
You are like the occupation, arrogance and pride

أنت كالاحتلال زهوا وكبرا

1. You are like the occupation, arrogance and pride
You are like the mandate, wonder and loss

١. أَنتَ كَالاحتلال زَهواً وَكبراً
أَنتَ كَالانتداب عجباً وَتيها

2. You are like the emigration they imposed
Your people have no stratagem for it

٢. أَنتَ كَالهجرة الَّتي فَرضوها
لَيسَ من حيلة لقومك فيها

3. You are more painful to me than the seller of land
You are his excuses he claims

٣. أَنتَ أَنكى مِن بائع الأرض عندي
أَنتَ أَعذاره الَّتي يدعيها

4. You have a face as though it were
A document on the condition it be prestigious

٤. لَكَ وَجه كَأَنَّهُ سَمسا
ر عَلى شَرط أَن يَكون وَجيها

5. And a forehead like a journal when
It could not find a decent, honest writer

٥. وَجَبين مثل الجَريدة لَما
لَم تَجد كاتِباً عَفيفاً نزيها

6. And talk in which there is common protestation
Every time they groom it, it returns loathsome

٦. وَحَديث فيهِ اِبتِذال اِحتِجاج
كُلَما نَمقوه عادَ كريها

7. You have gathered in yourself a gang of calamities
And I see every nation complaining of it

٧. جَمَعت فيك عصبة لِلبَلايا
وَأَرى كُل أُمة تَشتَكيها