
O flower of the valley, I brought a flower

يا زهرة الوادي أتيت بزهرة

1. O flower of the valley, I brought a flower
For you from the meadows of Lebanon, its fragrance wafted,

١. يا زَهرَةَ الوادي أَتيتُ بِزَهرة
لَكِ مِن رُبى لُبنان فاحَ شَذاها

2. And the flower looked lovelier with its mother,
So I carried it along and it increased its beauty,

٢. وَالزَهر أَبهى مَنظَراً مَعَ أُمه
فَنقلتها مَعها فَزادَ بهاها

3. And I protected it from harm on the way,
And for your eyes I made my ribs its abode,

٣. وَحَفظتها لَك في الطَريق مِن الأَذى
وَلِأَجل عَينكِ أَضلُعي مَثواها

4. And in March I brought you two together, but
How sweet you are in my heart and how sweet it is!

٤. وَجَمَعتُ في آذارَ بَينَكُما فَما
أَحلاك في قَلبي وَما أَحلاها

5. I brought you together but did not enjoy long
My intimacy with you two, alas and alas,

٥. إِني جَمعتكما وَلَكن لَم يَطل
أُنسي بِقُربكما فَواهاً واها

6. Alas for the hours of playfulness when you
Were my two flowers, its bliss and purity,

٦. واهاً عَلى ساعات لَهوٍ كُنتُما
يا زَهرَتّي هَناءَها وَصفاها

7. Alas for my soul which I left
Between the meadow and the soul where it wandered,

٧. واهاً على روحي الَّتي خَلَّفتها
بَينَ الرُبى وَالروح حَيث هَواها

8. Alas for it, spurned, I lost it,
So if you two ask, did I find it?

٨. واهاً عَلَيها مُهجةً ضَيعتها
فَإِذا سَأَلتكما فَهَل أَلقاها