
The doves think

بيض الحمائم حسبهنه

1. The doves think
That I repeat their cooing,

١. بيضُ الحمائم حسبهنَّهْ
أني أُردِّدُ سجعهنّهْ

2. The symbol of safety and affection
Since the beginning of creation.

٢. رمزُ السلامة والودا
عة منذ بدءِ الخلق هُنَّه

3. In every garden above the vines
Laden with fruit, for them is their place,

٣. في كلِّ روض فوق دا
نيةِ القطوف لهنَّ أَّنهْ

4. And they fill the branches that
The breeze has not stirred in the garden.

٤. ويملْنَ والأَغصانَ ما
خَطَرَ النسيمُ بروضهنَّه

5. When the hot wind blows they flutter
Towards their pond,

٥. فإذا صلاهنَّ الهجي
ر هببْنَ نحو غدير هنَّه

6. They descend after the heat like
Revelation whose meaning none can grasp.

٦. يهبطن بعد الحومْ مث
ل الوحي لا تدري بهَّه

7. When they alight on the pond their flocks
Arrange themselves,

٧. فإذا وقعن على الغديْ
ر ترتبتْ أسرابهنَّه

8. Lining the two banks winding
With their standing.

٨. صفَّيْن طول الضّفَّتي
ن تعرَّجا بوقوفهنَّه

9. Each kisses its reflection
In the water at drinking time,

٩. كلٌّ تقبِّلُ رسمَها
في الماءِ ساعةَ شُربهنَّهْ

10. Quenching the heat of their bodies
By dipping their breasts in it.

١٠. يطفئنَ حرَّ جسومهن
نَ بغمسهنَّ صدور هَنَّه

11. Spray springs when they shake themselves
As pearls on their heads,

١١. يقعُ الرَّشاشُ إذا انتفضْ
نَ لآلئاً لرؤوسهنَّه

12. And they fly after bathing
Back to their nests.

١٢. ويطرْنَ بعد الابترا
د إلى الغصونِ مهودهنَّه

13. Wings lined up tell you
How happy they are,

١٣. تُنبيك أجنحةٌ تصف
فق كيف كان سرورهنَّه

14. And their play delights you
When they squat on their feathers.

١٤. ويُقر عينَكَ عبثهن
ن إذا جَثَمْن بريشهنّه

15. You imagine them headless
When night swallows them,

١٥. وتخالهنّ بلا رؤو
س حين يُقبلُ ليلهنّه

16. Hiding under the wings, sleeping
With eyes filled.

١٦. أخفينها تحت الجنا
ح ونمن ملءَ جفونهنّه

17. How often their cooing teased me,
And I envied them their gowns!

١٧. كم هجنني ورويتُ هن
هنّ الهديلَ فديتهنَّه

18. The beneficent to the sick
Are like them at dawn.

١٨. المحسناتُ إلى المري
ض غدونَ أشباهاً لهنّهْ

19. The garden is like a hospital
Whose medicine is their cheer.

١٩. الروّض كالمستشفيا
تِ دواؤها إيناسهنّه

20. Electricity and its techniques
Are less potent than their glances.

٢٠. ما الكهرباء وطبّها
بأجلَّ من نظراتهنّه

21. Their sympathy and kindness cure
More effectively than medicine,

٢١. يشفي العليلَ عناؤهن
نَ وعطفهنّ ولطفهنّه

22. Though it be bitter, a sweetness
From the charm of their speech.

٢٢. مُرُّ الدواء يفيك حل
وٌ من عذوبة نطقهنّهْ

23. But let me distinguish
Between doves and them -

٢٣. مهلاً فعندي فارقٌ
بين الحمام وبينهنّه

24. Sometimes the doves may cease
Their singing in the darkness.

٢٤. فلربما انقطع الحما
ئم في الدُّجى عن شدوهنّه

25. As for a beauty's kindness,
It is there night and day.

٢٥. أمَّا جميلُ المحسنا
ت ففي النهار وفي الدجنّه