
My longing for Damascus and its people

لهفي على الشام وسكانها

1. My longing for Damascus and its people
Is a burning desire of my troubled soul

١. لَهفي عَلى الشام وَسُكّانها
لَهفَةَ ظامي الروح حرّانها

2. The fire has not consumed me, but rather
My ribs enamored with its gazelles

٢. ما أَحرَقتها النار لكنما
ضُلوع مَفتون بِغُزلانها

3. And love has kindled its flames
The world hears it with its ears

٣. وَالحُبّ إِما أَضرمت ناره
تَسمعه الدُنيا بِآذانها

4. My friend, tell me, for it concerns me
The fire seizing its thickets

٤. نَديم أَخبرني فَقَد راعني
تَشبثُ النار بغيطانها

5. Has the fire spread to its figs
And its tender mulberries and pomegranates

٥. هَل سرتِ النار إِلى تينها
وَتُوتِها الغضّ وَرُمانها