
26. All hope that his pardon will come early.
We pray it will not cloud his serenity.
٢٦. الكلُّ يرجو أن يُبكِّرَ عَفْوُهُ
نَدْعو له ألاّ يُكّدَّرَ صفُوهُ
27. If this is his compassion and gentleness,
Long live His Majesty and long live his loftiness!
٢٧. إنْ كان هذا عطفُهُ وحُنُوُّهُ
عاشتْ جلاَلتُهُ وعاشَ سُموّهُ
28. The mail bore it out in detail -
How beautiful!
٢٨. حَمَلَ البريدُ مُفصِّلاً
ما أجملا
29. Why not just implore
And supplicate?
٢٩. هَلا اكتَفَيتَ تَوَسُّلا
30. And death takes speech and renders it.
So take life by the shortest path.
٣٠. والموتُ في أخذِ الكلامِ وردَّهِ
فخذِ الحياةَ عن الطرَّيقِ الأقصرِ
31. The mailbag narrowed and the situation did not change,
And humiliation in our lines has forms.
٣١. ضاق البريدُ وما تغيَّرَ حالُ
والذّلّ بين سطورِنا أشكالُ
32. Our loss is souls and monies
While dignity - would that it had values!
٣٢. خُسْرانُنا الأَّرواح والأموالُ
وكرامةٌ يا حسرتا أسمالُ
33. Do you see and ask
What will happen?
٣٣. أوَتُبصرونَ وتسألونْ
ماذا يكونْ
34. Deception has skills
Like madness.
٣٤. إنَّ الخداعَ له فنونْ
مثْلَ الجنونْ
35. Far from it! If the abject soul became
A creature of eyes, still it would not see.
٣٥. هيهات فالنفس الذليلة لو غدت
مخلوقةً من أعينٍ لم تُبْصرِ
36. How can one whose voice doubts be heard?
How can one whose eye weeps benefit?
٣٦. أَّنى لشاكٍ صوتُه أنْ يُسُمَعا
أَنَّى لباكٍ دمعهُ أنْ يَنفعا
37. It is rock that felt our hope and cracked,
And hope came to their hearts and was hacked to pieces.
٣٧. صخرٌ أحسَّ رجاءَنا فتصدَّعا
وأتى الرجاءُ قلوبَهم فتقطَّعا
38. Do not wonder - from rocks
A spring gushes.
٣٨. لا تعجبوا فمن الصخورْ
نبعٌ يفورْ
39. And they have hearts
Like tombs, without feeling.
٣٩. ولهم قلوبٌ كالقبورْ
بلا شعورْ
40. Never seek one day to have hope in one
Whom you have tested and found unfeeling.
٤٠. لا تلتمسْ يوماً رجاءً عندَ مَنْ
جرَّبْتَهُ فوجدتَهُ لم يَشْعُرِ