1. How you seduced me and were harshly aloof,
My darling who gave so little yet took so much.
١. كَيفَ أَغوَيتني وَأَمعَنت صَدا
يا حَبيبياً أَعطى قَليلاً وَأَكدى
2. My heart wished ignorance of love, if it were to
See how it brings sickness and torment as such.
٢. وَدَّ قَلبي لَو يَجهل الحُب لَما
أَن رَآه يَحول سَقماً وَوَجدا
3. My ribs complained of the heart's fiery ache.
Did we ever know love to be peaceful or cold?
٣. وَشَكَت أَضلُعي مِن القَلب ناراً
هَل عَهدن الهَوى سَلاماً وَبَردا
4. Dawn rose smiling, so gaze
At the stars of dusk whimpering as they fold.
٤. طَلَعَ الفَجر باسِماً فَتَأمل
بِنُجوم الدُجى تَرنّحُ سهدا
5. Like me bewildered, not knowing what's near,
Hiding with darkness, resting assured.
٥. هِيَ مثلي حيرى وَعَما قَريب
تَتَوارى مَع الظَلام وَتَهدا
6. I charged it with a message of yearning
And reproach, which I think it won't convey.
٦. لَكَ حَمّلتها رِسالة شَوقٍ
وَعِتاب أَظنها لا تَؤدى
7. I said to the birds, as the dawn turned them singing:
"O birds, what a morning in chorus you relay!"
٧. قُلت للطَير حينض أَصبَحَ يَشدو
أَيُّها الطَير عَم صَباحاً فَردّا
8. Then sang a song about a lover
Who was no tyrant, never went back on his word.
٨. ثُمَ غَنى أُنشودة عَن حَبيب
لَم يَكُن ظالِماً وَلا خان عَهدا
9. It ignited memories in me, then departed,
Not shot by a hunter - you sang quite absurd!
٩. أَضرم الذكريات بي ثُمَ وَلى
لا رَماكَ الصَياد أَسرفت جدا
10. My darling's cheeks gathered violets, jasmine, and roses,
A smile that never leaves his lips
١٠. جَمعَ اللَهُ في مَحيا حَبيبي
أُقحواناً وَياسميناً وَوَردا
11. Unless when I ask him to fulfill a promise.
I knew no loyalty, no vow made anger eclipse
١١. وَاِبتِساماً لا يَهجر الثَغر إِلّا
عِندَ قَولي لَهُ أَتنجز وَعدا
12. That gentle, affable smile.
١٢. لا عَرَفتُ الوَفا وَلا كانَ وَعدٌ
يَجعَل البَسمة الوَديعة حِقدا